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All Staff, Students and visitors
Dr Andrew Niikondo
Acting Vice-Chancellor
15 June 2020
Important prevention components are developed for the NUST workplace to ensure the health and safety of staff
and students by reducing the potential for COVID-19 transmission. These requirements apply to all staff members
and students who are allowed on campus during Government lockdown regulations, stage 3 and subsequently
stage 4. All departments/centres/institutes or units are required to document their COVID-19 prevention measures.
The included checklist can be used for that purpose.
This document is based on guidance from the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Namibian
guidelines for stage 3 under the State of Emergency, and is required to be implemented in all University work
All faculty and staff are urged to take basic preventative measures to prepare themselves and their families against
exposure to or infection of COVID-19. Faculty and staff who can work remotely are expected to do so. Reference is
specifically made to staff that fall in one of the following categories:
Vulnerable category/condition Elderly staff or those with pre-existing medical conditions (such as heart
disease, high blood pressure, respiratory problems, obesity, diabetes, expectant mothers, tuberculosis and
Staff with close family members at high risk of COVID-19 infections (such as emergency personnel, healthcare
providers, etc.)
Contact the Ministry of Health and Social Services Health care centre at telephone number 061 203 9111 for help
with feelings of stress or anxiety about these events, or 0800 100 100 for any of the COVID-19 symptoms.
The following measures shall be implemented at all entrances to ensure the safety of staff and students:
a) Body temperature check: The temperature of every person will be screened by recognizable security guards
at the gate before entering the campus. Screening shall consist of using a thermos laser gun (Results will be
shown to the person). Any person with a temperature above 38 Cͦ will be tested three (3) times at intervals of
5 minutes. If the temperature remains the same, s/he shall be denied access to NUST premises and referred
to the medical facilities of the Ministry of Health and Social Services (MoHSS) for medical assistance.
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b) Contact details: The full name, phone number, ID number and temperature of the person tested and recorded
above 380C, shall be recorded on the provided registration form and be communicated to the department of
Health and Safety at NUST (+264 61-207 2764).
c) Health questionnaire: A health questionnaire will be completed to determine if the person had any of the
following symptoms since his/her last day at work, or last visit on campus:
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Any two of these symptoms (Fever, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat,
loss of taste or smell)
If the person indicated any of these symptoms, he/she shall not be allowed to enter the campus and will be isolated
in a designated area
d) Hands shall be sanitised at the entrance;
e) All persons entering NUST premise are encouraged to wear face mask in compliance with Section 2, Subsection
2.2 of the Guidelines for Stage 3 under State of Emergency
a) Compliance with the following measures is necessary to prevent close contact between staff
Maintain a distance of at least 2m between persons at all times even if wearing a facemask.
Separate work stations by at least 2m or use physical barriers (e.g., sneeze guards).
Allow only occasional and sporadic passing within 2m spacing.
Limit the number of people in elevators. Only 5 persons shall be allowed inside a lift at any given time
Sustain social/physical distancing during tea/lunch breaks and at starting and ending of a shift.
Implement alternate break times to reduce staff numbers in tea/lunch rooms.
Limit face-to-face meetings to a maximum of 50 people, provided that all other precautions are observed
(maintaining spacing of 2m between persons, wearing of a mask and hand sanitising).
Staff are advised to take separate vehicles, where possible.
Postpone tasks until all protective measures are in place.
Implement work rotations to allow social distancing.
Avoid hugging and handshake greetings.
Restrict to one-at-a-time access at designated drop-off/pick-up points
Use drop boxes to collect items
b) Teaching/Learning venues
The number of students/occupants in class rooms and lecture halls shall be reduced to maintain and
accommodate the 2m or at least 1.5m social distance protocol
The Occupational Safety and Health Officer shall be conducting unannounced inspections, while Campus
control officers shall monitor compliance with COVID-19 guidelines via CCTV equipment.
No student or lecturer shall be allowed in the lecture hall or class room without wearing a facemask;
All ventilation systems and windows shall be maintained to ensure good hygiene at all times.
Entrance to every library and computer rooms shall be regulated to comply with social distancing.
Deans, Directors and HoDs must liaise with Support Services for continued supply of hand sanitizers.
c) Planning offices/work areas
Reduce the number of people in a work area at the same time.
Small, narrow offices/facilities of 14 square meters must accommodate only one person at a time.
Work areas larger than 18 square meters must keep the number of persons to a minimum.
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d) Transport Services
All NUST vehicles shall be sanitised after use of every Driver.
The buses for transporting students shall be sanitised before and after use.
The number of passengers shall be limited to comply with physical distancing.
All passengers must wear a facemask and have their hands disinfected before boarding the bus;
The Driver of the bus/vehicle shall wear a facemask at all times
Any staff member or student, who is sick or experiencing even mild symptoms of illness, must stay home. If
symptoms of illness are experienced while on campus, staff/student must leave the campus immediately. Any staff
member or student who experiences symptoms of COVID-19 infection such as fever, cough, shortness of breath,
loss of taste and/or smell, chills, or other respiratory symptoms, such as sore throat, sneezing or runny nose must
comply with the following instructions:
Separate yourself from others.
Avoid common areas where people gather.
Practice good hygiene.
Wear a facemask.
Contact the Ministry toll free number 0800 100 100 in advance. Please do not show up at a clinic, urgent
care centre or other health-care facility without contacting them first.
If the Ministry confirmed or suspects that you have COVID-19, contact the Health and Safety office at
telephone number 061 207 2764 for case tracking and follow-up.
All University staff and students must report suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19 to the Health and Safety
The Department of Facilities will follow the COVID-19 Enhanced Cleaning and Disinfection Protocols to disinfect
areas where a person with symptoms of respiratory illness spent time on Campus.
The Human Resources (HR) Department has arrangements in place for staff regarding time away from work.
Please consult with your HR business partner with issues pertaining to your work arrangements.
All staff is reminded that they can reduce the risk of spreading corona viruses by taking these steps to help prevent
Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If water is not available, use hand sanitizer
with at least 70% alcohol.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.
Avoid contact with people who are sick.
Stay home when sick and avoid close contact with others.
Cover your mouth and nose with your elbow or a tissue when coughing or sneezing, and immediately
dispose of the used tissue.
Extra hand washing or sanitising stations will be set up around Campus.
Staff must wash their hands after touching any surface/tool suspected of being contaminated, before and
after eating or using the restroom, and before touching their face.
Key times to wash your hands
Before, during, and after preparing food
Before eating food
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Before and after caring for someone at home who is sick
Before and after treating a cut or wound
Before exiting the laboratory
After using the toilet
After contact with high touch surfaces (e.g., elevators, lobby areas, reception desks, etc.)
After blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing
After removing gloves or other personal protective equipment.
After touching an animal or animal waste
After touching waste
Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces, e.g., door knobs, tables, computer keyboards and
handrails regularly to maintain good hygiene at all times.
Implement and maintain a general housekeeping cleaning schedule to prevent build-up of dirt.
Make cleaning supplies available for cleaners to do spot cleaning when necessary.
Wipe down shared equipment after each use.
Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for use of all cleaning and disinfecting products, and use personal
protective equipment as required.
a) Public places
All public toilets shall be cleaned regularly and disinfected to maintain a high standard of hygiene.
Public toilets shall be fitted with dispensers for the liquid hand washing soaps and disposal towels.
b) Office spaces
All surfaces, tables and chairs and general printers shall be regularly cleaned and disinfected with
prescribed cleaning products containing 70% alcohol.
Cleaning of the offices, door handles, light switches and elevator buttons will be done on regular basis.
All offices have functional windows as per the Health and Safety Regulations.
NUST staff members sharing office space must adhere to social distancing.
All clients are encouraged to make online payments or enquiries to reduce unnecessary queuing up.
c) Lecture Halls, Laboratories and the Library
All NUST premises will be disinfected and decontaminated including all class rooms, hostels, laboratories,
libraries and lecture halls. The inspection shall be monitored and conducted by designated NUST staff and
the Ministry of Health and Social Services’ Environmental Health Practitioners;
Counters, tables, chairs and all surfaces shall be regularly sanitised.
No student or lecturer shall be permitted to enter the class room without wearing a facemask.
Students and staff members are encouraged to make use of available hand washing facilities.
NUST has a reporting system for all malfunctioning of water and other infrastructure.
d) Hostels and Accommodation
All NUST hostels shall be decontaminated and disinfected.
Social distancing shall be maintained at all times.
Bathrooms shall be cleaned on a regular basis.
Disposal of waste shall be done on a regular basis.
Dysfunctional taps and toilets should be reported and fixed.
e) Food preparation and catering Services
All food processing outlets operating within NUST environment will be strictly subjected to the following
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Using of hand sanitizers at the entrance doors must be practiced at all times.
All foodstuffs shall be covered in a hygienic manner.
Only limited number of persons will be allowed to enter the cafeteria at a social distance of 1.5m.
Food shall only be issued on take-away basis.
All surfaces shall be cleaned and disinfected regularly.
Toilet facilities shall be cleaned regularly and installed with liquid hand washing soaps and disposable
Food handlers must always wear their PPE including the headdress.
Glass screens, where practicable, shall be installed at food serving counters/areas to prevent
contamination of food.
Tables and chair at the dining rooms shall be re-arranged to accommodate the social distancing
Areas that encounter challenges with basic prevention measures can consider the following alternatives to
provide protection for staff and students.
a) Engineering controls
Create designs that prevent air pathways of less than 2m, e.g. sneeze guards.
Ventilation that provides a clean air supply to a worker’s breathing zone.
b) Health Surveillance
NUST will implement health surveillance to identify early signs of infection, and separate staff/students
who may present a risk to others.
Daily screenings will be done to track symptoms and risks for contracting COVID-19.
Staff/Students who are at higher risk for COVID-19 should consult with their primary care provider.
It is encouraged to self-report to the Ministry of Health and Social Services toll free number 0800 100 100
if any COVID-19 symptoms are experienced.
c) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Personal protective equipment (PPE) will prevent transmission of the disease. However, PPE has limitations and
will increase the burden on the staff/students. Other controls should be considered first, but in certain situations
it may be the best option.
Face shields can prevent direct exposure and provide splash/spray protection from infectants. They will be
procured for selected areas (i.e. front office, lecturers)
Facemasks prevent exposures to others when the wearer coughs or sneezes. Facemasks do not replace
the need for social and physical distancing, frequent hand washing, avoiding touching the face, and staying
away from people who are ill. Everyone will be required to wear a face mask.
Surgical/medical mask are prioritized for healthcare providers and clinic staff doing work to support critical
operations. ONLY clinic staff will be given surgical/medical masks
Staff and students shall be informed not touch their mouth, nose, eyes, and nearby surfaces when putting
on, using, and removing PPE and masks and to wash hands before putting on and after removing PPE and
Due to the expanding COVID-19 pandemic, and scarcity of the protective items, measures to conserve personal
protective equipment (PPE) will be put in place (i.e. Only issuing limited PPE per person, and that if it is damaged,
the person shall replace it at own cost).
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Education and awareness is an important aspect in helping to curb the spread of the corona virus. Regular
information will be disseminated to inform staff of guidance, such as social distancing, proper hygiene and methods
to keep work areas clean that can help prevent the spread of COVID-19.
a) Communicating safe practices
To keep the NUST community informed about COVID-19, all departments will be required to communicate to staff
about ways to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
The Campus has posters and graphics in various work areas and common areas, such as in break rooms, lunch
rooms, lobbies and bathrooms. More posters can be obtained from the Department of Facilities.
b) Hazard communication
It is important to inform all staff working with chemical disinfectants about the potential hazards. Chemical
disinfectant exposure may cause health issues if used improperly, thus health and safety considerations shall be
practiced prior product use.
Health & Safety will provide information about working safely with disinfectants as well as guidance to PPE and
how to properly use it.
There are concerns that the disease might spread through the NUST community as we open up the campus. Contact
tracing allows the University to know who needs to get tested.
A tracing log book shall be available at the entrances to campus. Also refer to section 2 (c) above
a) Contact tracing APP
It is recommended that all staff and students download the Namco trace APP from the Google APP store and
register. The App will help with staying informed about risk based on your location history and associated symptoms.
It also notify you with real-time alerts if someone you have met or someone near you have tested positive for
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All University departments or units are required to document their workplace COVID-19 prevention measures and review them with staff and students. This checklist may
be used for that purpose.
Completed by:
Describe how you are
implementing the social distancing
requirements (maintaining 2m
spacing between people,
minimizing interpersonal contact).
Describe how you are
communicating social distancing
requirements to workers, students
and visitors.
Remote working options offered
Shifts/break times/start times staggered
Maximum space capacity determined based on room size
In-person meetings (conference call, virtual) limited
Non-critical in person meetings postponed
Spread out work areas/physically separate work space
Allowing only infrequent/intermittent passing within 2m in
between staff
Minimizing the number of people in a work area
Designated drop-off/pick-up areas for shared tools and
Posters/signage/floor markings installed or posted
Communicated during meetings
Email communication
Established policies and procedures
Provided notice to vendors/contractors
Provided notices to visitors
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Describe how you are preventing
people with symptoms from
coming to campus and/or working
while sick.
Describe practices for responding
to suspected or confirmed COVID-
19 cases.
Describe the reporting procedures
followed if staff tests positive for
Describe the procedures used to
clean and disinfect general areas
and high-touch surfaces.
List the product(s) used to clean
and disinfect.
Following directives and policies for time away from work
Process in place for symptom monitoring or verification
Requiring staff who may be ill or symptomatic to stay (or go)
Asking staff with COVID-19 symptoms to stay home and contact
their healthcare provider (Toll Free: 0800 100 100)
Notification to a University Health and Safety Office
Performing enhanced cleaning and disinfection
Notifying the Health and Safety Office
Notifying my supervisor
Notifying my family
Following a cleaning schedule
Cleaning supplies are available for spot cleaning
Cleaning and disinfecting high touch surfaces daily, between
uses or when unclean
Wiping down shared equipment/objects after each use (e.g.,
door/refrigerator/microwave handles)
Following NUST COVID-19 Enhanced Cleaning and Disinfection
Alcohol solution with at least 70% alcohol
10% bleach/water solution
Other disinfectant for use against SARS-CoV-2:
a. Manufacturer:___________________
b. Name: __________________
c. EPA Registration #:____________________
Describe the safety precautions
that are taken when using
Reviewing safety data sheet (SDS) for each product
Reviewing COVID-19 Chemical Disinfectant Safety Information
Following manufacturer’s instructions for products use
Using personal protective equipment (PPE)
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Use engineering controls.
Administrative control.
Conducting health
surveillance/symptom screening.
Provide personal protective
equipment (PPE) and guidance on
how to use it.
Communicating safe practices.
Communicate hazards and
safeguards to protect staff.
Barriers to block direct pathways between individuals are
installed (i.e. Sneeze guards)
Designs to prevent air pathways less than 2m have been created
Water-resistant covers over absorbent surfaces installed
Ensuring good ventilation in work areas
Tasks have been rescheduled
Work tasks have been modified
Organized work tasks to facilitate social distancing
Performing daily symptom screening to ensure ill staff do not
enter the campus
Consulting with Health and Safety Office
Discussing arrangements for staff at higher risk of severe illness
with your HR Business partners
Face shields/Face masks are worn
Respirators are worn
Surgical/medical masks are worn
Providing instructions on the use, care, cleaning, maintenance,
disposal of PPE
Posters/signage are installed and/or posted
Email communications have been sent
Information is covered in staff meetings
Sharing information from the NUST Novel corona virus & COVID-
19: facts and resources webpage
Providing information about working safely with disinfectants
Communicating the hazards and safeguards required to protect
individuals from exposure
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