20200528_Statement by President Hage G Geingob COVID-19 Migration

20200528_Statement by President Hage G Geingob COVID-19 Migration

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Check Against Delivery

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Fellow Namibians,
I would like to welcome all of you to this press
briefing to inform the nation on the latest
developments with regards to the COVID-19
situation in Namibia. At the onset I wish to
express my utmost gratitude to the Vice
President, the Prime Minister, Minister of
Health, the Government of Namibia, as well as
the Private Sector, Civil Society, faith-based
organisations, Media and Academia, for your
unwavering support as we endeavor to contain
this pandemic in our country.
I also want to express my sincere appreciation
to all Namibians who have pulled together in a
Harambee Spirit, enduring the difficulty and
limitations under lockdown to ensure that we
keep the COVID-19 situation under control.

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I am aware that the lockdowns are not easy to
endure, as they infringe on our rights as human
beings but I am glad to note that as Namibians,
we have adopted a selfless approach and
understood that to win the war against this
invisible enemy, we need to make sacrifices that
go far and beyond the norm.
Our efforts have not gone unnoticed and have
garnered praise in the international media for
our response to COVID-19, which has involved a
collective response of many stakeholders, both
governmental and non-governmental. This
should motivate us to persevere against this
challenge as a united force until we are able to
rid our society of all COVID-19 cases.
You may recall that on April 30, 2020,

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Government announced the gradual reopening
of social and economic activities under the State
of Emergency.
This meant that all 14 regions of the country
migrated from a full lockdown under STAGE 1
which lasted a period of 38 days - to more
reduced restrictions with Strict Precautionary
measures under STAGE 2. STAGE 2 is due to
lapse at midnight on Monday, 01st June 2020,
following a 28-day observance period or two
incubation periods.
It has been 76 days since we mobilized
Namibia’s National Response to COVID-19,
following confirmation of the Index Case on
March 13, 2020. Our country has to date
recorded 22 confirmed cases, which have all
been classified to be sporadic and travel related.

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There has been up to this point, no incidence of
community transmission in Namibia. Of the
persons diagnosed with the coronavirus, 14
have recovered and are reunited with their
families. Fortunately, there has been no
COVID-19 related death in the country to date. I
wish the remaining 8 patients a full recovery.
Namibia sustained a 45-day period of zero new
infections, until a rise in new infections which
began on 20 May 2020. Since then, there have
been six (6) new confirmed cases. All the new
cases have been placed into isolation facilities at
/Kharas, Hardap and Erongo regions. The
identification, contact tracing, testing and
quarantine of exposed individuals, is ongoing.
Fellow Namibians,

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From the onset, I have maintained that the
health of Namibians remains our first priority.
Government acknowledges that actions taken to
strike a balance between protecting the lives
and livelihoods of Namibians has been
challenging for business, workers and
households, alike. These have not been easy
decisions, however they have been taken in
good faith, to safeguard Namibian lives for
today and tomorrow.
Despite the measures that we have put in place,
let us maintain the respect of human dignity and
express compassion towards one another as
Namibians. Therefore, I ask that our men and
women in uniform who have done a sterling job
during this difficult time, desist from using
heavy-handedness in enforcing the Regulations.

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Cabinet met on Tuesday, 26 May 2020 to
evaluate available data and assess our national
level of preparedness to respond to COVID-19.
We deliberated extensively on the measures to
reopen the economy without risking reversal of
public health gains made. Based on key
indicators derived from a weekly Monitoring
Dashboard, there is merit to further migrate to a
level of reduced restriction.
Therefore, at midnight on Monday 01st June
2020 all 14 regions, with the exception of the
Walvis Bay Local Authority Area, will transit
from STAGE 2 to more moderate precautions
under STAGE 3, until 29 June 2020, for a period
of 28 days or two incubation periods.
Due to recent developments the Walvis Bay
Local Authority Area will revert to STAGE 1 with

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immediate feedback for an extended period of 7
days and will remain effective until midnight 08
June 2020. This strict but necessary restriction
on the movement of people is needed to
ascertain the extent of possible spread of the
disease. The few days also enable the Public
Health Sector to identify, trace and test those
who have come into contact with the two
confirmed cases. The Minister of Health will
provide a more elaborate explanation regarding
the rationale behind this decision.
Government will continue to closely monitor the
situation on daily basis and take appropriate
action, as matters unfold.
I have been approached by the Churches, which
continue to fulfill an important role in our
communities, providing spiritual guidance and

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physical nourishment to our communities during
these challenging times. With the increase of
the public gathering limit to 50 people under
stage 3, we look forward to an increased
presence of our church leaders, clergy and
members of congregations in helping to bring
the message of hope as well as much needed
relief to the afflicted. We remain committed to
partnering with our Churches and other faith-
based organizations in defeating this
unprecedented pandemic.
In conclusion,
A relaxation in restrictions does not imply the
disappearance of COVID-19 from our midst. To
the contrary, reduced restrictions demand
heightened personal vigilance and greater
responsibility on individuals, communities and

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institutions, alike. The public is urged to support
Government action by not becoming
complacent, but by complying with the
Regulations and cooperating with authorities to
safeguard the collective health of the Nation.
Once again, I would like to thank Namibians for
their support and also emphasize that we must
maintain unity of purpose, hold hands and pull
together with a sense of urgency. Let us work
together to maintain our safety and health.
Through collective vision, through unity of
purpose, we will defeat this invisible enemy.
I now invite the Minister of Health and Social
Services to outline the detailed Guidelines under
Stage 3.
Thank you.