20200420_namibiansun_Govt silent on debt relief

20200420_namibiansun_Govt silent on debt relief

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We have no answers now. - Tonateni Shidhudhu, Chief PRO, Ministry of finance
Jo-Maré Duddy - The ministry of finance has refused to give an indication of whether
government has received any relief on its debt repayments following widespread
meetings from global powerhouses last week to suspend debt service payments for
countries severely impact by the Covid-19 pandemic.
Market Watch asked the chief public relations officer at the ministry, Tonateni
Shidhudhu, on Thursday whether government has received any debt holidays from any
instituitions. Shidhudhu responded that he would answer later.
On Friday morning, Market Watch asked for feedback again, to which Shidhudhu
responded: “We have no answers now.”
Yesterday morning, several journalists on the ministry's WhatsApp group for reporters
pressed for feedback on the same issue. They were ignored.
Nearly 50% of total government debt matures in less than two years, including the first
Eurobond of US$500 million.
G20, Paris Club
United Nations secretary-general Antonio Guterres on Friday urged creditors to grant a
debt standstill for all developing countries, not just the poorest, warning that many faced
debt distress due to a global recession triggered by the coronavirus pandemic.

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Guterres told a virtual conference on Africa hosted by the World Bank and International
Monetary Fund (IMF) that the continent needed more than US$200 billion to respond to
the pandemic and mitigate its economic impact.
G20 officials and Paris Club creditors agreed on Wednesday to suspend debt service
payments for the world's poorest countries through the end of the year, a move
matched by a group of hundreds of private creditors.
But finance ministers and a growing chorus of non-profit groups are calling for broader
debt relief to help other low- and middle-income countries that are also plagued by high
debt burdens as they brace for worsening pandemic impacts.
In Africa, eligible countries owed private sector creditors US$16 billion in payments in
2020, or 10% of fiscal revenue, compared to US$6 billion owed to official bilateral
creditors, the IMF and World Bank briefing paper said.
"Contingent on a more severe growth and revenue downturn, a broader group of
countries may require debt relief and existing arrangements extended," it said.
African leaders
The IMF and World Bank said on Friday that official creditors have mobilised up to US$57
billion in loans and grants for Africa in 2020 to aid the continent's response and recovery
from the coronavirus pandemic.
In a joint statement issued after a videoconference with African leaders, the World Bank
and IMF said the total includes more than US$18 billion from each of the two institutions
for front line health services, support the poor and vulnerable and to keep economies
afloat amid the worst economic downturn since the 1930s.
African leaders, the IMF and the World Bank on Friday appealed for rapid international
action to help African countries respond to the coronavirus pandemic that will cause the
continent's economy to shrink by 1.25% in 2020, the worst reading on record.
IMF managing director Kristalina Georgieva told ministers, UN officials and others that
the African continent lacked the resources and healthcare capacity to address the crisis,
and needed at least US$114 billion to cover urgent fiscal needs.
Even after pledges of support from bilateral, multilateral and private creditors, Africa
faced a gap of around US$44 billion, officials told the "Mobilising with Africa" conference
held online during the spring meetings of the World Bank and IMF.
"This pandemic has already had a devastating impact on Africa and its effects will
deepen as the rate of infection rises. It is a setback for the progress we have made to
eradicate poverty, inequality and underdevelopment,” said South African president Cyril
Ramaphosa, who chairs the African Union.
"Large financing gaps remain and greater support is needed to ensure that African

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countries are able to respond effectively to the health crisis and address economic
challenges,” he said in a joint statement release by the IMF and World Bank.
In a joint briefing paper, the IMF and World Bank warned that the widespread lack of
basic sanitation in Africa and a large share of the population with pre-existing medical
conditions risked a wider and more lethal spread of the disease.
Costs could rise substantially if the health shock was prolonged, forcing containment
policies to remain in place longer and making economic recovery slower and less robust,
it said.
Estimates showed that it would cost about US$36 billion to treat patients if 10% of
Africa's population became infected with Covid-19, the respiratory disease caused by the
World Bank Group president David Malpass said the bank had already provided
emergency support to 30 countries across Africa, with more to come, and it would
continue to advocate for debt relief and increased resources.
"No one can stand on the sidelines; we cannot leave any country behind in our
response,” he said. Of US$160 billion in emergency funding the World Bank expects to
provide over the next 15 months, US$55 billion would go to Africa, he said.
Non-profit groups have called for the IMF to raise additional resourcing by selling some
of its gold reserves or issuing an allocation of Special Drawing Rights, the currency of the
global lender. Washington opposes an SDR allocation, which is akin to a central bank
"printing" new money. - Own report and Nampa/Reuters/AFP