Virtual Private Network (VPN)
A NUST Virtual Private Network (VPN) has been created for staff members. A VPN allows staff
members to securely connect their devices (PC or laptop) from their ‘home/external’ network to the
NUST network (e.g. staff intranet, ITS) over the internet.
A guide on how to access the VPN’ is_ accessible on the NUST_ website: For assistance, please contact the ICT Helpdesk via telephone,
cellphone, WhatsApp or e-mail.
Open Virtual Desktop (OVD)
An Open Virtual Desktop (OVD) environment, still in testing phase, is being set up to allow staff
members full access to a complete business desktop from own devices (PC, smartphone or tablet)
from the comfort of their home.
A virtual desktop shall provide a user’s desktop environment (wallpaper, windows, folders, Microsoft
Office, Adobe Pro DC, shared folders, ITS etc.) provided you have an internet connection.
A guide on how to access the OVD shall be accessible on the NUST website when testing is concluded.
For assistance, please contact the ICT Helpdesk via telephone, cellphone, WhatsApp or e-mail.
Other Services
We are still working on other ICT services, which shall be announced as they are fully operational.