COVID-19 Confirmation Statement-2

COVID-19 Confirmation Statement-2

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14 MARCH 2020
*Check Against Delivery

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Ladies and Gentlemen of the Media! When we met last time, I informed you that we
will invite you to share with you and the public at large new development as far as
COVID-19 is concerned. I thank you for responding to our invitation this morning
albeit on a short notice.
The COVID-19 outbreak has been spreading around the world since its announcement
in the City of Wuhan, in Hubei Province in China. With a sober heart, I must announce
this morning that COVID-19 has reached our country. The positive COVID-19 results
were received last night, on Friday, the 13" March 2020 at around 21:00. The tests
were conducted on two travellers who came to Namibia from Spain. The travellers,
who are a couple, started their journey from Madrid, Spain, via Doha, Qatar and arrived
in Windhoek on Wednesday, the 11" March 2020.
On arrival at Hosea Kutako International Airport, the couple were screened like all
other passengers and also completed travel declarations as is procedure. The screening
procedure did not reveal any signs to cause concern, such as high fever.
Later on the same day, one of the couple presented to a private medical practice with
complaints of a cough. The attending medical doctor, taking into account, the travel
history of the individual determined that samples should be taken for confirmatory test
of COVID-19. The specimen were sent to a private laboratory, which in turn sent them
for testing in South Africa. As I stated earlier, the test results were received from South
Africa yesterday night. Thus, I hereby announce that there are two confirmed cases of
COVID-19 in Namibia.
The couple to who the positive results relate were immediately quarantined and contact
tracing commenced. This will be intensified to ensure that all contacts are traced in
order to protect the Namibian public and prevent community transmission.
This development demands extra-ordinary action by Government. It calls for greater
unity of purpose and actions by all of us as Namibians. The government shall introduce
additional measures in the COVID-19 response. These measures will be announced as
soon as they are finalised.
The World Health Organization, the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention
(Africa-CDC) and the Southern African Development Community (SADC) have
provided guidelines on response to the outbreak. These guidelines have guided
Namibia’s response to date. It is in the same spirit that these new measures are being
The Ministry wishes to remind travellers that health screenings are mandatory, and a
health declaration is to be completed upon arrival at all Namibian Points of Entry. The
declaration allows health authorities to contact travellers and their contacts, should the
need arise to do so. No incidences of Covid-19 are confirmed at this stage within the
borders of the Republic of Namibia.
The Ministry reminds all persons within our borders (Namibians and travellers alike)
to be extra vigilant and practice hygiene diligently. This is paramount and it is vital to
protect our people and prevent further spread of the disease. Thus, it is strongly
recommended to practice good personal basic hygiene, and specifically to always:
Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after you have
been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.

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If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least
70% alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
Put distance between yourself and other people if COVID-19 is spreading in your
10. All official and authenticated information about the COVID-19 outbreak are to be and
will be communicated through the Ministry of Health and Social Services to ensure the
nation is adequately and correctly informed. The public is thus advised to cease and
desist from distributing unverified information that have the potential to cause public
panic, alarm and consternation.
I call on private service providers to join us in the fight against COVID-19. All
Suspected cases must be reported to the Ministry and all results, positive or negative
must be communicated to the Ministry immediately upon their receipt. I am
encouraged by the fact that some private service providers have approached the
Ministry and offered their service. This is really a welcome development.
I call on the public to remain calm and to practise preventive measures. I further call
on the public to respect the privacy of the couple concerned.
13. I wish to emphazise and appeal to all Namibians that to combat the further spread of
this disease, we must rally together and confront this threat as One Namibia and One
Nation. It is in our best interest to stand in unison for the wellbeing of our people and
our country.
I thank you.