NamibiaHacksCovid19 Call Final

NamibiaHacksCovid19 Call Final

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Join in to fight COVID19 in Namibia!
StartUp Namibia will host a 54-hour Hackathon
in the weekend of 17-19 April 2020 titled
#NamibiaHacksCovid19. The online event will
focus on accelerating solutions to support the
health system and businesses during this tough
time. We will bring together Namibia’s talent and
jointly meet the challenges our society is facing
as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak.
Teams of 3 to 6 may enter the hackathon, which
will be coordinated via digital platforms. Due
to the Lockdown and the State of Emergency
measures in place, the event will be exclusively
digital and there will be no physical gatherings.
The #NamibiaHacksCovid19 Hackathon
will hack solutions for two main problems:
1. HEALTH: the teams will develop new
innovative ideas that address and scale a range
of health initiatives, including preventative/
hygiene behaviors, supporting frontline health
workers, scaling telemedicine, contact tracing/
containment strategies, treatment and diagnosis
2. BUSINESS CONTINUITY: the teams will
come off with solutions to the problems that
businesses are facing to stay afloat, collaborate
Me HK effectively and move parts of their business
online. This includes sectors that are specially
affected like tourism, construction, informal
vendors, etc.
#NamibiaHacksCovid19 is open to the tech
sector, interdisciplinary teams, developer
communities, University students, health
professionals and businesses. The Hackathon
will be judged by an interdisciplinary judging
panel on social impact, degree of innovation,
feasibility and scalability, how close the solution
is to making it to the market, and its ease of use.
The winners of the #NamibiaHacksCovid19
Hackathon will walk away with a cash prize
of NS 50.000 while the runner up will get
NS 25.000. The third prize is NS 15.000.
Prizes will be given both in the Health and
Business Continuity categories.
Apply today and help Namibia develop solutions
that address the most pressing health, technical,
social, and financial issues caused by the
COVID-19 outbreak.
To register go to
Follow our official hashtag and join the Facebook
Group StartUp Namibia Hackathon for regular
updates: #4NamibiaHacksCovid19