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3 February 2021
*Check against Deliver

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Your Excellency, Dr. Hage G. Geingob, President of the Republic of Namibia,
Your Excellency, Dr. Nangolo Mbumba, Vice President,
Right Honourable Prime Minister, Dr. Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila,
Honourable Ministers,
Senior Government Officials,
Members of the Media,
Dear Compatriots!
1. As it has become customary, we continue to review and adjust our preparedness and
response measures to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. It was on 13 March 2020 when
Namibia recorded and reported her index positive COVID-19 case. In the ensuing months,
Government has put in interventions aimed at suppressing the spread of the virus and
protect the lives of Namibian people. Despite many challenges, these interventions have
served our country well. I take this opportunity to commend our frontline workers, who
have literally put their lives on the line in order to save others. I also wish to extend our
appreciation to our development co-operation partners who have stood with us, planned
with us, and supported our efforts during this difficult time.
2. As alluded to by His Excellency, the Public Health Measures announced on the occasion
of the 23rd COVID-19 Briefing here at State House, will expire at midnight tonight. We
are therefore announcing amendments and adjustments to the Regulations, as part of
efforts to ensure that our response remains attuned to, and responsive to effectively combat
the pandemic.
3. The last few weeks have seen an upward trajectory in the number of cases. In fact, the
peak of the first wave in August which reached 316 cases has been eclipsed by the second
wave which reached 683 on 25 December 2020. Similarly, the number of deaths has also
increased, surpassing the figures in our disease projections models which indicate that
Namibia would have recorded 338 deaths due to COVID-19 by March 2021. By 2nd
February 2021, Namibia has recorded 355 deaths. Although the number of deaths is high,
other figures, such those related to the projected number of infections, hospitalizations,
case severity, have not been overshot. Comparatively, Namibia has done relatively well
in terms of the numbers of COVID-19 tests conducted, as we have significantly increased
local testing capacity and reduced the backlog such that the results now can be available
between 24 and 48 hours.
4. We have also completed the validation of antigen Rapid Test Kits. This will allow for
speedier and timely isolation of positive cases as well as expedited testing for departing
tourists for jurisdictions that accept negative Rapid Test results for returning passengers.
5. As I indicated, our response and preparedness measures are adjusted on a regular basis,
taking into account epidemiological, economic and social variables. The following
amendments have been made to the COVID-19 Public Health Regulations in line with the
Public and Environmental Health Act of 2015. Where no amendments have been effected,
the Regulations as gazetted will continue to apply. These measures are extended to the
24th February 2021 at 24:00. I will highlight only some of the regulations hereunder:

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5.1. Regulation 3:
Wearing of Masks
The Regulation is extended unchanged. The Ministry of Education Arts and Culture has
issued comprehensive guidelines relating to the wearing of masks by children under the
age of 5 years.
5.2. Regulation 4:
Public Gatherings
This regulation is extended unchanged.
5.3. Regulation 4 A: Restriction of Movement (Curfew)
This regulation is extended unchanged. However, the curfew has been amended to starts
at 22:00 and ends at 05:00.
5.4. Regulation 5:
Restrictions Relating to Liquor
This regulation is extended unchanged.
5.5. Regulation 6:
Resumption of business operations and activities
Businesses are allowed to operate within their normal working hours, with adherence to
COVID-19 protocols, and subject to Regulations 4 and 5.
5.6. Regulation 7:
Additional provisions relating to work place
This regulation is extended unchanged.
5.7. Regulation 7A: Restrictions related to certain activities
This regulation is extended unchanged.
5.8. Regulation 8:
Restrictions related to Entry into Namibia
This regulation is extended unchanged. However, travelers vaccinated against COVID-
19 are required to provide a negative COVID-19 test prior to entry in the country.
Returning Namibians without a negative COVID-19 test results, will be subjected to
quarantine and testing at own cost.
5.9. Regulation 9:
Quarantine and COVID-19 Testing
This regulation is extended unchanged.
5.10. Regulation 10: Public Transport
This regulation is extended unchanged.
5.11. Regulation 16: COVID-19 Deaths and Burials
I will speak at some length on this matter given the public response and interest in it.
6. Burial of a person who died of Covid-19 complications
Protocols on safe burials of persons who died of Covid-19 have always been informed
by the latest medical evidence available at a particular time related to corona virus
infectivity, transmissibility and risk of exposure. The aim was and still remains to protect
those who are attending the burial from contracting the virus. I always say that we do not

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wish that one burial results in more burials. As new medical evidence becomes available,
we have always adjusted our burial protocols accordingly. Over the past month, we have
been reviewing new evidence related to burials of persons who died of Covid-19
complications and have adjusted our protocols on safe burials as follow:
6.1. A person who died from Covid-19 may be buried at the site which the family chooses and
not necessarily at the locality where the person has died as has been the case. The new
protocol in this regard states as follow:
“Families who choose to bury their loved one outside a locality where the death occurred
may do so at their own cost: provided that the human remains are handled by a
professional and registered undertaker who has been trained and certified by the State to
handle human remains of persons who succumb to notifiable infectious diseases, including
Such burial, will however be supervised by the officials from the Ministry of Health and
Social Services to ensure that all health protocols are observed.
6.2. The burial is handled either by the State as a safe burial or by an approved private
undertaker, taking into consideration the family’s cultural and religious beliefs. Cultural
or religious rites that the family may wish to perform, are permitted but must be conducted
in adherence to infection prevention and control safety measures. A register of persons
attending the burial should be kept. The ceremony at the burial site should not exceed two
(2) hours. Attendance at a burial must not exceed the maximum number of persons
allowed in the Regulations. This number excludes the staff members of the MOHSS and
the undertaker.
6.3. Close family members are allowed at a distance of three meters from the grave. Other
mourners must be stationed at a distance of not less than 10 meters from the grave.
Mourners must maintain a minimum of not less than two meters physical distancing from
one other.
6.4. A person who died of Covid-19 complication should be buried in the normal cemetery.
The grave should not be less than two (2) metres deep. The grave is covered with soft
sand by staff of the MOHSS or the undertaker until the coffin is covered. After that the
tools will be disinfected and the family members can fully cover the grave as long as they
are wearing the full PPE. Government will not supply such PPE.
6.5. Filing past the grave by relatives and mourners and throwing sand or flowers in the grave
is allowed provided that mourners do not stand at the grave but keep walking and provided
that they maintain a distance of not less than 1.5 meters between them.
6.6. The remains of a person who died outside Namibia due to Covid-19 complications shall
not be repatriated to Namibia. The remains of a person who died outside Namibia due to
Covid-19 complications shall be allowed in Namibia if the body has been cremated.
Embalming of the body does not qualify the body to be allowed in the country.
6.7. Psychosocial support is to be provided to the bereaved family by the assigned social
worker(s) as required. The aim is to improve the coping mechanisms of family members

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through bereavement counseling and to facilitate linkage with other service providers and
support systems.
7. COVID-19 Vaccination in Namibia
Namibia has made progress in preparation to acquire suitable COVID-19 vaccines. The
following milestones have been achieved.
Namibia has made financial commitment to purchase doses sufficient to vaccinate
20% of the target population through the COVAX Facility.
We have put in place mechanisms to ensure country readiness to roll out the
COVID-19 vaccines.
A National COVID-19 Deployment and Vaccination Plan has been developed.
The COVID-19 Vaccine Taskforce was established. The Task Force continues to
review the latest evidence, training needs of our health workers and all
regulatory/legal, and safety frameworks to ensure a high-quality vaccination
The Namibia Medical Regulatory Council is providing the necessary guidance and
regulatory oversight.
Vaccines go through stringent evaluation to ensure they are safe. In Namibia
Polio, Measles, Tuberculosis Prevention Vaccines have worked very well to
protect our people and to date we have those diseases under control. The COVID-
19 vaccination campaign will be rolled out under our Expanded Programme on
Vaccination (EPI).
8. Namibia will collaborate with Botswana in areas related to procurement of vaccine,
regulatory approval of vaccines, delivery of vaccines, bilateral agreement for vaccination
of citizens, sharing of evidence and best practice in vaccine deployment, technical
exchange visits and training, sharing surveillance reports, safety and reports of any
Adverse Event following immunization (AEFI) and other opportunities for collaboration
as they emerge.
9. Namibia will procure vaccines to immunize at least 60% of its population against Covid-
19. During the last briefing on the 13 January 2021, I informed the public that Namibia
will receive the first consignment of vaccines from the Covax Facility by the end of
January or beginning of February 2021. This was based on a formal letter from Covax
Facility, dated the 6 January 2021. Yesterday, I received another letter from Covax
Facility stating as follow:
“We are pleased to inform you that Namibia can expect to be distributed doses of
AstraZeneca vaccine....mid/late February, subject to WHO Emergency Use Listing
Apart from the Covax Facility, we are in discussion with manufacturers of Covid vaccines
in China, Russian Federation, India and United States of America for additional vaccines
supply to cover the remaining 40% of the population.
10. We are disturbed by misinformation and false claims against the safety and benefits of the
vaccines to individuals. Countries are scrambling to obtain vaccines for their citizens and

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individuals in Europe and USA are competing to be vaccinated and protected against
Covid-19. I call on the Namibian people not to be misled and to have faith in the
11. The second wave of Covid-19 has further highlighted the imperative of ensuring that our
people comply with the health measures. If we slip up and if we lower our guard, the
consequences will be dire and even deadly. For this reason, we must all do our part to
protect ourselves and our families. The power to defeat this pandemic is in our own hands.
12. I take this opportunity to thank you all for the cooperation you have shown in our fight
against Covid-19. When we all pull together in the same direction, there will be no longer
a need to maintain restrictive measures. Let us all work towards that goal.
I thank you.