20200911_Statement by President Hage G Geingob 17th COVID Update

20200911_Statement by President Hage G Geingob 17th COVID Update

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*Check Against Delivery.

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Good Afternoon, Fellow Namibians,
The situation in the country remains complex and it is evolving.
To date, Namibia has recorded a total number of 9,437 confirmed
cases: 4,898 of these have recovered and 4,441 remain active.
We deeply regret the loss of 98 Namibian lives to COVID-related
illnesses, of which 2 were health workers from Windhoek and
Swakopmund. The greatest expression of our humanity is found
in service to others. We therefore honour and thank our frontline
workers for their loyalty, bravery and willingness to place their
own lives at risk on a daily basis, in order to preserve others. May
the souls of the departed, rest in eternal peace.
Fellow Namibians,
Since the highest reported incident of daily new cases that of
316 on 23 August 2020 - the number of daily confirmed cases has
been declining. From 29 August, to date - the number of reported
new daily cases has declined, from an average of 227 to 181
cases per day. This represents a 20 percent reduction in the
average number of new cases reported daily, countrywide.
Geographically, we recorded during the same period, the
following reductions in the confirmed number of new infections:
Erongo Region by 50 percent, Khomas Region 24 percent;
Omusati Region 38 percent and in Oshana Region 32 percent.

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This suggests a slowing rate of transmission, which could be
attributable to the measures introduced, such as the countrywide
However, these signs are still in the early days and Namibia is still
relatively early into the epidemic, as far as the establishment of
community transmission in other parts of the country exists. The
number of new cases will continue to fluctuate because these
numbers are influenced by a range of factors, including the
national testing and tracing capacity, public compliance and
possibility of an upsurge in other parts of the country. The
epidemic remains dynamic and Namibians must therefore
continue to be vigilant in order to break the chain of
Regions which previously recorded lower cases, are now
recording rising rates of infection. This is a matter of concern.
New cases increased in the Kavango East Region by 138 percent,
78 percent in Otjozonjupa Region, 69 percent in //Kharas Region
and by 40 percent in Hardap Region. While the majority of people
do not become very ill from COVID-19, others with pre-existing
conditions can become gravely ill. In this regard, our hospitals are
reporting high patient volumes of COVID-19 related admissions.
The Government is, therefore, increasing the capacities for
testing as well as hospital-based isolation across the country. In
so doing, we will effectively identify, trace, manage and treat
COVID-19 patients, while and simultaneously suppress the
spread of the virus.

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While increasing testing capacity has been challenging, our
laboratories are working tirelessly to meet the increasing
demand. In the same vein, I appreciate and commend our
laboratory workers, for their diligent work in providing this
crucial service in our national response to this pandemic.
Fellow Namibians,
The current moderate precautionary measures under STAGE 3 of
the State of Emergency (which, are set to lapse at midnight on
Saturday), will be extended to all 14 regions of the country for an
additional five (5) days.
The following measures will apply to all 14 regions from Sunday,
13 September 2020 until midnight Thursday, 17 September 2020:
1.Travel restrictions into and out of the City of Windhoek,
Okahandja and Rehoboth Local Authority Areas remain in
2.International travel:
a.Travel out of Namibia will be permitted via Hosea Kutako
International Airport, subject to quarantine at own cost
upon return.
b.Entry and exit into Namibia for business travel purposes will
be permitted via Hosea Kutako International Airport. This is
in addition to the tourism revival initiative and subject to
quarantine at own cost upon arrival or return.

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3.The number of persons per public gathering is increased to a
maximum of 50, countrywide. This includes social gatherings
such as weddings, funerals and religious gatherings.
4.To complement economic activities, the daily curfew hours will
now commence from 22:00 to 05:00 countrywide.
5.The following business activities will be permitted to resume,
countrywide, including within the restricted areas of the City
of Windhoek, Okahandja and Rehoboth Local Authority:
a.Restaurants, Cafes & Informal Food Traders may reopen for
sit down meals and may sell alcohol for onsite consumption
b.For Shebeens, Bars and Liquor Outlets, trading hours for the
sale of alcohol will remain the same countrywide and
alcohol is only to be sold for off-site consumption.
c.Entertainment events, conferences and workshops may
resume, in compliance with the limit on public gatherings as
well as health and hygiene protocols.
d.Nightclubs and gambling houses are to remain closed for the
duration of this period. Due to the curfew, these businesses
may not be able to operate.
e.Contact sports will not be permitted to resume, considering
challenges to comply with public health measures. All non-
contact sports however, are permitted to continue as has
been the case. For those of you who may question why
contact sports, such as football, are taking place in Europe
for example, please note that these sports are taking place

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within a “Bubble” system where plays are completely
isolated from their families and the rest of the public.
f.All businesses are expected to adhere to the guidelines
stipulating the number of persons permitted inside an
establishment per square meter.
6.I urge all members of the public to maintain strict hand hygiene
and the wearing of masks at all times in public spaces. The
public should apply discretion and maintain social distancing
by staying home and avoiding large crowds; and maintain
physical distancing by keeping a distance of 1.5m between
persons. These basic measures are our first line of defense
against an enemy that we cannot see.
Sunday 13 September will mark exactly 6 months since the Index
Case was confirmed in our country. We are aware that our best
intended responses to the pandemic have had an adverse effect
on livelihoods and our economy. But these necessary measures
have helped shield many Namibians from experiencing severe
effects on their health and livelihoods. This is a complex social,
economic and health challenge, one that has induced public
discussions on how best to overcome the myriad of challenges we
face. In the process of responding to these challenges, let us do
so in a spirit of unity, in good faith and with the best intentions
for all in mind, and more specifically for our most vulnerable

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I am acutely aware that, for the past 6 months, the restrictions
have been more than daunting. But even as we grow weary, the
virus does not grow tired with us and we must therefore
persevere, until we overcome, and overcome we will. In
conclusion, I would like to thank each and every citizen who has
cooperated diligently and continues to play their part in the fight
against COVID-19 by adhering to regulations and assisting fellow
citizens in need. I thank our local business community, our
churches and faith based organizations, as well as our youth for
the sterling humanitarian role played in assisting Government
and the people of Namibia in the fight against COVID-19.
I also thank our development co-operation partners,
humanitarian aide workers and the diplomatic community for
their acts of international friendship and solidarity, during this
very trying time. Namibia is a child of international solidarity and
your contributions have been instrumental in our efforts. With
your continued support and assistance, we believe Namibia will
weather the COVID 19 storm, to emerge stronger.
At this juncture, let me express my appreciation to the public for
your support in this fight. Yesterday, I put out a tweet,
announcing that I will be delivering my speech today and
soliciting inputs from Namibians. This tweet received 911 likes,
252 retweets and 71 comments. I am overwhelmed by your
responses and I thank you for your frank and honest opinions, as
well as the humour.

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What I can gather from the responses is that the majority of
Namibians support the measures and have realized the positive
effect these have had in curbing the spread of infection. Some of
you suggested for a lifting of the lockdown and maintaining the
curfew, but from 21h00 or 22h00. One of you even tweeted John
Maxwell’s famous quote, The pessimist complains about the
wind. The optimist expects it to change. The leader adjusts the
sails”. There are those complaining about the measures, there are
those expecting change but as a leader, one has to strike the
balance by adjusting the sails.
It is unfortunate that some Namibians believe that COVID-19
only affects others and the measures should therefore not apply
to them. This disease does not discriminate and we are all
affected, directly and indirectly. Therefore, we are all at risk.
Selfishness and prioritizing self-interest will not help us to defeat
this common enemy, but will only worsen the situation.
Let us hold hands, because only when we hold hands and pull
together in the same direction, will we be able to defeat COVID-
Thank you for your attention.