few more months left. We are advised to stay indoors, our ambassador the other day
tweeted that students should abide by the laws of the Chinese government and just stay
where they are.
Singing daily doesn’t make me better at playing the violin I bought online but that does
not negate the joy of singing in my life. If I can find something that I can work into my
daily practice and build into my life, that makes me less anxious, less stressed and less
likely to become depressed, then hallelujah, bring it on!
If you can afford a therapist, by all means please do just that. Eat healthy and exercise,
this remain the basis of a healthy life. I will never forget the two ladies that use to come
at my room at the beginning of the outbreak to monitor temperature. Every time they
ask in Chinese, if I have eaten, “Chi fan, chi fan?” she used her phone to translate, “how
are you feeling today?” I said, “I think yesterday was better, today I don’t know what’s
happening, I am thinking of going back to my country.” Then she said, “You need to
stand up, open your window for ventilation, take a shower, eat, a little exercise and you
will be fine,” she said with a smile.
Her message brought me hope, immediately I think of better, more hopeful times,
retaining on the hard-earned wisdom to stay connected to that which matters, stand in
good stead looking into a prosperous future, it helped me to focus on the now with a
positive mind.
Coronavirus, while we feel it so close, we fear it so much too, it feels like it’s in the air
that we breathe and also attached to our fingers, everything that I touch, I monitor
Everything that was once part of you becomes a potential source of contamination,
including your phone and even your own body. Constantly washing one’s hands, foods
and almost everything before consumption has become a kind of obsession. Don’t
forget to sanitise your phone too. Moreover, protective facemasks have become a part
of daily life. People do not go out without a mask; the authorities does not allow. A
cough or a little chest discomfort triggers anxiety.
Coronavirus, to me, this is a highly infectious respiratory disease and it poses a threat to
everyone in every society. We can all believe and testify that this came as a surprise that
afflicted hundreds of thousands global citizens in 2020, and me and you are no
At the beginning of the outbreak there was only one vegetable super market close to our
school where we could stock up foods, until our school decided we were no longer going
out at all, this was to prevent cross infections. Therefore, we resorted to buying
everything online. Foods, masks and everything became really expensive and still are.
Daily messages from social media came in from home, when are you coming home?
Aren’t you leaving China? People ask and probably think it is an easy decision to make.
They do not know how emotional this is. Being alone in the midst of an epidemic, very
far from your families and friends. I have seen how I and my colleague struggled at the
beginning to get masks, some of the colleagues narrates how they wash and hang their
masks by the heaters trying to disinfect them.
Most of the international students shared how nothing much is being done by their