20200622_Statement by President Hage G Geingob on the occasion of the COVID-19 media briefing on migration from Stage 3 to Stage 4 and Erongo Region Specific Response

20200622_Statement by President Hage G Geingob on the occasion of the COVID-19 media briefing on migration from Stage 3 to Stage 4 and Erongo Region Specific Response

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JUNE 22, 2020
Good Afternoon, Fellow Namibians.
Check Against Delivery

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Over the past several weeks, there has been an increase in the number of COVID-
19 cases in the country. We have to date, a total of 63 confirmed cases, with 28
new cases reported during the past 7-day period. Twenty-four (24) out of the 28
newly reported cases originate from Erongo region, which records the highest
number of diagnosed cases in the country since announcement of the Index Case
in the country exactly 100 days ago, on 14 March 2020. The incidence of new
infections, at Walvis Bay in particular, confirms the presence of isolated cluster
outbreaks at the town. Targeted testing through active case search is being
conducted by the Ministry of Health and Social Services to determine the possibility
of community transmission.
On Tuesday 05th May 2020 the country transitioned from STAGE 2 with Strict
Precautions, to STAGE 3 with Moderate Precautions, with exception of Walvis Bay,
followed by the Erongo Region, for which it became necessary to revert to STAGE
1 lockdown on 08 June 2020. The decision is consistent with our considered
national policy position for targeted and localized responses to manage cluster
outbreaks or suspected community transmission.
The STAGE 1 lockdown of the Erongo region will lapse at midnight tonight, Monday
22nd June 2020. The remaining 13 regions are due to migrate from STAGE 3 to
STAGE 4 at midnight on Monday 29 June 2020 (next week).
I will now proceed to highlight key measures that will become applicable for the
Erongo region, from midnight tonight, Monday 22 June 2020:
1. Mindful of the adverse effects caused by the full lockdown on business,
households and livelihoods and considering the regions’ capacity to respond to
rising numbers of infection, the Erongo region will migrate from STAGE 1 to
STAGE 3 at midnight tonight, Monday 22 June 2020 until midnight on Monday
06 July 2020, for an initial period of 14 days or one-incubation cycle.

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2. Travel between towns in the Erongo region and to the rest of the country, will
be permitted, with exception of the Walvis Bay, Swakopmund and Arandis Local
Authority Areas.
Considering the linkages and movement of labour between the towns of Walvis
Bay, Swakopmund and Arandis, travel between these Local Authority Areas will
be permitted. However travel into and out of these Local Authority Areas to the
rest of the country is highly discouraged and will be restricted to emergency
situations only, as defined in the Regulations. Bearing in mind that the disease
does not move by itself but through human carriers, all residents are strongly
urged to avoid unnecessary travel during this period, and allow authorities to
conduct the active case search at these towns, in an effort to determine the
extent of spread of disease into the community.
3. Essential service providers as defined in the Regulations and truck drivers will
be permitted to travel into and out of the region on the basis of an authorized
permit. To avoid local truck drivers mixing with cross-border truck drivers, the
Ministry of Urban and Rural Development in conjunction with the Ministry of
Health and Social Services are directed to identify separate Truck Ports and
parking areas at Walvis Bay, Swakopmund and Arandis Local Authority Areas.
Local truck drivers are to be escorted by law enforcement officials to and from
their respective delivery destinations.
4. Public gatherings at Erongo region will be restricted to 50 persons with
exception of Walvis Bay, Swakopmund & Arandis Local Authority Areas, which
will be restricted to gatherings of 10 persons.

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5. Education: Schools across the Erongo region that meet the COVID-19
Compliance Standardsmay resume face-to-face instruction for Grade 11 and
For Walvis Bay, Swakopmund and Arandis Local Authority Areas, the
resumption of Grades 11, 12, and Pre-Primary (Grades Zero to 3) remains
suspended for the next 14 days. Face-to-face instruction will be determined
pending observation of the unfolding situation in those towns.
6. Vulnerable persons, in categories as defined, will be permitted to work from
home at Erongo region subject to authorization issued by the Employer and
upon presentation of a valid Medical Certificate. Old Age Homes should remain
under isolation and caregivers should strictly adhere to the Health & Hygiene
As I conclude the Erongo specific response, I reiterate that it has been a complex
undertaking to draw a balance between protecting lives and supporting livelihoods.
Government’s approach - to further relax national restrictions under STAGE 4
aims to boost social and economic activities, while continuing to advocate for
intensified public adherence to Health & Hygiene Protocols, so as to safeguard our
successes. We have added an additional STAGE 5, estimated from 18 September
2020, to address exclusively the opening of Points of Entry and the resumption of
Air Travel.
Fellow Namibians,
I hereby announce the following measures that will apply to all residents across
13 regions of the country:

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1. Namibia will migrate from STAGE 3 to STAGE 4 with Relaxed Precautions on
30 June to 17 September 2020 for an extended 10-week period.
2. Points of entry will remain closed except for the transportation of imported
goods. Government in collaboration with the Tourism and Hospitality sector will
conduct a targeted International Tourism revival initiative between 15 July to
15 August 2020. This initiative will look to accommodate a limited number of
tourists, who will be determined in consultation with the private sector, from a
carefully selected low risk market that has potential to contribute towards our
tourism sector that employs over 100,000 Namibians. Modalities for this
initiative will be announced in coming weeks and this trial will inform and
strengthen public sector preparations for the imminent reopening of Points of
Entry under STAGE 5.
3. Travel related quarantine: As from 30 June 2020, all Namibians & Non-
Namibians entering the country must submit to a COVID19 PCR test on arrival
and mandatory, Government supervised Quarantine, at own cost. Only citizens
who cannot afford to quarantine at own cost (as will be defined in the
Directives) can apply to be quarantined at cost to Government.
4. The size of public gatherings will increase to 250 people for social gatherings
including weddings, funerals and religious gatherings. Members of the public
must strictly adhere to the Health & Hygiene protocols.
5. Education: The resumption of Pre-Primary (Grades Zero to 3) is hereby
deferred for a period of two-weeks across all 14 regions, until Monday 06 July
2020. The Ministry of Education will provide an updated schedule to the public.
Government’s risk mitigation strategy for the resumption of face-to-face
schooling is consistent with guidelines prescribed by the World Health
Organisation. In the event a pupil or staff member presents COVID-19 related

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symptoms or tests positive, the school will be suspended for a period of 14-
days and traced contacts will be placed under Quarantine.
I wish to make use of this opportunity to reassure parents and guardians, who
are understandably anxious about the decision to send their children back to
school during a time of great uncertainty. According to the evidence before
us, the consequences of not resuming learning following a long disruption to
the academic calendar can have lasting and undesirable consequences on the
academic progression of our children. I also emphasize that the return of
learners to class, is voluntary. Parents may decide to keep their children home
and assume responsibility for home schooling. Our schools should therefore
not employ coercive or punitive measures against parents who decide not to
initially resume face-to-face instruction.
6. Government will continue to strengthen public health response measures
through Surveillance, Testing, Contact Tracing and Isolation of confirmed
cases, and by intensifying public education.
In conclusion,
As I have repeatedly stated on a number of occasions, the lives of Namibians, is
our greatest priority. However, in our quest to protect lives today and tomorrow,
we must safeguard our economy, by mitigating the negative impacts of COVID-19
related restrictions. It is for these reasons, under STAGE 4, measures have been
further relaxed to facilitate social and economic activities.
While COVID-19 may remain in our midst and in our communities for the
foreseeable future, we must do everything to keep it out of our homes and out of
our lives, by applying strict Health and Hygiene precautions. Personal
responsibility and vigilance are ever more important under this stage of Relaxed

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Precaution. By wearing a mask, washing your hands and practicing social
distancing you are contributing greatly to our fight against COVID-19.
Our collective endurance is being tested and we must summon the strength to
persevere. There is no need to play the blame game. Let us hold hands and fight
this invisible enemy.
Thank You.