Press Release Aidamira Vessel 13 March 2020

Press Release Aidamira Vessel 13 March 2020

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Private Bag 13198
Ministry of Health and Social Services
Ministerial Building
Tel: (061) 203 2054
Harvey Street
Fax: (061) 301 018
13 March 2020
-For Immediate Release-
The docking of Aidamira Vessel at the Ports Liideritz and Walvis Bay
International cruise ship Aidamira docked in Liideritz on 11 March 2020, with a total of 1,629
people on board, of which 427 are crew members. The vessel plies waters from Durban via Cape
Town, to Ltideritz, Walvis Bay and takes the same route back. Contrary to information circulating
currently on social media, the vessel did not enter Angolan waters.
A tally sheet from the Namibian Port Authority shows that the vessel arrived at Liideritz on 11
March 2020 and according to Ms. Haludilu, District Environmental Practitioner assigned to Port
Health at Ltideritz: “All passengers on the vessel were screened before they set foot on Namibian
soil. None of them had a_ temperature reading of above 38 Degrees Celcius. Their temperatures
were taken before being allowed to proceed to immigration formalities. The vessel later proceeded
to Walvis Bay where it arrived on the morning of 12 March 2020. Since all passengers had already
been screened at Ltideritz, no screening was deemed necessary at Walvis Bay Port.”
The Ministry wishes to remind travelers that health screenings are mandatory, and a health
declaration is to be completed upon arrival at all Namibian Points of Entry. The declaration allows
health authorities to contact travelers and their contacts, should the need arise to do so. No
incidences of Covid-19 are confirmed at this stage within the borders of the Republic of Namibia.
The Ministry of Health and Social Services reminds all persons within our borders (Namibians
and travelers alike) to be extra vigilant and practice hygiene diligently. This is paramount and it
is vital to protect our people against the dreaded COVID-19. Thus, it is strongly recommended to
practice good personal basic hygiene, and specifically to always:
e Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after you have
been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
e If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 70%
alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry.
e Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
e Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
e Put distance between yourself and other people if COVID-19 is spreading in your

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All official and authenticated information about the COVID-19 outbreak are to be and will be
communicated through the Ministry of Health and Social Services to ensure the nation is
adequately and correctly informed. The public is thus advised to cease and desist from distributing
unverified information that have the potential to cause public panic, alarm and consternation.
Ben T. Nangombe
Executive Director
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