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06 December 2021
*Check against Delivery

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Honourable Ministers,
Members of the Media,
Fellow Countrymen and Women,
Over a week ago, on 24 November 2021, diligent scientists and talented medical
professionals from our neighboring sister country, South Africa identified a new
Covid-19 variant. Befittingly, we owe these men and women a debt of gratitude for
their research excellence in identifying this new variant, which has since been code-
named Omicron and listed as a variant of concern by the World Health Organization.
Unfortunately, instead of applauding this outstanding achievement by African
scientists, certain countries and regions of the world have responded with knee-jerk
measures in the form of counterproductive travel bans against our region. The global
fight against Covid-19 demands multilateral collaboration, coordination and
consultations between nations, and not divisions between regions and citizens. It is
in that vein that I call for an end to unnecessary travel bans, which undermine
economic recovery; and are not rooted in scientific rigor.
We should come together as ONE world and ONE global village to defeat the common
enemy Covid-19.
Fellow Namibians,
It was only a matter of time before we could detect the Omicron variant in our country
through the capacities for Genome Sequencing that we have developed at the
University of Namibia and across our Health System. Regrettably, I am told by our
specialists that we have been able to detect 18 cases of the Omicron variant in
Namibia, of which the evidence before us suggests easier spread, concerning multiple
mutations and reinfection. Going forward, Namibia will continue to strengthen
surveillance and response, including immediate contact tracing of close contacts to
contain the circulation of this new variant. It is not a time to panic - but to be vigilant
as we put in place measures to deal with this new Covid-19 variant.

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As a country, we have thus far learned important lessons in the fight against Covid-
19. However, the Minister of Health and Social Services will provide more technical
details. The actions we have undertaken allowed us to keep new infections extremely
low and the death rates also declined accordingly for a period of three months.
Prior to the discovery of the Omicron variant, we recorded days without any cases of
deaths, and at times no new cases reported.
As we close another difficult year, the Year of Resilience, which tested our resolve as
a nation, I have to make a clarion call to the nation. We shall not defeat this deadly
virus if we don’t take individual responsibility in this fight and in favor of the common
good. Covid-19 is transmitted by human beings and the pandemic is killing largely
those who are unvaccinated people. Those of you who are not vaccinated are
undermining the efforts of Government in defeating this deadly virus.
Those of you among us who are not vaccinated are reversing the gains we have
made in the fight against Covid-19. Those among us who are not respecting the
health protocols in place and refusing to wear masks and practice social distancing
are reversing the gains we have made in our fight against Covid-19. In other parts
of the world, stringent measures are being imposed on individuals who are not
vaccinated. In some instances, measures are being devised to put unvaccinated
persons in mandatory lockdowns with limitations on their movement and socio-
economic activity.
Our vaccination campaign has been voluntary, placing more responsibility on
individual citizens to act and to think about the common good. Unfortunately, we are
not being responsible, placing more risks on others by refusing to get vaccinated
based on arguments that have no basis in science. Vaccines are safe. Human beings
have always been vaccinated against different forms of illnesses, be it polio, measles,
chicken pox and many other diseases.

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I have been alarmingly informed about essential workers, including cross-border
truck drivers who are refusing to get vaccinated, placing a huge burden on our
economy. People are getting angry because neighboring Botswana is imposing
vaccine mandates on those who are passing through their borders. Botswana is not
stopping individuals from travelling through the country, but is merely asking for
vaccination passports. The point is, just get vaccinated. The refusal to accept the
vaccine mandate is an unacceptable state of affairs.
The Government of the Republic of Namibia has bought thousands of doses of
vaccines from manufacturers and through the COVAX Facility. We have also received
multiple donations of vaccines from friendly countries. These vaccines are available
countrywide. Therefore, it is highly regrettable that we are forced to destroy in excess
of 150 000 vaccines, which have reached expiry date because those who are eligible
are refusing to be vaccinated. Instead of throwing away vaccines, citizens who wish
to go for booster jabs are encouraged to do so.
On 15 December 2021, based on the evolving health situation we may announce new
measures to fight against Covid-19. If we don’t change our habits, the Government
will be left with no choice and with no option, but to take stricter measures ahead of
the festive season. It is not a desirable course of action. However, if the cases
continue to rise and the citizens don’t change their behavior, it will be the only
sensible thing to do.
Protecting the health of our nation has always been the priority since the onset of
this pandemic and the Government will not hesitate to impose new measures in the
interest of our nation.
Let us get vaccinated, let us continue to wear masks, let us practice social distancing
and let us respect the measures put in place to defeat Covid-19 in our country.
I thank you