20201130_Statement by HE President Dr Hage Geingob on the occasion of the 20th Public Briefing on the National Response Measures_COVID-19

20201130_Statement by HE President Dr Hage Geingob on the occasion of the 20th Public Briefing on the National Response Measures_COVID-19

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30 NOVEMBER 2020
*Check Against Delivery.

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Fellow Namibians,
At the outset, I would like to thank all Namibians for the peaceful and orderly manner
in which you have conducted yourselves during the campaigns leading up to the
recently held Local and Regional Authority elections. Our multi-party democracy has
grown roots and is maturing. Thank you to all voters who took time to participate in
this democratic process. Ultimately, democracy and the people of Namibia are the
As we find ourselves drawing closer to the festive season, I am aware that you are
prioritizing various family and social events. However, we should bear in mind that
COVID-19 remains a threat. To date, fourteen-thousand-three-hundred-and-forty-
five (14,345) people have been infected with the virus in our country and the lives of
151 Namibians have been lost. In this regard, we pay particular homage to our
frontline-workers who have been working diligently to ensure that our fight is robust
and effective.
Namibia continues to tackle the pandemic on different fronts as prescribed by our
National COVID-19 Response and Preparedness Plan, which focuses on safeguarding
public health and the livelihood of our people.
This pandemic is the biggest challenge to face our country since independence, both
in its nature and scope. Equally, Government’s response to the pandemic has been
extensive and resolute, in terms of resource mobilization to suppress the spread of
the virus, while responding to associated socio-economic impacts.
In terms of its effects, the pandemic has had a negative impact on our lives and
livelihoods. No aspect of our society has been left untouched. Our economy has
borne the brunt of this pandemic in terms of jobs that have been lost, reduced
productivity, business closures and declining disposable income. The full extent of
this impact on our economy is yet to be fully determined.

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The Ministry of Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment Creation in collaboration
with the Namibia Statistics Agency will further ascertain the scope of the impact on
business, economy and jobs. Some indicators are clear though.
It is against this background that the pace of the economic recovery will depend
crucially on policy interventions and actions that will be taken beyond the lockdown.
The Government is seized with final preparations for a holistic recovery programme
for the nation, as was committed to during the Mid-Term Budget Review in October
Stakeholders have been consulted and the Harambee Prosperity Plan for the four-year
period (2021-2025), which includes the Economic Recovery Programme, will be
launched in February 2021.
The COVID-19 experience has not been pleasant. Our economy has been hurt,
thousands have lost employment, once thriving businesses have closed, children have
been home for months on end, away from school. Hence, we must remain vigilant
and be prepared for any eventuality, including the possibility of a second wave.
Considering the precarious nature of our economy, this is a scenario we can ill afford.
Fellow Namibians,
We do not have any other choice.
I observed, with great concern, that we are becoming complacent to the danger and
are not adhering to the prescribed Health & Hygiene Protocols. We cannot afford to
relax now, we must rather intensify the fight against COVID-19. In this regard, we
must continue what we started by:
Enhancing Risk Communication and Communicate Engagement;
Testing, tracing contacts and timeously isolating cases;
Encouraging the public to continue coming forward, to seek testing if they think
they have been exposed;

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Calling on the community to provide correct information for contact tracing
purposes and case monitoring, when they seek health services including
Strengthening screening at Ports of Entry;
Continuing to use data for decision making, be able to pick up on possible
warning signs of resurgence.
Fellow Namibians,
The worst-case scenario as projected by our WHO Models estimated the loss of nearly
4,000 Namibian lives. However, the prompt and decisive measures taken by
Government early into the pandemic have materially tempered and shielded our
communities from the full wrath of this pandemic.
As we enter into the festive season and prepare to travel to different parts of the
country to reunite with our loved ones, let us do so with all precaution to protect
ourselves, communities and our loved ones. The public health measures remain the
most powerful weapon we have at our disposal. They need to be observed and
enforced at all times.
As we enjoy the festivities during this holiday season, I caution that we must continue
to observe physical distancing, maintaining hand hygiene by washing and sanitizing
at all times. Also, remember that wearing your mask correctly is mandatory.
This has been a challenging year. Although we were bent, we did not break. We
have remained steadfast in the eye of the storm. The conduct of Namibians during
the course of the year fills me with pride and hope for the future.
Not only have we conducted ourselves with discipline during the pandemic, but this
bodes well for the future, as we begin to rebuild.
To eventually overcome this most challenging battle, we must continue to stand
together and pull in the same direction. Through the National COVID-19 Response

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and Preparedness Plan, Government will continue to carefully monitor and stay on top
of the evolving situation regarding the pandemic. As and when required, we will adapt
the measures accordingly.
The current dispensation of measures to fight COVID-19 which came into force on 17
October, will expire at midnight, 30 November 2020. As the pandemic evolves, our
response must the adjusted accordingly. From tomorrow, 01 December 2020 to 25
January 2021, the following measures will apply.
Public gatherings
Public gatherings will remain at 200 people. Members of the public are strongly
encouraged to arrange and host all public gatherings outdoors. Registers of attendees
at such gatherings and events must be maintained.
People arriving in Namibia
Requirements for COVID-19 Test Results:
1. All non-Namibian travelers arriving in Namibia are required to present a negative
COVID-19 PCR test result from the country of departure, which is not older than
72 hours.
2. This requirement does not apply to children under the age of 5 years.
3. Non-Namibian travelers arriving with a negative result, which is older than 72
hours, will be placed in quarantine and tested for COVID-19 on the same day, at
own cost.
If results come out negative, they will be released from quarantine. If positive,
they will be isolated at own cost, according to Namibia’s isolation protocols.

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4. Returning Namibian citizens or holders of Namibian permanent residence or
employment permits may enter the country without a COVID-19 PCR test result or
with a positive result. But in cases of arrival without a COVID-19 test result, s/he
will be swabbed immediately upon arrival while observing quarantine and if the
result comes out negative, they will be released from quarantine.
5. A Namibian who arrives with a positive COVID-19 PCR test result, will be isolated
at a designated isolation facility or home isolation, subject to approval after
assessment by an authorized medical officer.
Liquor sale restriction
Sale of alcohol by shebeens, bars and nightclubs shall be extended to midnight.
The businesses must:
6. Ensure physical distancing
7. All business premises must be equipped with functional hand-sanitizer dispensers,
at all times.
Keeping COVID-19 Registers
Shopping outlets and businesses will no longer be required to keep Registers of
persons visiting their premises. Registers should, however, be maintained at public
events such a weddings, funerals, religious gatherings, sports and entertainment
Swabbing of Human remains
Henceforth, swabbing and testing for COVID-19 will only be conducted on human
remains of persons who had symptoms consistent with COVID-19 or were in direct
contact with confirmed COVID-19 cases prior to death.
The Minister will provide more information on the new measures developed with
regard to funerals.

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I would like to thank you for your sacrifice, cooperation and resilience throughout the
year. Let us continue to act with a sense of purpose and as a united people. Let us
shun the vices of division, regionalism, tribalism and racism. Our journey of building
a caring Namibian House for all is worth pursuing. We must defeat COVID-19 and its
devastating impacts on our socio-economic livelihoods.
Therefore, during the festive season, I call on the solidarity of each and every citizen
to help those who are in need, to care for the weak and vulnerable, and most
importantly, not to let your guard down. Continue to comply with the preventive
measures put in place to protect you.
May God bless you all and may God bless the Republic of Namibia.
Thank you.