20210917_Statement by HE President Dr Hage Geingob on the national response measures upon lapse of the State of Emergency_COVID-19

20210917_Statement by HE President Dr Hage Geingob on the national response measures upon lapse of the State of Emergency_COVID-19

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Good Afternoon, Fellow Namibians,
Following the outbreak of coronavirus in Namibia on 13
March 2020, I declared a State of Emergency on account of
COVID-19 as a natural disaster from 17 March 2020. The
National Assembly supported the extension of the COVID-19
State of Emergency for a period of 6 months, which will
lapse at midnight tonight, 17 September 2020.
To manage the pandemic under the COVID-19 State of
Emergency, Cabinet adopted 5 levels of restriction, ranging
from a full lockdown of social and economic activities under
Stage 1, to more moderate and gradually relaxed
precautionary measures under Stages 2, 3 and 4. Stage 5
had envisaged ‘A New Normal’ where we could look forward
to life resuming some semblance of normalcy.
The COVID-19 State of Emergency is due to lapse at
midnight tonight, 17 September 2020, along with current

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This week Cabinet held extensive deliberations to consider
expiry of the COVID-19 State of Emergency and to determine
appropriate measures to put in place, beyond 17 September
Government’s priority to protect Namibian lives, in a
sustainable manner, means preserving the health of
Namibians, while mitigating the broader social and economic
impacts caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. While we have
observed positive outcomes from the response measures on
public health, such as the declining rates of infection,
however, our economy, income and job security have been
adversely affected as we implemented these necessary
measures. Yes, the virus is deadly, however we are aware
that poverty also kills.
It is this understanding that has informed Government’s
response, which continually weighed the risk of widespread
community transmission, against the gains of restricted
movement to curb the spread of the disease within our

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Scientific evidence at our disposal shows that the cost of no
action would have been far greater. I can confidently state
that the Regulations introduced under the State of
Emergency have, up to this point, averted widespread
community transmissions in our country. Managing the rate
of infection has therefore been critical to a successful
national COVID-19 response.
Fellow Namibians,
The average number of confirmed daily new cases continues
on a downward trend; from 317 cases reported on 23 August
and 167 cases reported on 12 September, yesterday,
Wednesday 16 September we recorded a low of only 63 new
cases. This represents a further 30 percent reduction in
daily new infections, countrywide, over the last 7 days.
Walvis Bay, once the epicenter, recorded at peak, a record of
102 cases on 07 August 2020. Today, we have recorded just
3 new cases at Walvis Bay. For Windhoek, which has
become the epicenter in our fight against this disease, at

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peak recorded 245 cases on 23 August 2020. Today,
Windhoek recorded 62 new cases.
This is indicative that measures to suppress the spread have
worked, as testing and contact tracing have not been relaxed
and remain constant.
Fellow Namibians,
During the COVID-19 State of Emergency, Government
diverted and allocated resources to the Ministry of Health
and Social Services, which is spearheading our war against
this invisible enemy. These investments have significantly
strengthened our level of preparedness to respond to an
upsurge in cases.
The State of Emergency Regulations have achieved a
measure of success. Having assessed and weighed both the
positive and negative impacts of the Regulations; having
considered the additional capacity created during the 6-
month period; and having listened to your extensive
discussions and contributions, it was resolved that the State

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of Emergency, upon expiry at midnight tonight, 17
September, will not be extended.
Moving forward, we will monitor the situation for a period of
14 days, to determine the way forward, under a new
dispensation. When warranted, risk-appropriate measures
will be introduced. As from 18 September 2020, new
Directives will be issued by the Minister of Health, in terms of
the provisions of the Public and Environmental Act.
Fellow Namibians,
Government utilized the 6-month period of the State of
Emergency to strengthen our systems. We spared no effort
or resource to reinforce our public healthcare system and
other frontline sectors, to the best of our ability and within
the financial constraints. With the lapse of Regulations – it
must dawn on each and every citizen that we are now at a
critical time.
This is a defining moment in our trajectory to combat
COVID-19. The rate of transmission correlates directly to our

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personal conduct and is driven primarily by our movement
and behavioural choices with regards to social and physical
distancing, hygiene and commitment to wear facemasks to
suppress the spread. When making plans for yourself, family,
business, event or congregation, we urge you to consider
this reality for everyone’s benefit.
The possibility of a second wave of infections remains real
and is a risk that we must manage, proactively. We are not
out of the woods yet and not by a long shot. Now is the
time to exercise maximum personal responsibility and
The coronavirus pandemic is a global tragedy on a scale that
the world has not experienced in a long time. It has affected
each and every one of our lives in ways we could not have
imagined or prepared for.
In a space of a few months, we have been called upon to
introspect and reach into the deepest parts of our psyches,
to summon the resolve to persevere, the strength to endure

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and the courage to move forward with hope, faith and
I am confident that through this challenging experience, we
have developed a greater understanding of just how
intricately connected our lives are. I said in my speech on
Independence Day earlier this year that, “Although the odds
appear to be stacked against us, let us summon the courage
and ingenuity to continue the work we have commenced,
with a sense of unity and common purpose.”
Now, moving forward, we will continue to hold hands in a
spirit of brotherhood, sisterhood and national fraternity,
having developed a deeper understanding of our
interdependency and thereby continuing to live our lives in a
responsible manner and adopting a more harmonious
coexistence with our fellow citizens.
Therefore, let us move forward with a greater determination
to preserve our health and pursue our dreams in a Namibia
that is more resilient and more equipped to deal with
whatever challenges we may face in the journey ahead. One

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thing is certain; our Nation will emerge from this ordeal,
stronger than before.
Finally, let me take this opportunity to pay a special tribute
to all our uniformed services and our frontline health
workers, who have put themselves in front of the virus, as
we have battled this unprecedented pandemic.
To all our doctors, nurses, Emergency Medical Technicians
(EMTs), transporters, pharmacists and all of those
who support patient care. You have exemplified the spirit of
sacrifice and patriotism. And as I think of those men and
women who have lost their lives to this pandemic, in service
to their fellow human beings, I am reminded of the words of
Napoleon Hill who said, “Great achievement is usually born
of great sacrifice, and is never the result of selfishness”.
May their souls rest in eternal peace. And may their
dedication and selflessness inspire us to strive towards
obtaining great achievements within our Namibian House.
Thank you and God bless Namibia.