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15 MARCH 2020
Following candid recommendations from the UNAM COVID-19 Taskforce, the University Management
met earlier today, and took several resolutions that will have a severe impact on the operations of the
university and our stakeholders. However, these decisions were not taken lightly. They were made with
the full awareness of the nature of the risk we face, balanced against the responsibility of the University
towards students and the country. The resolutions are not final, and may change at any time. They
will also not supersede any directives that may subsequently be taken by the Namibian Government.
The resolutions are as follows:
1. A broad based digitisation process has begun, and all staff that can work remotely will be informed
so as to minimize staff at the university’s campuses.
Distance Students - Vacation school has been modified. This means that no face to face classes will
take place. Students and staff should not visit any Campus or Centre for this purpose. Arrangements
are being made for lecturers to avail content to students through online platforms. A detailed
communication regarding the modalities of engagement will be shared on the online learning
platforms to all distance students.
Full-Time Students - UNAM is on recess, this means no classes were scheduled to take place this
week 16 - 20 March. Management resolved that this remains the status quo, while awaiting for
further guidance from the Ministry of Higher Education, Training and Innovation. A communication
about the continuation of classes will be made before recess is over.
. Graduation Ceremonies have been modified. Students will graduate in absentia. There will
be no graduation ceremony held in April. Arrangements about how students will receive their
qualifications will be communicated in due time by the Office of the Registrar. This applies to both
local and international graduants.
. Students from the Faculty of Health Sciences are temporarily withdrawn from health facilities. This
is to allow for students to receive adequate training/induction on infectious disease protocols and
be equipped to provide assistance as the need may arise. The Faculty of Health Sciences will be in
communication with students regarding further details.
. General academic excursions, including that of education students and their attachments at
schools across the country are temporarily disallowed until further notice. It is the responsibility of the
various deans and directors to ensure that these arrangements do not affect students’ academics
negatively by putting in place alternative measures. Students are encouraged to keep an eye on
their portals and the university’s various communication channels for updates.
. On the 16" and 17" of March management will put modalities in place on how the institution will
continue to execute its mandate safely in the midst of this pandemic.
. The Estates Department commits all available resources to maintain a high standard of hygiene on
all campuses
Despite these grim circumstances, the University Management remains committed to educating the
nation, while taking the necessary precautions to keep the UNAM community, and the country safe.
Johannes Haufiku
Acting Director | Communications and Marketing | jhaufiku@unam.na
Fifi www.unam.edu.na
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