to pay workers for loss of income to pay workers for loss of income

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SSC to pay workers for loss of income
News - National | 2020-04-23Page no: 3
by Ndanki Kahiurika
SSC to pay workers for loss of income. Photo: File
THE Social Security Commission will be rolling out a three-month stimulus package
to pay people who lose income during the current state of emergency.
Milka Mungunda, the SSC's chief executive officer, said this at the Covid-19
Communication Centre yesterday morning where the panellists discussed the impact of
the coronavirus on labour and employment.
She said the package will cater for employers, employees and the informal sector, who
must prove loss of employment due to Covid-19.
“Those who are not registered must come and we will give them a social security
number,” she said.
According to her, the formal employer will get a wage bill subsidy on condition he does
not retrench anyone during the months of April, May and June.

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“They must also not reduce the employees' salary by more than 50%. The formal
employee – who are members of SSC, from 1 February 2020, will get a monthly payout
equal to 50% of their salaries, for a period of three months on condition that they earn
less than N$50 000 per annum,” said Mungunda.
She said there are nine sectors that are heavily affected by the Covid-19 prevention
The sectors include domestic workers, farms, construction, manufacturing, tourism and
hospitality, services, entertainment, transport and retail.
She said no one would get less than a N$1 000 per month even if they contribute less
than what they can benefit from the package.
She urged the informal sector to register and get a new SSC number to benefit, but on
condition that they remain members for at least 12 months.
All information needed and documents are on the company's website.
Labour minister Utoni Nujoma said employees and employers must find ways to deal
with the Covid-19 impact in a way that suits both parties.
He said it is important that unnecessary job losses be avoided.
His adviser Vicky Toivo ya Toivo said no employer is allowed to dismiss any worker
during this time of state of emergency.
She said the idea of government's labour mitigation plan that will be soon gazzetted is to
stop job losses.
“No employer is allowed to dismiss a worker, force them to go on annual leave, sick leave
or unpaid leave. If this happens, employers are expected to reinstate the worker after
the lockdown,” she said.