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Friday, 13 March 2020
Dear UNAM Staff & Students
The University Management has been paying close attention to the coronavirus (COVID-19) and its soread
across the world. While there has, at this point in time, not been any confirmed cases of the virus in the country,
as a large community of 30 000 students and more than 2500 staff, UNAM Management thought it prudent to
take all necessary precautions to remain safe. This is therefore, a brief note of what we know and our principle
stance on fighting the virus.
The Global Situation
The COVID-19 is a new strain of the coronavirus family. The outbreak has been declared a pandemic which
means it has spread to all contients. Currently, the virus is mainly concentrated in China, South Korea and Italy,
but there are growing reports of cases all over the world. According to the World Health Organisation, about
119 countries are now affected, the death toll due to the virus currently stands at 4 964 people. The number
of confirmed cases stand at 132 595, while 70 009 have recovered from the virus. This indicates a fatality rate
of 3.71% and a recovery rate of 52.8%, respectively. The incubation period of the virus is between 2 tol4 days.
Fil www.unam.edu.na
Updated 02:0 AM EDT, Mar 13, 2020
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Symptoms, Transmission and Treatment
Signs and symptoms include high fever, fatigue, dry coughs, and in several cases shortness of breath and
pneumonia. It is transmitted through air droplets when an infected person coughes or sneezes. It is also
suspected to spread through personal contact and touching of contaminated surfaces. The best fight
against this disease is avoiding contact with infected people. People are advised to avoid touching their
nose, mouth and eyes with unwashed hands. No vaccine or specific treatment is available for the COVID-19,
However, many of the symptoms can be treated based on the patient's clinical condition.
Level of Preparedness by the University
The wellbeing of staff and students is of the highest priority to UNAM management. An Emergency Taskforce
consisting of members from the School of Nursing, the School of Medicine, Human Resources, Communications,
Dean of Students, Teaching and Learning, and Estates Support Services has been appointed.
This team will primarily be responsible for:
- Devising and implementation of several strategies to helo prevent any future soread of the virus, in line
with WHO requirements
- Liaise with the relevant local authorities for protocols around any suspected cases
- Keeo members of the university community updated on major develooments
- Advice management on appropriate actions to take as the situation further unfolds
Interim Health Measures for the University Community
Staff Travels
UNAM has banned alll staff travel outside the country until further notice.
Isolation Room
In the unlikely event that a student or staff experiences any symptoms, while on campus, the University is
preapring isolation rooms at all Campuses. Staff from the School of Medicine will be conducting the training to
prepare nurses and staff for all eventualities.
Recess begins next week, 16 — 20 March 2020, UNAM Management strongly advises against any unessential
international travel by staff and students.
Travel to these specific countries should be avoided at all costs:
e = Australia
e China (Including Hong Kong and Macau)
e Singapore
e South Korea
e Japan
e — Italy
Fil www.unam.edu.na
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Graduation ceremonies will take place as from 8 April and end on 29 April. This year, we expect more
graduates than ever before. The Task force is consulting with health experts, relevant offices and agencies on
how the university should handle this year’s graduation ceremony. Information about the outcome of these
consultations will b& announced in due course.
Personal responsbility to help curb the spread
Do not go to work if you feel any of the symptoms associated with the disease
Do not visit a doctor, clinic, or hospital without giving them prior notice about your suscected condi-
tion as you might put other patients and health workers af risk
Stay at home, and make an appointment with the hospital, doctor, so that you are received without
putting others aft risk
Cover your mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing and avoid contaminating any surfaces
Wash your hands regularly with running water and soap
Keep a strong hand sanitizer at hand when moving around (70% Alcohol)
Sources of information
Although the University’s Corona Task Force will provide regular updates, it is imperative that all members of
our community keep themselves informed about local and international develooments on the spread and
behaviour of the virus.
Track Corona live- hitos://www.trackcoronlai.ve
The Wold Health Organisation hitos://www.whoi.nt
Ministry of Health and Social Services hito://www.mhss.gov.na/
If you suspect a case, please contact Public Health Emergency Operation Center At:
Cell: +264 (81) 7840710
Cell: +264 (81) 2217994
the University of Namibia Clinic/ODS +264(81) 775 9333
Fil www.unam.edu.na
Open your mind