20200706_Statement by President Hage G Geingob Additional Measures Erongo Region

20200706_Statement by President Hage G Geingob Additional Measures Erongo Region

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06 JULY 2020
Check Against Delivery

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Good afternoon, fellow Namibians.
As of today, 485 COVID-19 cases have been confirmed in Namibia since the Index Case
on 13 March 2020. Of the total number of cases confirmed nationally, 436 (or 90
percent) are from the Erongo region, with 391 of these cases specifically in Walvis Bay.
With 81 percent share of the total cases reported countrywide, it is clear that the local
authority area of Walvis Bay has become the epicenter of the spread of coronavirus in
our country.
Therefore, I have convened this Media Briefing to announce additional measures,
necessary for the Local Authority Areas of Walvis Bay, Swakopmund and Arandis, which
have been placed under a special dispensation during the COVID-19 State of
Emergency. The introduction of these measures is done with the sole objective of
containing the spread of disease within and beyond these three towns.
Furthermore, Namibia’s rate of new infections is accelerating rapidly.
Over the last 7 days, 303 new cases have been confirmed, of which 294 are from
Walvis Bay. While the remaining 8 cases were reported in other regions, 6 of these are
travel related to Walvis Bay, as I have stated. This morning we reported the highest
number of new infections with 73 new cases confirmed. Of these, 72 are from Walvis
Bay and one from the Khomas Region, but with a travel history from Walvis Bay.
Other towns and localities where new cases have been recently confirmed include:
Karasburg in the //Karas Region, Katima Mulilo in the Zambezi Region, Engela in the
Ohangwena Region, Oshakati in the Oshana Region, Swakopmund in the Erongo Region
and Windhoek in the Khomas Region.
We are recording different types of transmission, in the different towns. At
Swakopmund we are mitigating a cluster of cases (where most cases have been locally
transmitted but can be traced to chains of transmission). What is frightening is that

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there is community transmission at Walvis Bay. To date, in other parts of the country,
we recorded sporadic cases.
I wish to assure the nation that government is closely monitoring the unfolding situation
in the country, as well as the effectiveness of measures being implemented to combat
the pandemic.
The evidence before us reveals that Namibia is dealing with two very distinct COVID-19
situations, the one prevailing at Walvis Bay and the rest of the country. It is, therefore,
necessary to apply rational and targeted interventions to respond effectively to both
situations. The rising number of cases at Walvis Bay warrants additional containment
measures to slow the rate of transmission and prevent the disease from spreading
beyond the three Local Authority Areas.
To decongest informal settlements in the three local authority areas, the Ministry of
Urban and Rural Development, together with the Regional and Local Authorities will
identify suitable venues or facilities with adequate provision of water and ablution
facilities, where residents can be temporarily relocated. In this regard and as stated
previously, I have requested the Governor to investigate the feasibility of using the
unallocated Mass Houses at both Swakopmund and Walvis Bay to place people there.
The Governor has reported that 60 Mass Houses are available at Walvis Bay and 100 at
Swakopmund. We will determine how to utilize those for this purpose.
Fellow Namibians,
There is no evidence at the moment of transmission of the virus within the community,
in the rest of the country. The current STAGE 4 measures will therefore be maintained
for all 13 regions with exception of the Erongo region, which remains under STAGE 3.
Work to finalize preparations for the announced Tourism Revival Initiative is ongoing,
further modalities will be communicated. We want to be meticulous in the execution of
this initiative, so as to safeguard our public health gains in the other regions of the

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country and deliver on our intended objective of reviving the Tourism and Hospitality
In conclusion,
We are fully aware that restrictions on the movement of people and the lockdowns
necessitated by the COVID-19 pandemic have had an adverse effect on our economy.
However, Namibia’s incidence curve for COVID-19 cases has risen sharply in recent
weeks. Flattening this sharp rise, will now more than ever, require Government to
remain firm and responsive to the changing realities on the ground.
Similarly, our communities and each and every Namibian should take responsibility for
personal safety and compliance, for our country to successfully contain and suppress
the spread of this disease.
In this regard Government will continue to disseminate relevant information, in all
languages, so as to empower our People with the correct information and knowledge.
Let us also look out for one another during this trying time and keep our Brothers and
Sisters who have been diagnosed positive for COVID-19, in our prayers for a speedy
recovery. Let me reiterate that we endeavour, to the best of our abilities, to suppress
the spread of this disease, by practicing good hand hygiene, frequent sanitizing and
practicing Physical and Social Distancing
I now invite the Minister of Health to announce the remaining measures under this
special dispensation for the three Local Authority Areas.
I thank you.