Becker, Thorsten.; Getzin, Stephan.
The fairy circles of Kaokoland (North-West Namibia)- origin, distribution, and characteristics.
Besler, Helga
Feldforschung in Extremen: Untersuchungen zur Landschaftsgenese in Dünenwüsten und im tropischen Regenwald
Henwood, Kennetii
A field tested thermoregulation model for two diurnal Namib desert tenebrionid beetles
Diceros bicornis L.
First approximation of food preferences and the chemical composition of the diet of the Desert dwelling black rhinoceros
Jacobson, K.M.; Lester, E.
A first assessment genetic variation Welwitschia Mirabilis Hook
H. A. Viles
Five year in the life of Central Namib rock
Leggett, K.; Fennessy, J.; Schneider, S.
Flood-borne sediment analysis of the Hoanib River, northwestern Namibia.
Jacobson, Kathy; Jacobson, Peter
Floods water and awareness resource management in the western catchments
Cowlishaw, Guy; Davies, Jonathan G.
Flora of the Pro-Namib Desert Swakop River catchment, Namibia: community classification and implications for desert vegetation sampling
Cowlishaw, Guy ; Daviest, Jonathan. G.
Flora of the Pro-Narnib Desert Swakop River catchment, Namibia: community classification and implications for desert vegetation sampling
Burke, A.; Jürgens, N.; Seeley. M.K.
Floristic affinities of an inselberg archipelago in the southern Namib Desert relic of the past centre of endemism or nothing special
Jürgens, Norbert
Floristic biodiversity and history of African arid regions
Burke, Antje
Floristic relationships between inselbergs and mountain habitats in the central Namib
Henschel, Joh
Fog Harvesting
De Vos, M.P.; Louw, G. N.; Seely, M. K.
Fog imbibition, Satellite Fauna and Unusual Leaf structure in a Namib Desert Dune Plant Trianthema hereroensis.
Olivier, J
Fog in the Namib : A survey
Vendrig, Mark
Fog occurrence and measurement in Namibia
Gray, V
Fog precipitation in the central Namib Desert a short term project.
Eckardt, Frank D.; Schemenauer, Robert S.
Fog water chemistry in the Namib Desert Namibia
Nel, P.S.; Opperman, D.P.J.; Kok, O.B.
Forage availability and utilization and large herbivore distribution on the gravel plains