Tilson, Ronald L.
Habitat ecology of black storks in the Kuiseb River
Haemolymph composition in Namib desert tenebrionid beetles (2)
Reed, E. R.; Neumann, N. P. K.; Kruger, A. S.; Malima, B.; Museler, D.; Bester, F. V.
Hand guide for range management in Namibia.
Heart production and evaporative water loss of dune larks from the Namib desert.
W. Meckelein
Herausgegeben von Wolfgang Meckelein und Christoph Borcherdt schritleitung jurgen hagel
Lensing, J.E; Le Roux, C.J.G
Herbage availability inventories in rock hyrax habitat in southern South West Africa
Haacke, W. D
Herpetological investigations in the sand sea of the southern Namib.
Seely, M.K; Roberts, C.S; Mitchell, D
High body temperatures of Namib dune tenebrionids- why?
Kambatuku Jack Ratjindua
Historical profiles of farms in former Damaraland 1996.
Williams, A.J
Historical records of birds along the Namib coast
J T. Teller
History of sediments at khommabes central Namib desert
Leggett Keith; Fennessy Julian; Schneider Stephanie
Hoanib river catchment study, Northwestern Namibia Fauna.
Leggett Keith; Schneider Stephanie; Fennessy Julian
Hoanib river catchment study, Northwestern Namibia Vegetation.
L. J . Fielden
Home range and movement of the Namib desert golden mole eremitalpa granti namibensis chrysochloridae
Henschel, J.R; Tilson, R.L
How much does a spotted hyaena eat? Perspective from the Namib Desert
Sullivan, Sian
How sustainable is the communalising discourse of new conservation, the masking of difference, inequality and aspiration in the fledgling conservancies.
Sullivan, Sian
How sustainable is the communalising discourse of new conservation the masking of difference inequality and aspiration in the fledgling conservancies of Namibia.
M. Shackley
Shackley, Myra
Human remains from re used hut circles at sylvia hills s w africa Namibia.
Jacobson, P. J.; Jacobson, K. M. ; Angermeiert, P. L. ; Cherry, D. S.
Hydrologic influences on soil properties along ephemeral rivers in the Namib Desert.