Rohde, Richard Frederick
Nature, cattle thieves and various other midnight robbers, Images of people, place and landscape in Damaraland, Namibia
Burke, Antje.
The impact of lage herbivores floral composition and vegetation structure in the Naukluft mountains Namibia
Daneel, Joanne Lee.
The impact of off road vehicle traffic on the gravel plains of the central Namib desert Namibia
Sullivan, Sian
The impacts of people and livestock on topographically diverse open wood- and shrub-lands in arid north-west.
Henschel, Joh R.; Ward, David.; Lubin, Yael.
The importance of thermal factors for nest site selection web construction and behaviour of Stegodyphus Lineatus Araneae Eresidae in the Negev desert
Stevenson, I. R.; Mcmillan, I. K.
Incised valley fill stratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous succession, proximal Orange Basin, Atlantic margin of southern Africa.
Niemann, Steffen
Indigenous Water Resources Management and Water Utilisation in Northern Namibia (Former Ovamboland)-Can Tradition Help to Overcome Current Problems.
Lengoasa, J.R.; Lindesay, J.A.; Van Nierop, A.M.
The influence of a synoptic scale disturbance on topographically induced boundary layer circulations over the central Namib Desert
Jacobson, Peter; Jacobson, Kathryn
The influence of elephant on Faidherbia albida trees in the northern Namib Desert: a reappraisal
Lubin, Y. D.; Henderson, J.
The influence of food supply on foraging behaviour in a desert spider.
The inluence of stock rate and cattle type on the condition of the herbaceous layer in the camel thorn Savannah Namibia.
J H. Marden
In Pursuit of Females Following and Contest Behavior by male of a Namib desert tenebrionid beetle physadesmia globosa
Integrated land and water management Policy and institutional issues.
Klintenberg, Patrik
Integrated Water Resource Management in the Namibian Part of the Cuvelai Basin Central Northern Namibia.
Ouessar. M ; Sghaier. M; De Graaff .J ; Stroosnijder. L ; Gabriels. D; Ait T.L
Intergrated approach for impact assessment of water harvesting techniques in dry areas
Invasive alien plants in areas of the Namib Naukluft Park disturbed by man.
The investigation of fog frequency and occurrence patterns in the central Namib as a possible alternative source of water supply to the topnaar community along the kuiseb river in the Namib.
Azarnivand, H.; Jafari, M.; Akbarian, M.
Investigation on Some Physical and Chemical Relationships 1n Soil.
Seely, M.; Peet, C.; Manning, N.
IWRM and Basin Management in a developing African country.
IWRM in the Cuvelai-Etosha Basin.