Sullivan, S.
The name Cimbebasia.
Henschel Joh; Mtuleni Vilho; Gruntkowski Nina; Seely Mary; Shanyengana S. Elias
Namfog Namibian application of fog-collecting systems
Shannon, L.V; Siegfried, W.R; Ward, J.D
Namib-Benguela interactions
Gut, S; Seely, M.K
Namib Desert fog: can satellite imagery be used to monitor its distribution?
Seely, M.K
Namib Desert : processes and people
Henschel, Joh R.; Seely, Mary K.; Hamilton III, William J.
Running head Namib Desert beetle population, Namib desert tenebrionid bettle population responses to irregular rainfall pulses
Seely, K. Mary
The Namib Dune Desert an unusual ecosystem.
K. Schachtschneider ; M. Seely ; S. Jensen; S. Bethune
Namibia an enabling environment for communities to take the lead., A case study from Namibia
Matthew, Catherine; Desert Research Foundation of Namibia (DRFN); Programme for Biomass Energy Conservation
Namibia biomass energy management programme results of a baseline survey in northern Namibia : working document
Mtuleni, Vilho; Henschel, Joh; Gruntkowski, Nina; Seely, Mary; Shanyengana, Elias
Namibian application of fog-collecting systems (Namfog) phase 1 fog-water evaluation.
Maria Amakali ; Loise Shixwameni
Namibia Water Resources Management Review.
Sandelowsky, Beatrice H.; Camby, Robert G.
Namibia yesterday today and tomorrow
Namib sandstone a distinct lithological unit.
M Seely; K.S Bethune; J Zeidler; K Schechtschneider
Napcod working towards communities taking the lead., A case study from Namibia
Akhtar, Schuster, M
National and regional scientific networking for supporting the implementation process of the unccd the examples of desert net Germany and the European desert net.
P. C.M Klintenberg; E. Noongo; T. Langanke; E. Mbangula; J. Zeidler
National level monitoring of desertification.
Henschel, J.R.
Natural history notes of Namib dune spider fauna
Rohde, Richard Frederick
Nature, cattle thieves and various other midnight robbers, Images of people, place and landscape in Damaraland, Namibia
Woodham, Roger
Nature Fog basking by the Namib Desert.
Curtis, B.A.
Nests of the Namib desert dune ant camponotus detritus emery