Hachfeld, Berit
Rain, fog and species richness in the Central Namib Desert in the exceptional rainy season of 1999/2000.
Le Houérou, Henri N.
Rain use efficiency: a unifying concept in arid-land ecology
Shanyengana, E. S; Hebeler, F.
Rammed earth and clay testing at Gobabeb.
Jacobson, Kathryn M.; Miller, Orson K.; Turner, Bruce J.
Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA markers are superior to somatic incompatibility tests for discriminating genotypes in natural populations of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Suillus granulatus
Osborne, Timothy O.; Gudde, Ellen
Rapid growth of welwitschia mirabilis following an episodic rainfall
Mason, S.J.
Recent changes in El Niño Southern oscillation events and their implications for Southern African climate
Rectal complex ion activities and electrochemical gradients in larvae of the desert beetle onymacris comparisons with tenebrio.
E. McClain; C. J. Kok ; L. A. G. Monard
Reflective Wax Blooms on Black Namib Desert beetles enhance day activity.
Moser, Petra M.
Regeneration and utilization of Faidherbia albida and Acacia erioloba along ephemeral rivers of Namibia
Arnold, E.N.
Relationships of tbe South African lizards assigned to Aporosaura, Meroles and Pedioplanis (Reptilia: Lacertidae)
Klintenberg, P
Report of the training module, A3: From Community Perceptions to Remote Sensing, Methodologies Used for the Assessment of Desertification in Southern Africa Given during the Desertification 2002 Conference, April 2 - 5 April 2002, Cape Town
Edney,E. B
Report of work on the adaptations of insects to desert environment.
Huesken, J.A.; Chiza, A.R.; Kapiye, S.K.
Report on the broad agricultural potential of the government farms Skoonheid, Rosenhof and Rusplaas Omaheke region.
Katjiua, Mutjinde ; Healy, Tim; Forbes-Irving, Tani
Report on the distribution of the Okavango borehole booklets.
Seaman, M.T; Mitchell, S
Environmental water requirements in non-perennial systems, Report to the Water Research Commission by A consortium of researchers
Goldberg, Stephen R.; Robinson, Michael D.
Reproduction in two namib desert lacertid lizards aporosaura anclietae and meroles cuneirostris
Shine, Richard; Branch, William R.; Harlow, Peters S.; Webb, Jonathan K.
Reproductive biology and food habits of horned adders, bitis caudalis (Viperidae), from Southern Africa
Henschel, Johannes R.
Research notes a trap to capture burrowing arachnids
Nasrallah, H; Al-Sayed, M
Resizing the landuse patterns through ecotourism for combating desertification.
Nasrallah, H; Al-Sayed, M
Resizing the landuse patterns through Ecotourism for compacting desertification