Ben Fuller; Stephen Turner
Resource access and range land management in three communal areas of Namibia.
M. Seely; S. Devereux
Resource flows entitlement and empowerment roles and inter relationship.
Tilson, Ronald L.; LeRoux, Peter
Resource partitioning in coexisting Namib Desert owls, Bubo africanus and Tyto alba
Seymour, Roger S.; Seeley, Mary K.
The respiratory environment of the Namib Desert golden mole.
Besler, H.
The response diagram a possibility to predict sand movement.
Dean, W.R.J; Milton, Suzanne J.
Responses of birds to rainfall and seed abundance in the southern Karoo, South Africa
Griffin, Michael
Review of Namibian anuran diversity
Branch, William R.; Bauer, Aaron M.; Good, David A.
A review of the Namaqua gecko, Pachydacty us namaquensis (Reptilia: Gekkonidae) from southern Africa, with the description of two new species
Behnke, RH; Sweet, J
A revised nolidep strategy for sustainable range management in the Northern Communal areas
Amakali, Maria; Shixwameni, Loise
River Basin Management in Namibia.
Hamunyela, E
The river flow rigmes and tree species.
MacKay, William P.
The role of ants and termites in desert communities.
Tieleman, Irene B.; Williams, Joseph B.
The role of hyperthermia in the water economy of desert birds.
Eckardt, F. D.; Drake, N.; Goudie, A.S.; White, K.; Villes, H
The role of playas in pedogenic gypsum crust formation in the central namib desert a theoretical model.
Seely, M; Wohl, H
Role of research in combating desertification.
Auer, Claudia
The role of water availability and chemical water quality for plains ungulates in the Etosha national park.
Brain, C.K.; Koste, W.
Rotifers of the genus Proales from saline springs in the Namib desert, with the description of a new species.
Roberts, C.; Mitchell, D.; Seely, M.
Running cools a desert beetle
Henschel, Joh R.; Seely, Mary K.; Hamilton III, William J.
Running head Namib Desert beetle population, Namib desert tenebrionid bettle population responses to irregular rainfall pulses
Falk, Thomas; Bock, Bernadette; Kirk, Michael
Rural water supply in Namibia: effects on natural resource management and livelihoods