Hughes, Jessica J.; Ward, David; Perrin, Michael R.
Effect of sustrate on foraging decisions by a namib desert gerbil
Buffenstein, Rochelle; Jarvis, Jennifer
The effect of water stress on growth and renal performance of juvenile Namib rodents
Nangula, S.; Oba, G.
Effects of artificial water points on semi-arid rangelands in northern Namibia.
Watts, Scotney
The effects of communal land resource management on forest conservation in northern and north-eastern Namibia.
Abensperg-Traun, Max.; Steven, Dion.
The effects of pitfall trap diameter on ant species richness (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) and species composition of the catch in a semi-arid eucalypt woodland
Marsh, A.C.
The efficacy of pitfall traps for determining the structure of a desert ant community.
Smith, Stanley D.; Huxman, Travis E.; Zitzer, Stephen F.; Charlet, Therese N.; Housman, David C.; Coleman, James S.; Fenstermaker, Lynn K.; Seemann, Jeffrey R.; Nowak, Robert S.
Elevated C02 increases productivity and invasive species success in an arid ecosystem
Mbetjiha, R.M.
Emerging issues in sectoral development plan coordination monitoring and evaluation in Namibia.
Nagy, K. A; Girard, I. A; Brown, T. K
Energetics of free ranging mammals reptiles and birds.
Shanyengana, Elias
Enhancing the performane of small scale water supply systems : solar distillation and fog harvesting units
Henschel, J.R.; Lubin, Y.D.
Environmental factors affecting the web and activity of the psammophilous spider in the namib desert
Institute of Management Learning and Training (IMLT)
Environmental Flows in Ephemeral Rivers Initiation of program for Namibia.
Environmental impacts of the war of independence in Namibia.
Seaman, M.T; Mitchell, S
Environmental water requirements in non-perennial systems, Report to the Water Research Commission by A consortium of researchers
Botes, A; Henderson, J; Nakale, T; Nantanga, K; Schachtschneider, K; Seely, M
Ephemeral rivers and their development: testing an approach to basin management committees on the Kuiseb River, Namibia
Heyns, P. S. vH
Episodic flood events of rivers crossing the desert.
Zeidler, Juliane
Establishing indicators of biological integrity in western Namibian rangelands
Schulzel, E. D; G. Gebauer; Ziegler, H; Lange, O. L
Estimates of nitrogen fixation by trees on an aridity gradient in Namibia.
Emma N. Noongo
Evaluating Environmental Sensitivity through the use of geographical information systems in Oshana region northern Namibia towards land degradation mitigation.
Zehtabian, Gh. R.; Jafari, R.
Evaluation and preparation of desertification map with analysis and survey of FAO-UNEP, ICD methods in Kashan region (wind erosion and degradation of water resources)