Larsson, Hakan
Water distribution grazing intensity and alterations in vegetation around different water points in Ombuga Grassland northern Namibia.
Legget, Keith; Fennessy, Julian; Schneider, Stephanie
A study of animal movement in the Hoanib River catchment, northwestern Namibia.
Shanyengana, E.S.; Seely, M. K.; Sanderson, R.D.
Major-ion chemistry and ground-water salinization in ephemeral floodplains in some arid regions of Namibia.
Austin, Brian
Lizard telemetry an exercise in passive monitoring skulduggery and embargoes
Burke, Antje
Floristic relationships between inselbergs and mountain habitats in the central Namib
Leggett, K.; Fennessy, J.; Schneider, S.
Flood-borne sediment analysis of the Hoanib River, northwestern Namibia.
Jacobson, K.M.; Lester, E.
A first assessment genetic variation Welwitschia Mirabilis Hook
Botes, A; Henderson, J; Nakale, T; Nantanga, K; Schachtschneider, K; Seely, M
Ephemeral rivers and their development: testing an approach to basin management committees on the Kuiseb River, Namibia
Institute of Management Learning and Training (IMLT)
Environmental Flows in Ephemeral Rivers Initiation of program for Namibia.
Watts, Scotney
The effects of communal land resource management on forest conservation in northern and north-eastern Namibia.
Müller, Sandra
Effect of groundwater extraction on the vegetation in the khan river at Rossing uranium mine Namibia
Fennessy, J. T.; Leggette, K. E. A; Schneider, S.
Distribution and status of the desert dwelling giraffe Giraffa camelopardalis angolensis in northwestern Namibia.
Fennessy, J.T.; Leggett, K.E.A.; Schneider, S.
Distribution and status of the desert-dwelling giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis angolensis) in northwestern Namibia
Henschel, Joh; Pauw, Johan; Banyikwa, Feetham; Brito Rui; Chabwela, Harry; Palmer, Tony; Ringrose, Sue; Santos, Luisa; Sitoe, Almeida; Jaarsveld, Van Albert
Developing the Environmental Long-Term Observatories Network of Southern Africa (ELTOSA).
Seely, M.K.; Zeidler, J.; Henschel, J. R.; Barnard, P.
Creative problem solving in support of biodiversity conservation.