Jacobson, Peter; Jacobson, Kathryn; Angermeier, Paul; Cherry, Don
Variation in material transport and water chemistry along a large ephemeral river in the Namib Desert.
Eirin Hongslo; Tor A. Benjaminsen
Turning Landscapes intonothing a narrative on land reform in Namibia.
Leggett, Keith; Fennessy, Julian; Schneider, Stephanie
Seasonal vegetation changes in the Hoanib River catchment, north-western Namibia a study of a non-equilibrium system.
Amakali, Maria; Shixwameni, Loise
River Basin Management in Namibia.
Klintenberg, P
Report of the training module, A3: From Community Perceptions to Remote Sensing, Methodologies Used for the Assessment of Desertification in Southern Africa Given during the Desertification 2002 Conference, April 2 - 5 April 2002, Cape Town
Maria Amakali ; Loise Shixwameni
Namibia Water Resources Management Review.
Niemann, Steffen
Indigenous Water Resources Management and Water Utilisation in Northern Namibia (Former Ovamboland)-Can Tradition Help to Overcome Current Problems.
Kruger, A. S.; Klintenberg, P.; Steenkamp, J. G. S.; Seely, M. K.
Forum for Integrated Resource Management in Namibia.
Shanyengana, E. S.; Henschel, J.R.; Mtuleni, V.S.
Exploring fog as a supplementary water source in Namibia.
Legget, Keith; Fennesy, Julian; Schneider, Stephenie
Does land use matter in an arid Environment A case study from the Hoanib River catchment, north-western Namibia (2).
Defis, Sahel
Combating desertification: connecting community action with science and common sense
Njuakom Nchii Francis
Alliedbda My Abstract for Desertification.
Krug, Cornelia B.
Adaptations of the four-striped field mouse (Rhabdomys pumilio, Sparman 1784) to the Namib Desert