Etienne T. Pamo
Water development strategy as a driven force for local communities sustained rangeland management in sub saharan Africa.
Birkhofer, Klaus
Territorial Behaviour of Leucorchestris arenicola (Araneae: Sparassidae)
L. Jiaqiang
Study on the Aoelian Sand Damage to the Tarim Desert Highway China
Sustainable livelihoods in Southern Africa
SLSA land theme research briefing 1 November 2001.
Eckardt, F. D.; Drake, N.; Goudie, A.S.; White, K.; Villes, H
The role of playas in pedogenic gypsum crust formation in the central namib desert a theoretical model.
Dean, W.R.J; Milton, Suzanne J.
Responses of birds to rainfall and seed abundance in the southern Karoo, South Africa
Osborne, Timothy O.; Gudde, Ellen
Rapid growth of welwitschia mirabilis following an episodic rainfall
Schneider Stephanie; Leggett Keith; Fennessy Julian
Occasional paper no 15: Hoanib river catchment study northwestern Namibia water.
Leggett Keith; Fennessy Julian; Schneider Stephanie
Occasional paper no 14: Hoaneb river catchment study northwestern Namibia soil.
Nagy, K. A
Nutrition abstracts and reviews Series B Livestock feeds and feeding.
New Partnership for Africa's Development (Nepad)
New Partnership for Africa's Development (Nepad): More Dams, Less Water
M Seely; K.S Bethune; J Zeidler; K Schechtschneider
Napcod working towards communities taking the lead., A case study from Namibia
Matthew, Catherine; Desert Research Foundation of Namibia (DRFN); Programme for Biomass Energy Conservation
Namibia biomass energy management programme results of a baseline survey in northern Namibia : working document
Gillooly, Jane; Seely, Mary; Dyer, Thomas
A multivariate analysis of grass (Stipagrostis spp) growth and its relation to climatic factors in the Namib Desert
Borjigdkhan, Ts. Adyasuren
Mongolian Community based Pasture Land Management.
D.C. Osberg; S.A. Hanrahan
Laboratory studies on hybridization, among Namib Desert Tenebrionids
F. Panhwar
Knowledge and education in the rural area in sindh Pakistan
Leggett Keith; Schneider Stephanie; Fennessy Julian
Hoanib river catchment study, Northwestern Namibia Vegetation.
Leggett Keith; Fennessy Julian; Schneider Stephanie
Hoanib river catchment study, Northwestern Namibia Fauna.
Desert Research Foundation of Namibia (DRFN)
An Evaluation of the Impact of the "Oshivale" Radio Drama Series: Occasional Paper No.13
Emma N. Noongo
Evaluating Environmental Sensitivity through the use of geographical information systems in Oshana region northern Namibia towards land degradation mitigation.
Henschel, Joh R.; Robertson, Mark B.; Seely, Mary K.
Ecology of desert environments
Harington, Alexis
Diurnalism in parabuthus villosus peters (Scorpiones, Buthidae)
Shirley, A. Hanrahan; Elizabeth, M; Dane Gernecke
Dermal Glands Concerned with Production of Wax Blooms in Desert Tenebrionid Beetles
Schlachtschneider; Seely, K. M.; Zeidler, J.
Communities take the lead Monitoring and management of natural resources in communal farming areas.
Appropriate technology for communities in aridlands challenges and experiences.
Application of Performance Support Team Approach supporting local authorities to improve water supply.
Arbani, Ali Sikandar; Panhawar, Hussain Farzana; Panhawar, Hussain Mohammad
Anaerobic digestion and use of its residues in Agriculture
Wisborg, Poul
Abstract for paper for the International Symposium, 'Combating Desertification ', Cape Town.