Wildlife utilization and biodiversity conservation in Namibia conflict or complementary objectives.
Use of tenebrionid beetles as indicators of habitat quality
Griffin, Michael.
The species diversity, distribution and conservation of Namibian mammals.
Beckett, R.P.
Some aspects of the water relations of the lichen Xanthomaculina hottentotta (Ach.) Hale from the Namib desert
Behnke, RH; Sweet, J
A revised nolidep strategy for sustainable range management in the Northern Communal areas
Shine, Richard; Branch, William R.; Harlow, Peters S.; Webb, Jonathan K.
Reproductive biology and food habits of horned adders, bitis caudalis (Viperidae), from Southern Africa
Sullivan, Sian
People, plants and practice in drylands: socio-political and ecological dimensions of resource-use by Damara farmers in north-west Namibia
Mtuleni, Vilho; Henschel, Joh; Gruntkowski, Nina; Seely, Mary; Shanyengana, Elias
Namibian application of fog-collecting systems (Namfog) phase 1 fog-water evaluation.
Henschel Joh; Mtuleni Vilho; Gruntkowski Nina; Seely Mary; Shanyengana S. Elias
Namfog Namibian application of fog-collecting systems
Wars, David; Ngairorue, T. Ben; Kathena, Johannes; Samuels, Rana; Ofran, Yanay
Land degradation is not a necessary outcome of communal pastoralism in arid Namibia.
The investigation of fog frequency and occurrence patterns in the central Namib as a possible alternative source of water supply to the topnaar community along the kuiseb river in the Namib.
Behnke, RH
Grazing systems in the northern communal areas of Namibia a Summary of NOLIDEP Socio-economic Research on Range. Management.
Lubin, Y. D.; Hanschel, J. R.; Seely, M. K.
Function of nest construction in relation tg foraging behaviour of cribellate web spiders eresidae) and wandering spiders Heteropodidae) of the Namib and Neqev Deserts.
Eckardt, Frank D.; Schemenauer, Robert S.
Fog water chemistry in the Namib Desert Namibia
Burke, A.; Jürgens, N.; Seeley. M.K.
Floristic affinities of an inselberg archipelago in the southern Namib Desert relic of the past centre of endemism or nothing special
Mtuleni, Vilho; Henschel, Joh; Seely, Mary
Evaluation of Fog-Harvesting Potential in Namibia
Kruger, A S
Closing the gap between farmers and support organisation in Namibia
Seely, Mary K.; Henschel, Joh R.
The climatology of Namib fog.
Seely, M. K
Can science and community action connect to combat desertification