Poller, Riana
Using insects to evaluate the biogeographic status of isolated dune patches in southern Namibia
Joh R . Henschel; A. Burke ; M. Seely
Temporal and spatial variability of grass productivity in the central Namib desert.
A. Burke
Status of succulent shrubs in the southern Namibia desert succulent karoo biome.
A. Verlinden; M.K. Seely ; A. Hillyer
Settlement trees and termites in central north Namibia a case of indigenous resource management.
Moser, Petra M.
Regeneration and utilization of Faidherbia albida and Acacia erioloba along ephemeral rivers of Namibia
Koskenkangas Veijo (GNEC); Green Namibian Eco Centre
Project proposal for new project.
Population Biology of the psammophilous lizard meroles anchietae.
Verlinden Alex; Laamanen Risto
Long term fire scar monitoring with remote sensing in northern Namibia relations between fire frequency rainfall land cover fire management and trees.
Manning, N; Seely, M
Forum for Integrated Resource Management (FIRM) in Ephemeral Basins: Putting communities at the centre of the basin management process
Seaman, M.T; Mitchell, S
Environmental water requirements in non-perennial systems, Report to the Water Research Commission by A consortium of researchers
Bluck, B. J.; Ward, J. D.; De Wit, M. C. J.
Diamond mega-placers southern Africa and the Kaapvaal craton in a global context.