Original !Kung Stories, history and cultural expression   28 May 2019
Original !Kung Stories, history and cultural expression

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Creator:   Keiamseb, Petrus ; Rooi, Clara
Description:   !Kung|Stories
TOC:   Animal hunting / Petrus Keiamseb, A lady who gets her period / Clara Rooi, About women / Ida Iseb, How the :Xoo get married / Piet Martins
Publisher:   P3ICL Project
Rights holder:    NUST
Date:   28 May 2019
Date created:   28 May 2019, 30 May 2019
Language:   !kung
Subjects:   Hunting; Menstruation
Coverage:    Namibia
Abstract:   Old time elders of men we make of hunting, so there was no woman allowed to hunt and the hunters had to be with their weapons and as they were walking from place to place for hunting the wild animals. They were just living by that wild animal meat as they were moving from place to place. They used ostrich egg shells to carry water that they were drinking. As they were hunting , the old men drank this water while they covered themselves with the skins of animals