Lüderitz Lesehalle
luderitz_lesehalle_windows_007_thumb.pngLüderitz Lesehalle
Head line:  Lüderitz Lesehalle
Detailed description:  Lesehalle in Lüderitz
Details of Buildings:   - Reference No:  - Grading:  - Type of building:  - Style period:  - Architect:  - Builder:  - Date erected:  - Name of building: 
Subjects:  Historical buildings, Reading rooms
Places:  Karas, Lüderitz
Date of photo:  1990
Remarks on dating:  Estimated
Copyright holder:  Strack family
Provenance:  NUST
Photographer:  Peter Strack
Technical info
Medium:  STI
Colour:  col.
Format: TIF
Date digitised: March 2020
Collection: Strack
Metadata entry tool: ISIS
ISIS Raw Record: tag=99 data=258\ntag=200 data=Lüderitz Lesehalle\ntag=330 data=Lesehalle in Lüderitz\ntag=607 data=^aKaras^bLüderitz\ntag=700 data=Peter Strack\ntag=803 data=^o20200312 05:01:00^drenate%^o20200312 08:47:59^drenate\ntag=812 data=STI\ntag=816 data=col.\ntag=823 data=Historical buildings%Reading rooms\ntag=826 data=Lesehalle Lüderitz\ntag=841 data=Strack family\ntag=843 data=Strack family\ntag=871 data=1990\ntag=874 data=Estimated\ntag=889 data=NUST\ntag=894 data=Good\ntag=923 data=luderitz_lesehalle_windows_007.jpg%luderitz_lesehalle_005.jpg\ntag=926 data=202003\ntag=928 data=PRI\ntag=929 data=TIF\ntag=933 data=ISIS\ntag=934 data=Strack