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UNESCO Collection
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Participation for educational change: a synthesis of experience; 1994
UNESCO's strategy for HIV/AIDS prevention education; 2004
A Conceptual frame work for the development of lifelong education in the USSR; Fundamentals of educational planning; Vol.:35; 1987
Innovations in university management; 1995
Planning early childhood care and education in developing countries; Fundamentals of educational planning; Vol.:28; 1979
IIEP Educational Forum on Student Loans, IIEP/S.118; Student loans in higher education. 3. English-speaking Africa: report of an IIEP educational forum; Educational Forum Series; Vol.:3; 1991
Seminar on Higher Education Management Information Systems (HEMIS); The Use of computerized information systems to increase efficiency in university management; IIEP Contributions; Vol.:20; 1995
The Quality of primary education: some policy suggestions based on a survey of schools: Zimbabwe; SACMEQ Policy Research Report; Vol.:3; 1998
National and school-based curriculum development; Fundamentals of educational planning; Vol.:40; 1991
Seminar on Needs-Based Formula Funding; Needs-based resource allocation in education via formula funding of schools; 1999
The Quality of education: some policy suggestions based on a survey of schools: Namibia; SACMEQ Policy Research Report; Vol.:2; 1998
Joint IIEP/OREALC Latin America and Caribbean Seminar on the Management of Educational In...; Servol pre-school and adolescent training programmes in Trinidad and Tobago; Increasing and improving the quality of basic education. Monograph; Vol.:10; 1993
International Review Workshop on Improving Managerial Efficiency in Higher Education Institutions, ...; The management of double intakes: a case study of Kenyatta University; Improving the managerial effectiveness of higher education institutions; 1994
Planning teacher demand and supply; Fundamentals of educational planning; Vol.:27; 1979
Workshop on the Condition of Science Provision in Academic Secondary ...; Science education in developing countries: issues and perspectives for planners; The Development of human resources: the provision of science education in secondary schools; 1992
Reducing repetition: issues and strategies; Fundamentals of educational planning; Vol.:55; 1997
Increasing girls' and women's participation in basic education; Fundamentals of educational planning; Vol.:56; 1997
Redefining basic education for Latin America: lessons to be learned from the Colombian Escuela Nueva; Fundamentals of educational planning; Vol.:42; 1992
Financing secondary education in developing countries: strategies for sustainable growth; 2001
Joint IIEP/OREALC Latin America and Caribbean Seminar on the Manage...; The 900 Schools Programme: improving the quality of primary schools in impoverished areas of Chile; Increasing and improving the quality of basic education. Monograph; Vol.:9; 1993
Planning education in and after emergencies; Fundamentals of educational planning; Vol.:73; 2002
Education policy-planning process: an applied framework; Fundamentals of educational planning; Vol.:51; 1995
The Quality of education: some policy suggestions based on a survey of schools: Mauritius; SACMEQ Policy Research Report; Vol.:1; 1998
Workshop on Issues and Practices in Planning the Quality of Education, IIEP/S.109; Planning the quality of education: the collection and use of data for informed decision-making; 1990
Accountability in education
Anderson, Jo Anne; UNESCO. IIEP; International Academy of Education
Communication media in education for low-income countries: implications for planning
McAnany, Emile G.; Mayo, John K.; UNESCO. IIEP
A conceptual framework for the development of lifelong education in the USSR / Alexandre P. Vladislavlev
Vladislavlev, Alexandre P; UNESCO. IIEP
Cost analysis of educational inclusion of marginalized populations
Tsang, Mun C.; UNESCO. IIEP
Cost factors in planning educational technology systems / Dean T. Jamison
Jamison, Dean T.; UNESCO. IIEP
Development of indicators for educational planning in Eastern and Southern Africa
Educational strategies for small island states / David Atchoarena
Atchoarena, David
Education planning and management and the use of geographical information systems
Education privatization: causes, consequences and planning implications
Belfield, Clive R.; Levin, Henry M.; UNESCO. IIEP
Education projects: elaboration, financing and management
Magnen, André; UNESCO. IIEP
Education, training and the traditional sector
Functional analysis (management audits) of the organization of ministries of education
HIV/AIDS and education: a strategic approach
Increasing teacher effectiveness, Fundamentals of educational planning; Vol.: 39; 1991
International Workshop on Quality Improvement of Primary Schools in Developing Countries, IIEP/S.131, The quality of primary schools in different development contexts
Management of higher education with special reference to financial management in African institutions
Sanyal, Bikas C.; Martin, Michaela; UNESCO. IIEP
National examinations: design, procedures and reporting
UNESCO. IIEP; Keeves, John P.
National examinations: design, procedures and reporting
UNESCO. IIEP; Keeves, John P.
The planner and lifelong education / Pierre Furter
Further, Pierre
Planning educational assistance for the second development decade / H.M. Phillips
Planning education in relation to rural development / G.M. Coverdale
Planning human resources methods
Seminar on School and Community Collaboration for Educational Change, IIEP/S.120: Collaborating for educational change: the role of teachers, parents and the community in school improvement
Shaeffer, Sheldon F.; UNESCO. IIEP
Study abroad and educational development / William D. Carter
Carter, William D.
Training teachers to work in schools considered difficult / Jean-Louis Auduc
Auduc, Jean-Louis
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