African cultures (6)
El Fasi, Mohammed ; International Scientific Committee for the drafting of a General History of Africa
Africa from the seventh to the eleventh century
Ogot, B. A.
Africa from the sixteenth to the eighteenth Century
Ajay!, J. Rade
Africa in the nineteenth century until the 1880s
Mazrui, Ali A.; International Scientific Committee for the drafting of a General History of Africa; Wondji, Christophe
General history of Africa: VIII. Africa since 1935
Niane, Djibril Tamsir; International Scientific Committee for the Drafting of a General History of Africa
General history of Africa Vol 4: Africa from the twelfth to the sixteenth century
Niane, Djibril Tamsir; International Scientific Committee for the Drafting of a General History of Africa
General history of Africa Vol 4: Africa from the twelfth to the sixteenth century