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Guide on simulation and gaming for environmental education; Environmental education series; Vol.:2; 1991
Atelier sous-r�gional francophone pour la cr�ation de mat�riels de lecture et d'�missions radiophoniques non-sexistes; Parents should go to school (Benin): literacy and basic education for adults; Literacy and HIV/AIDS series; 2000
Low-cost science and technology materials at the senior middle school lower grades level; examples of national institutions of Democratic People's Republic of Korea, People's Republic of China and Brasilia; 1990
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Education kit on combating desertification
Teacher training on ICT use in education in Asia and the Pacific: overview from selected countries
The training of educational personnel and the production of educational materials in Africa / by Amara Fofana
Women, property and inheritance: a product of a UNESCO/DANIDA workshop for the preparation of post-literacy materials and radio programmes for women and girls in Africa (Kenya)