International Round Table on Training of Teachers/Trainers in Technical and Vocational education
Gender-sensitive education statistics and indicators: a practical guide
Functional analysis (management audits) of the organization of ministries of education
Educating for a sustainable future
Smith, Tim; Wangari, Elizabeth O.; UNESCO Regional Office for Education in Africa (Senegal); UNEP
Desertification control and natural resources management: Case studies from SADC Countries
Children discover arts and crafts through...workshop-classes
Biodiversity conservation in Mozambique and Brazil
Basic education for all African children: modality for co-operation
Aprender de maos dadas
Higher education management training and development: quality indicators; New papers on higher education: studies and research; Vol.:18; 1996
The case for indigenous West African food culture
Teacher education in Africa: past present and future
Mid-decade Meeting of the International Consultative Forum on Education for All; Mid-decade Meeting of the International Consultative Forum on Education for All: final report; 1996
The Struggle against discrimination: a collection of international instruments adopted by the United Nations System; 1996
World Summit for Social Development; UNESCO and the World Summit for Social Development; 1996
Higher education in the 21st century: a student perspective; 1996
Information on the implementation of the Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict, The Hague 1954; 1995 reports; 1995
The Education for All teacher-training package; 1995
ACC Task Force on Employment and Sustainable Livelihoods: country review for Mozambique; 1997