renewable energy sources (25)
World Solar Summit; Énergie solaire, énergies renouvelables et sociétés; 1993
World Solar Summit; Evolution and perspectives of the solar market: commercialisation and dissemination in the European Community; 1993
World Solar Summit; Rentabilité financière et rentabilité économique des principales applications de l'énergie solaire; 1993
World Solar Summit; Énergie solaire, énergies renouvelables et sociétés; 1993
Analyse économique des filiéres d`énergie solaire
COMEST Sub-Commision on “The ethics of energy”: UNESCO Headquarters, 2-3 November 2000
Energy and hydrogen, World Solar Summit: Energy and hydrogen
Extending renewable energy technologies in the developing world: UNESCO-VITA, a global partnership
Hydro-Electricity: A Renewable Energy , L'Hydroélectricité: Une Energie Renouvelable
IEA renewable energy programmes, World Solar Summit: IEA renewable energy programmes: international collaboration
Hamakawa, Yoshihiro; Tohma, Kenichi
New Sunshine programme and recent advances in solar energy technology in Japan
Ocean energy: Status and technology
The Role of renewable energy in the world electricity system
Solar energy and agriculture
Solar energy and health
Solar energy: a peaceful energy
Solar energy in China
Solar energy in North America
Solar energy in the economies in transition: an action programme
Solar energy in the Iberoamerican world
The State of the art and development strategies of renewable energy in Arab countries of Masherek
Wind energy: present situation and future prospects
World Solar Summit: An Overview of the status and potential of renewable energy sources in the European Community
World Solar Summit: biomass and energy
World Solar Summit: World potential of renewable energies