National Conference
Land Reform
the Land Question
Consensus Document
July 1991
omce o! the Prime Minisler
Puma Bag l3338, Wmdhoek Te (0011223744 m (can 3642é
Presidents opening Address
The Prime MinTsVers address
Consensus of )he conference
Prime Minisyens closing remarks
Conference programme
mom comma cu m: wow mo ms wnmzswm
National Conference on
Land Reform
the Land Question
consensus document
The Iandqueszion inNamihin is oncorlhe moslbm'ning mum-engine
new nuion.MIny yearsoreolonirllsnrhuveresulrudinlhe prerernsruriuon
where rhe vul majority of me populalion ms access to - trunon or nil
agriculnnal land. nus highly unequal dirlnuurion of land in rum lurd are
rounduxion inrlho slnrclures arupenheid andlabaur exp ihus
urban nnd rural povenv. One of \\h: principnl challmlgcs iaourg lire
Govemmcnl is lhemioie lo redrers llns imbulunoe and widen mass lo [M
ln ilsxuempun fon-nillalcnew policies which will evenlueilymlnguboul
u more euuilnble dislrrhulion orlnnd, Govcmnrenlhee deemed lo embark
on a programme of nallunll consulmion on me lend queslron,_ln
lhe views and problems orrlreoroplewni dueclly reprosenlcd in mallow
denim. ln hrlirllrnenr or die Prime Mininers underlaking given (0 rue
Nanonid Alsenrbly on i Jun, 1990, 15 process ofl-lmionnl wnsululran
culmxnaiml in the Naiional Cm'lfclcncc on Lund Rerorrn and rhe Land
Z chwamzmwbummnwmmm
President's Opening Address
We are all aware lhal Namihin is an exhemcly dry counlry. Thur, myissue linkedm land incvxiably much» an lire hroadenspeclsofagriculmml
produclivily Ind the availahllxiy waulcl. i, lheieiore, hopelhnr lhe Land
Reform Conferenee will consider nnl only me land issue per rr bur uli lhe
relevunl queslionr such as ugneullurul produaivily. water nvaila ry,employrnenl germ-Minn by running Md lire linkages bclweui sgrieuluneand menulecluiing.
nexmqmmsmm s oneorxhemorrhumrnginuei fzcillg
wryamgnmmmflay indeed, inwflrwnml'mm: mggle lornnliondl:
WmA quick glance m lire polhreul eeonmny oflllis counlry clzlrly
wvellswhy land isafsuch gmi imwmnee. ln rho firsr oluoe, uboutWXz
orrhe populnion derives its livelihwd hon. nu: land. eiuier as warm,
privfll: uwllels ufcammercia! farm land Dr Walker: on such fnnlls.
Wmnyudrflummymm or mmilnunr derives»
mermaid-admin immmmmnd awnership oi lend-re highly
Wyd'fllfibmfldfi Thus. 35,2 millian hennreeonhelolnl agficulmnllyusable land in Namibia is owned and ulilizrd by Duly 4 664 individnll
fax-mm. On |hn nLhcr hand, min: Lhnll 150 000 families or close [0 one
million people hnve locus in only 33,5 million heerme oi rho rolul lino
suiuole for agricultural pmduclion. 1his lnlienrui is commonly relermd
no is oornnrunrl land
similarly, umquul accesno vlual neihlies sudi us agriculluml credil.
exlensian scrvioes, research inm smlll~scalb lather nurn leugesmle me
martial .gricuilure and lack ul mess lo mukels have n-suhed in commflv
nil nreas being underdeveloped, Ar u consequence, agricultural produc-
uvizy in wmmuna] areas and meirovernil umuribufion in me GDP has been
disuppoinlingly law.
Malnulrilion and lack oraccess io educauun and olhe. social services
mum mums! 0N MND rem mu Mrwnwsiim a
have ehumorerised rhe life drrhe majanly olour people in me oomrnurral
areas, On me olher hand, commercial ngrreulrure, will-i genemus financial
and orher assrsranoe irom ihe previous culanial adminrsiruiion has been
able ro grow. As a resuir. mosr or agncnllul'es loral mnmbuuon io rlre
nsnonal Mommy is produced by ihis semen This is Whm we ca. unequal
d ulbuilon a! msuurccs
ir is a marrer ufhiswric reoord urar me adminisimive machinery 3:1
up by imperial Germany in Narnihra mer 1900 clearly rndrsared whar
soeral and ooorrornio polieios rhe wanred ro pursue in rhe rerrirory,
The counrry wardryrdedrnlorwo seeriorrs, ode oirhese reorionswar
named rhe Woiioe 2min and was mean: largely ior whiree. The Polree
Zone was also rhe herrpan orrhereniroryrairconrained rnnsionhelrnowrr
scunnmic resonrees and me hesr agriculurroi land, The orher soerion
comprised me Nonhenr and NnrlhaEuskm pans where reserves" or
h'omclmdfiwere ereareri and uroindrgenourpopulauon wasioroedroliye
in remnie. arid and underdeveloped areas.
This srruenrre or land ownersh p and tenure, however. did nu! only
uiieor rhose who derived rheir livelrhoodr drreorly rrom ure land. On rhe
comrdry. |he erearion orreseryes or homelandr war an essearial (oarnre of
rhe cola cxplaflalion or Narnrhiu'r resouroor. In nddirirm, rhe enrire
wage srruerure and lahonr iupply sys|cm depended very much on rhe wuy
Namibia's lurul was dryrded. in a snare, mererore, denying rhe majorily of
rho people mess in land wns us much inrended ro make ruehlend avadahle
ro whire sealers. as rr waslo deny hlaek Namihranr recess ro rirerarne land,
rhereoy denying rherrr me opponunuy or engage rncornmerorrl agriculrnre
and forcing rhem inro wage labour.
Acoording bu Lire reoenr siudy on farm ownership in Nurnihraroday,
Lhcmmabourfiigl fume; Oulofmtsefi I23 fmnsmwhiIL-ownw: Mid
cover 95 per DEE of the Sudan: and of In: commercial districts (34,4
million hoorarea). Wilhu-i rhrs ownership cnregory rho overwhelming
majo ty of {mm belong ro individurl whire runners, mpluding non
Nulni Ills? Tu b: more specific. Emil] muf 1.7 milllnn humus (382
4 MW CONMME 0N Imo momma w Mouser-ow
fmnsnmong iotorergnobrenree farmers. ihar is ro say0,9 million heerarer
belorrgirrgioeirizens from Ausrria, France. liaiy and swiueriand, while me
bulk of in millinnhedams isuwnod bySoulh African resrdenrs. similarly.lhere are indIVidual Narnrhian formers wrlh more ihan rwo large forms. as
agninsr rhousands afrhcir landless fellow counrryrnen who live in rquaiid
51ml; ,Namibiuh firmm nwnonly ml or ihe eornmereial runner
represnrdug mperoernnr manna The resr are eiiher uwncd ny rhechumhls. municxpfllilies unheflale. Emluding plo|Samund [ho |owns. the
zveng: size olflanns Is E 592 hummus. lndaad Sam: Namihiuns her: Ind
cenninly rrrany oimeirgrandpurenrs and parcnls have had personal expeerionoea oi rhe process. However. meeeare somepeople who argue rhur
Fflmgnmamrsmooddnanuhappenedmore mail looyeurs ugh?
irrhorddhanhemgooonnnmegaredm irisrory hookrrorhers haveeonre
n) [his Confcmncc |0 Muss "It: siluaflon by Ivguing for [he mflmalion nf
"leir mcusinl lands 0n: EMHIDL and would rial forget lus|ory.
This Ormiererrce will have to us wheiher memlania! and
oolonral hrrrory can he raked as a siarr ng point for redressing rhe imhal.
aneer and rnjuaxiees mined during rhe course orrhoi sad hisrory.
The cruelry and iii-ircarrnenl rnered our ugainsr black fm~wmkcn
iry some wirrle farmer: up to this mornerri is irreconcilable wrm pl'Escm
rndopendonr Numrhin and me policy 0! mLiom! reconoi arion. Some
Wyflmmhmmmaxineludmg "my: who were bom on
the same rain-re) WWWMiymems onrvelihomi. 'nredirrrrisred
rarrrr worku rr foroed ro lrve beiween inc road and rive fence or rire ramr.
onion Meymidmgamfislcsm erjuma m Mahmud 1hr food) This
is an flhusc ai bear and a ierionr rnrulr an worsr.
Equally. lhere are ieilow Namibian orrizens whohappen ro herichand
who embark upon lummnrgm or cornmrrnalureas. rhus cuzung om
anddzvnvingrhe nest, rhe oommurruy (mm eonrnron grazing fields and
worer souwesa This kind oi illegal, inhuman and unparnoue behaviour
rowardr fellow Narnrhionr mus| come ro an end ionhwirh.
mm comm: 5N MNDltimM moms imp mESiiON 5
s wiiliayiew io reconciling such opposing percepiiaiis orimelaiid
due n rhai my Goyerriineni (hmugh me Office or die l>nnie Minisier.
decidudiiiliinclasiyaarioornoark onaproprarnnio nfmflnnalcansulmiwns
on ihe land quasfian, The Cu)
'on olinis process l5 lhis Conleieiioe
which is Mdmng ioday,
"rliiai ilie general objcclivcmmiicnnferemiswxchizvethwn
possible consensus onurelandquesuon: ihiis pmdhigosoila-omsfmmeo
roriniilarion of apolity'cn land iifnhnnml'pmgnmme Dfflvio'n u»
implemennlie nocessary changes
in ihc weeks preceding ilie Confclcnuc. lug: .wclcn olour populn»
iiun were rnoliilisadio discuss ihe land qiiesrionwiiliuie yiewro iepreseire
ing ihuir views ai ilic Conference. Newspapon. ine min and ielevrsion
were used io iniiiuie discussions in all pans of rhe eouniry. Regionrl
inlorrnaiion sllbrcmnminbes wero esiahlisliad io iaciliiape coininuniuiion
heiwoeii ruinl organ aims and ihe Conference ailrii nisrriiiion. As a reiiili
more man 500 Ipp ioailoris ror pmiclpallan 11! inc Cnnfcrence were
mcived, (7le cm was iakeii in exiending iiiyiiarions lo panieipanis io
ensure ilini nll \\hme gmups and urgmisnlions wiih s direcr imam! in land
would be rcprcacmed ai |hc Conference
My (ioyei-iiineni's (kc ion \\0 ooiisiili ilw nuiion oerurc looniilaiiiig
policy on imponani nnrionnli lies, also dernonsiiaies s coiniriiiirierir ro
democracy Navcrbcfnmimhc hisiory ofuurvuumry haannycoyemineni
hmugh| rugeilier so many people wiih me a m ro consuli on such an
iinporiaoi issue as me lsrid quesiiori, 11in issues K: be discussed ai iiiis
Conference dld iioi arise as a resulr or independence. They nrepan af our
hisloricnl inhci-iiaiioe. Bui ii is in rhe nadir uf me rim Govemmml or
indcpcnllunl Numibiaw shliusprovrdedilieopponiiniiylorallNiiinilsiaris
m come Rirwald wilh lheir problems and m suggesl salmiuns m the Land
lii Imviug chosen rlie pmh orniirioiial oonsulirnon arid panicipaiion
in addlvasing ilie lurid quesiuin, my Goycnirnenr hopes in have laid ihe
hnsis ror iiii on-gmng process or dcmocmlic consnlirilon ml diner inay'or
z) miumrrmuimmimprrimmoiiirmmsim
issues as walla My Goyei-rirneni hopes mar mis Cunfmnc: will address
insemo ihe (ollowirig;
a) Conn-lbw: rewards a bener underslanding of ihe bsucs at
sukehy pmviding aromin where ieievani land issues and gricvmoos from
all pans of|h= counlry can be represeniied and discussed:
h) Toiaue slock afmlzvznl expcnenucs nf lrnd mfnrm and res
senloineiii iri oilier pans of Africa;
:1) Consider resenrch daianndrindingspiepared lorsliiscisiifer-
enoe wrdiayiewioouilinirig alieinaiiyepdlisy opiions andioapeeiiyaiess
where ouerrrial inronniiiioii is lacking.
d) lteyiewalieriiaiivepolioyandaunregloopuonsonlandrefdrrn.
more specially on problems of diririlniiion and nnlisaiiori or land, raking
imo mun! regional and loenl futons, and;
e) Toldapgnsmecnnfemnlx decxdcsfiecommendmions which
will be inken inio swoop: in are ionniilniion of a iiiiiioiial policy unu
programme or uflolls
The research papers prepared will no doumoioyide ilie Confcrcnce
Wim infomlaliun on the wonomic. film-lull. :mlaglcll and Insllmfloml
parameiers wiihiri which solulions fur lire land problem can be found. By
oniliiiiiig she parameiers lur lnnd rerorin ii is no: inwnldbd m linali in;
oplioiia funeral-in. rasherrhe lnrenllon isrpnpbefoie meConfeieiioe some
mandznggaaiiooxwhiclnnayvooao-ilnne \\lzmlvinglhrlind quesrloriin
WW uisminahlmdevrdopnmrwmskeplaoe nu ma 13nd)
Wiihoiii proper legaxd la ecological and oiliarfazlois which innuenoe she
poreiiiirl orlaiid ror flyiculmml pin-poses, any pmiculax solurioii lo ilie
land queaiioii my iiirri oiii io be no soluu'on ar nil in [he long run,
Asircaiibeseenrroiri Lheloregaingmmownarshipandmmolorlando
iriNnmibiflshlyflyxktwub Annymioorirynioronly owns abouiwyoe
aLllgnmlmraHand bulllsvcommlsncuwm sncirlmd: The vasi majoriiy
wow (waElkMZEoNMND mowwmz WDGHESTON 7
0M1: pnpulalivn have In ninke a virus in lhe reserves which comm-ire na
innrerhan 40% ufagliculmml land. This means ihnlihe landmpenpierniuv
in rhe mscrvcs ishighly unfavmlnblecampnredm ihewmrneieial fming
seeinr, As n rcsulie over-populalian and uvengrazing are (he nrder arihe
day As a resuli of populwon pressure and ihe nhsence oi employmcnl
appdnuniiies elsewheie, aranle land per heurehald is alsa shrinking. ln
Ownmbo (or exnmple, ilie average aren culiivaien by a innilly s 1,1
heeiares; Kavnngu 2 linemres and in ihe Capnvl 25 hecuams. Th is inn
anly urirnir. bill ii is really inhumane,
Thw siiuxlinn is cxmrbalcd by lhr. Incl Lhnl lhe reserves hnvc been
siarvcdofngriclllmnl Inplflxsuchascndil,mmmg,m[m(mcmr=, iniyivynd
sends Ind fcnilizcr Im many dander, Under xuch condilians sgricullnlal
pmdueliyiiy is law. In Owambu. Kavzngn and the Capriyi communal
areas gram yields perhecinie are no more thn 0,3 mm.
This 5 far less than whni a iamily needs in [and ilaell. Am!
invesuginian found mm a family would need [ileum hmmwovidrw
subsisleuce an prescnl yields.
5n whilel do n0| envy you ioryourdriiienhiask. lam mnridein ihal
yonrdisensrinns WI iake plane in afrauk mannerandihai you willpmvidc
my Govemmeni leh suggesiinns and iennrninendnuans with which to
cormuiaie a naiinnal policy nn land reform. l dn wish you ihe ban in your
his now my slngularhunuurm declare ihe land Reform Conference
omeiany npen.
s NAnoNM romumcr 0N M mow AND ME LAND ovum
The Prime MInISWs Address:
The Way Forward
In June l990 in lhe Nuiona] Assembly lser in irai . , . u lhe man »
means far he huldmg nrllie Nuliarlal Conference on Land Rdmm and 5h:
Lind Queslian. The purpose was in msolye Numibin's land yrablums inn512ml of nallunil Mom: min The aim onhe Conference is :
nl loael ar a forum [or piseming Mid dlscussillg nil ieleyam lnnd
issues and gneynnces mm all pans onhc country:
h) [0 review policy and aunmgy apuons on land iefannnairing
, aeeuuul armgianal nun local ramors,
c) in develop a nninnal policy and pmgmmma ofauhon aimed ai
snlvmg land prnhlenis.
The Canfcmnce provides an oppmunily lo nhlain lhc yieV
ws f in
people dxmcfly. They will then be cansidemd by Lhc Cabinci and. who;
appmprialev will be lakcn la ihe Nalional Asaemhl r
mud (on Law.
y oribeenaclmenlnra
.1" [he year [hm his :lapsbd since [he d on was mad: [0 hula a
nanaunl mnfmncc. a mderuigingdebalehamken place nmhe land issue
in Namibia. 'nie discussions, which no dnuur will coniinne during {hisConference. haye mnged overthmc principal areas:
a) Colnnialdlaposaearinn: haw la gelhaek land righis lnken under
enlaniul rule, and haw ll) Mop llae cominning expluxlaxion or
farm workers;
h) Eq : haw in col-moi lhe uuemely unequnl disuibuiiori nr
agriculmial land inheriied (rum the npanheid mgim: and 31
me Sam: Lime, hnw w enable lhe le-Lhmlx of Namibian
haunhnlds who are plflly or fully depends! on the land In
achieve a decal living;
mm cwamsmmmomwmlwueursm 9
c) Elfwiency: how to inereuse ihe elricieney orland use no as in
sirengihenrheconti-ihution niagriculiureio iheeconorny. now
and in the long lerm.
Cnlan Idispnsufiiofl
The process of lund alieniuion in Narniuia bcgall wiih lire enlnnisalion
iiiihe rerrirdry, firsl by ihe Germans and laieron by ihe Soudi Africans. ,Td-
reverse misprnoeisnowsndrenun ihelanduodiedeemdnnisnipreviouu
uwmpxcsmmajmpmlicaldflficuflifi. Arnaiorproolern is indelerrnine
wilh uecuracy ihe pieenlonial iennrial situairon and in idenrily she den
xccndflnl}: or former owners. Din ng m: luiier yam of die lasi oenlury.
groups of pafluml peoples, in shining alliances, moved back and firm
nernss ihelandseape. By 1533, piumicallyihe whole Icn'iwry occupied by
pasroralisiearnrnuniiicshud been required by eighiconnetsion companies,
ulihough the procesi or removing the pwplc in reserves" eoruinued inlo
lhc woos.
Should ihe clock he iurned back and to what precise point in hislory!
whai criteria shriuld he used to evaluating competing claims?
llihe deoiie ai ihe Conierenoe is to innye forward toschieveap oive
reanli, will be necessary in go beyond the issue oilend their in considcr
enui y; La, improving awessw land and providing s lei-er share ed thy
insonie {mm ihe us: or land io ihe inaioiiry afmnl Namibiansr rann
walkers, small flock keepera, euliivaiora. wnrnen ar well as men, San and
ouierinarginelised camrnunitia.
Fnrihnse canccmad abculnquhy issues. onoonlieprincipalouracdven
of lnnd reform is die elinunaiion of lhe mnrerne social Indeculwmifi
inequality inherited from me ooluninl npanheid sysieim Few mllcrcumr
ui . nnve a paiieni of land dismhuiinn which in so unequal. An esiinined
rwo peroeni nnherural populaiioncnnuols 57 percenioitheagriculiumlly
usnhle lmd. This incqualily is runner uncenzunied by me veiy liniiiedn
mess nithose living in Cnmmnnal Arm to agrlmllunl inputs rind husk)
50cm services. as compared wash the oouunercial anus:
lo mimicwumzmwurewmuwmthsm
Others have messed nun lund mfarm und ilre elidculiun orlund should
beguided by inepnnelpleofwhocun irialsetliemoslemciernuse nnhe lnnd~
llmia systems as modern sciemific running»
This is a valid andJuslifiablc olnceuvc. uni the ieehnisal cfficicncy orthe land uierennnni he uic sole criterion memnuepmremeieney shouldbe welded roiuehrdetheunenrnli wumelund. Iabmlr and enpri-lyPrudllcllon should nniheovcrdependenron iuusidiesnndinr collocssiuns.
There is an under y g assunipiion Lhui efficiency should be Judged inierrns ofmmlll'es such as ihe annual air-inke ornnirnals iron. ihe range. inihe Conirnunul Aieas. off-lake is less {hm halrihatolnainedon eon-inieiu'al
iai-rns. bin uie pmducuon eosrs oiConnnunal Area iannersnre Elsa low. in
ans sense. Corninuriul Area runners are more emeieni in irie use of
resources. especially scarce foreign exchange, mun commercial runners.
lnierlnehing conslmlnk
Whit has become clear from \\h: discussions of land reform leading upmiheConleienee is iliai ihese iliree issues (mlunial dispmwssinn, equity
Ian-d efficimcy) Cannol be [mflkd in isnlallnn, They have to be uddlessed
windy, becausll: one cannot be "solved wilhaul reference |a me olhcr IWD.
. Reconciliation cannot be achieved by denying the need in
mm hisinneal injnuiccs.
- Nor Can ii be obtained by denying ihe presenr inequalny or
access in land and emplaymcnt whim results from ihese in'
uoes. Economic und social justice nannnr he nehieved
ivnhnut enabling the presenr generntinn and iheir ehrldren m
oinnin decern standards ol living.
. Equally, lhe lmpoflancc or the technical, ugrononiie and eco»
nomic fnclurs which deiennino howlhe land can be used cum-ml
be denied,
Mm mumceouuwo new mom uuuoussrov ll
nd Ri 2s and the Cnnslllullon
. Y
Apprfidmiely iwo mum of Namibia are usable (or ny-lcullurll
purposes; lire resr brine coumry ir liken up by deacns and nalareresewes,
panicuiarly an die werrcm side oi rne munay,1'lre usable am IS dmded
rnlo communal land. labouru percenri and commercial land (abour57 per
During irria week, are Confemlm will hear a areal deal aboin land
lenure. Communal land lenure is in fan communal awnerslup wrm
household user riglns, ii is the lraduional syelern one more coirecdy elellresysrem uf |cnulc which prevailed in pvre<olnnml nrnes. Approxima y
33,5 millionlieelaresmnne porenually usable agneulnnallandsmreunder
communal lenuro, bulnol all oniiis is earplonablewulraurmayorrnvesrmem
in warer xupplitsv Tne usable ma is abom 27 million lreclarea.
' ' '
lol land.Commcrcral {arm land is moaily pnvarely owncd, maria lrecno
alilmaglr u origin be leased or reared in a scennd parry by alie ownen Tlie
Loni arca oi comracreial larm land io abour 36 million lieerares, well over
lrall oi rlrc usable area
' '
Natunl1 mo oi iire Consinunon, Saverelgn Ownerabip a!11:93:13, naies mar land, water and namml resources below arrrl
ubavz the surface afthz [and . .rrrrrll behmg rrr rhe srars lfthey rrre rror
nlherwiielnngfidlyawnzd, UndDr/micle loariliecbnsaaraon, Prapefy.
me srare mayespropriare properly or me public mieresl subreer ro paymenr
onus: compensaiion.
le's i-i libs lo communal and cammmm land in independanrNaomi): nave gun pmfmlndly mlluencod by ilae colonial 1:meToday, people in the communal lands _ some 65 w 70 per conilohepopularion , have no acknowledged ngllt, independem or die wl on theslave. lo live and farm in me communal Areas. Tlua in in cmmfull ullwfully owned" oommerdal larnung areas, cleared our 3, 2:53dispossession.wlrere owners areena'uod in yaaraompenaauon u
l2 NAVDNM coNflrNchNlmu momma: MWESVION
Tlie Conlcrence may wish in consider how ilns sirnannn mighl bereclined under me sysrem or chiunal and Local Goycmmeni yer lo beinlmduced.
Agenda for Land Reform
his apparem lhni land reform in Namrbra snauld nor beconcemed onlywith the xcdislrlbuiion chommcminl pnvnlcly awned land, but also will!safcgunrding people's access in communal ianrl resources and proieeringare legicimaie rignrs onarm warkcm
clearly. rlre Canierencesnould direussnulonlylandrelami. rlrri Islherediarrrbanan orriglna in land. buinlso rural developmeni, run is impmv-ing incomes and livrrrg arandards in me rural areas, Huwcvu, ilrare is adanger blur, in widening iiac debale ro include nrral ricvelopmenr, lireConrerencc wrll loaesiglrioillic urgenr need (or land rclarm. Equally, Iorme Conference in iallr simply aboui rural developmenl in line CommunalAreas wilnaul addressing rlic surnocl or land redisrrilnnion and improvinglbecoadruonsorfan-n warkcra, would be unrealisricand asurc wayro breakme fragile pmoess orreconcilrarion.
Communnl Areas
Let us. nevmhzlcxs. beg"! wllh a Cnnsidcflflon of [he |3nd=ulal§dissues in me Communal Areas. Aborn sseso per cenr or Namlbias
popularion depend ror sabsisience on meir ngln In live and lann in men
communal Ill-ids. Their numbers arerapidly increasing in pmpmliun in meland available.
Tlie lnclr oi boreholes and ollrer basic rnlraslruerure m the communallands nas meanulaal Ll-loLlsands orNamr ram wrio could orercrsc ilrerr rigorin {am and eonlriburc lo Hit a port ol rlicrr inmilies. am now unbornusable land. Tire miserable oondirions of iron workers and llie exp ndingpapiuanonorxarulura is due in large panro rbe exproprianon oloommnaallands lorrancriing during inc colonial period. a process wlncn appears in bewnlinning loday.
Asmgleideaonincdevelopmemolilrecnmmunalareas nasoorninaredlire il-rinlring ofmobiolfic is and samc oirne wealrlrierand moreoducaredpeople armore areas inai iradirioaal iarmers and cusiomary forms orland ream are born orsbleie and backward. ii is relr rliar lhcy should berranrrormed as soon as possible mro commercial banners and leasehold
NAVDNAA CourmNG m l/lmmow no me Mmerslm l3
ionuro, Thls lino nf |h0ugh| on rho subdivision of communal
land mm
"unnomlc unils" hos pmVlded a rhoms for Communal Am develaprmelll
plons for moral docadcr.
T s has hnd a number or unionunsio consoqucncss, chiol among
which 5 lhul ugnouhurol dcvolopmom in m: Communul {has his boon
vinunlly blocked,=xo¢pl forlho officmland unomoiul ioncmg
iiul uncrs nflnnd. Allhough large sums huvoooousponloy govcmrnom
waror supplics. much orihiu oxponduuro has hoon geared
ro snsuumng or
cslzbfishmg loncnd funns,
A nodonul oniludinol survey on loud nsuos was
cornod on} in propu-
rurion forthis Comoronco. Towurdwellingpccple and oomrnorcnl lannoss
soorncd lo hold loo yiow rhui communul soon:
is In oosoclc wdeiirclopr
monr. On lh: omcr hund. mo gmal muyorily or people living
in sin
Communul Areas wished lo rcrain ch: syslcm.
Th: mslllls Mill: survey II: in lull: with that ofm-warch carried ml! in
otllcrcuunlries. This incnasingly qunsdonsmo nognuvcsiolomonis uoour
cummuml lund lznule nnd ins conscouonocs. Time
is clear cvldulcc m
communal lurid [allure syslems lend lo ovoivc luwordu fuller ind more
secure individual ronuro rigors in rospoosc ro n growmg populouon and
commorciolisulion ofagriculmre. This roisss oucsuonr ubom due pnonly
which shonldbaaocmdad l0 expel-151v: inlcrvznléi-msIIID-tndod l0 (Heel-h:
pocc or lonuro change. such so oonyoninu ondruonul rights
Io lund nno
privalt properly. niis plows hns lod
lo wrdnspmd landlossness m oihcr
Afncancnnnu'iathisznfcmnne musnhus discusslholunuo oroomrnu
MI land influx: and Whether ll should cumin:
In Numb for Lh: LIME
of rho Cummunal Areas. lho psoolom is nol one oiuosolmo
shaggzfiand. bin lrosuricled aoooss ro communul lund und oi low u_nd
falling land pmducl' iry. Snudios ludicurolhn
more on some uuoo WHILE"
hecliams (In area of noour twice rho siro
nf Rohonorh. orohrncouurlors1 o:
sine ofOuljo) or unmilisod lund ln Owumbo und Kavangu which c ol m
dovolopod (or rho uso of small lurmoss. Tho
Conicronso mioln com. r
how Lhis land could in mud: avallablz snd ro
* 'fil woro rm!
Th: arcs of unuullscd land would be considerably larger.
(or lhc rucl lhul :xlicrl ve lmcls oi communal
Ia'ld are being cal-marked for
IA mom :wzkrhicimwmmow
mow: momma:
cuclnsuso as commmiul fun-us. This sumo lurid is sailed (or occupnhon by
oommunilios olsmull rumors, ll mighl ulso be narod rhul lho moulomom
Winnie of 1: goyrrnmom roquires lllc cxpcndnuro of puoho lunds on
buying commorciul runns fur lhc rculomcnr orsmull fan-nus. Yel ar rho
sumo limo, mull-nuns! iund Whlch could he suuuois {or nus purposo. ir
boing grubhod by woollhy runncrs. smnc of whom could afford lo ony lhoir
awn commercial farms, m m lcasl could he helped lo do so
Tho govornmom hos idonilnod lhousands or lundlors and des uno San
who huvo boon awardcd prioriry in rhcir land soulmml pmgrznlmL This
siruurion is cuusod by Lhe occupurlon nthelr loud and wolcrpolms hy slack
(armors, a proooss which hud us rools in rho last conrury. As long us lhis
proooss ol dispossossion conunuos unaddrusod. increasing numbers or
San will ho rondosod doslilulo. requiring cosrly rosonlomom pmgrzlnlllcS.
in mis oonroxl, ii should he norod lhul rho urou which "I: promo ~rcglmc
cullod cusrcrn Eushmunlxnd is our unuliliosd, bus is mupicd by u clllnmur
nily orsome 4 000 people.
Tim: is now rorlho Conlcrmoolo giys scrious anonuon lo land policy
undodmrnislruuon in lthommunal Amosmosr urgonlly rho nmicol ion or
communal rights lo lund {Ur me poom socuons ofm: commun y.
Adminluiraiion oicommunul lund
Unlil rusonuy. ull upphcmions for land woro cusromorily dnuolcd
Lluuugh chiefs and houdman. wiih lhc dissolullon af Lhe wuulld lizr
umhorilios and mo cmexgcncc oi new poluicnl al' nmonis, rho rnuluionnl
loudeuu have, in many cases. ooon loll powerloss, This is pumcoiurly xhe
use in the communui asoas ol mo soulh. ml and wosl w whcuo ihc poople
and moirloudors woso mound by rho colo
rogrms, 11ro posiiion oimo
mdilianll lcadcrshi Lhc nerlhcm communal areas may be mare \\CClIVC»
Tho now poshindcpcndcncc rogionol nurhonlios do nol hnyo lhc snarl.
molocul knowledge orxho logul munduro rodoul wilh land dispums and land
ulloononr, or lo moniror land uoo. Thosc proolcms orihs manxgcmem of
rosourcos ln uho Communal Amos orlond beyond crop hind nnd gracing lo
inoludo olhor nnhunl rosouroos- wildliio, rucwood. Fencing and hu ding
poles. maronol fax buskel work. void funds. oic
As rho conlnouuons olConlononoo punlclpunls will show. cuch locnlr
iry hus in own uniquc solor lnhcnrod und cunonl prvblcms. Funhcr. many
NNWCONEEIIKEONWD momma m: Wu) (313m l5
ofllle soluiions io mes: highly specific land issues can be genemied only
arihe locullevel. 0n she mmrllalldJocal solniionshuueiohe in aosnrdnnoe
wirh n Ilaliuml policy on land use and righls oi access io land and nnunal
mmul'ccs far all Nambialls. wamell as wall IS men.
A liey quesiion - one needing early mlon . is how ro provide aquflily
ofauzcss lo women, THIS is mod! llrgenl in ihe cuse oliemiile-headed orde
rncro lemme-headed households which ilie mule is ubsenr mosl of lhe
yeur. A wci-nnn should be as eligible lo have lhe land use due in her name
as a nun. even il she and her husband live iogulier, and I0 inherll and
bequcalll lnld. This would uppear la be required by ihe (onsiioniom
li is noi yei clear who me lnwzsl level or load goyommenr
wlll he.
Sam: him may elnpee oeime ii became: clear, The Conleieiiee miy
conclude dial. in ihe memiime, iliere isnoed fora loeal insiinnion, which
has ihe iespeei of ihe people and ihe suppoii or govcmlllcl'lL io undenale
she adiniiiinmrion oilam and naunal resources. Suchan im|il|lliull would
cmnhillc local knawledge and oadiiion nu ihe principles and ioehniques
of modoi-n land use planning. lis deci ons would iespeci ihe needs and
uupimlions ofllle people ll. served. I! would be gimi lhe legnl humanly
implerneni and cufnrce iis decisions.
Commereial Form Lands
From ihe long lisi or issues relaling ro me home wf llie eummeicisl
[arming are-s, ihere sue sereml which srunil our as wonhy of special
aliendon by ihe Conference, or paniculur concern lo pan clpmls will be
me issue uf nnccsoal fights and sovereigniy over Nanll iu's lurid.
More ihnn a year alior independence. she simuiion in ilie commercial
agncllllural dish-ms l-unlins Yundamullallyunchalngnd. 'rlieownciship
land ll eonconimied in me hands omiose who proriisd rrom ihe loonei
eoloniul regime; the labour force is sun hlghly oxploiied. Despiie ihe
roughi and hnrd won independenoe, ihe coniinning ownership
or inueh ol
1h: lurid oy u small minoriiy remains a burning polilicol issue. especially
urnong lhe riirul people whose livelihood musi some 1mm xlie
The Conlerencc may wish io oonsider whedier ihe qu llml could lie
psnly msolyed in ihesorne why is iron ofsuvmigllly
oval inineml lor l-ish)
resources. ihui is by vesiing hind iiile in ihe Sine on behalfol lhc Namibian
people and issuing land use righis.
Foruielargerarrnsseior ihepieienilieeholdseeior).andlogically
ihe urban fleahald recior is wc . fighls could oe issued for 99 years horn
1h: date of Namibia's llldCPLfldchE. Such a scheme would allow me
zvclllhl] hurmnnismioll of land lull": lll whnl In: nuw the fmehold and
eommunul lands. ln all cases. land could be leased from llie sisic on she
who basic norms.
Thisnppronch, whichhas been used in cilerAlrieau siaies. would yesr
lurid ownership in die Sale and pmvldc an irnporranl source ol revenue
lion-i reuis io finance land relomi, yei would also pmvid: for secnlt user
fights. The ndopiion olsuch a schema could have oolh symbolic is well as
posiliuepoliiieul lesullsJ'Mlcis masonio believerhaisueh a seheniecould
be introducad wiihoui inlrio g lho Cumlilnlinn.
Such a scheme wuuld fanililul: s more speedy rrlnsfcr of lanns in rhe
oornrnereial aieus lo a more represoniuliye gmup or Nam s. A| ihe
some Lime, || would racililaie ihe aoquisiiion of lund for ihe purposc or
redisinoiiiion oy poyemnieni. which would have a nisi opiion on all leases
ofleled for sale.
Radinrlbllfiun ol cominmial land
At this slngu, we need io ask ourselves why die rcdislrlbullun or
coinmeioisl land is necessary. Punicipsnis will hear. for examplc, of
pmposlls fur mayor invcsimeiiis in wnier supply schemes upclllllg up
unuiilised land in ihe noiiliem Communal Aieis. However. such seheincs
willnoilielp ihepooriarniers in roe crowded Communal Anus ioihesoinh.
wesi and easr. fur whom spioe niusi be round in die oommelcml areas.
Many orihese people have been dispossessed in Ihl: lisi filly ycus.
lusr how mighl such mmmucll] land be uoquired fordlsmblllioll or
lenserosinnllrniniersl ll has been estimalcd ihul some l MW 1 250 large
uniis mighl come on the mnrkei overzhe nexl five years Thai omounis io
mughly 20 lo 25 per dcnl ol Ill opemlng farms. The yaosnc'ies will arise
fwm ahandonmens ol rinns, sules on rho reriremcnl ol larniers, solos by
heirs and oiher rensons.
However, lannsslesslone may nalplavidzlhcqusnlilyullypc olland
which is sullabll: rorredisiriouuon to small farmers. li ihererine nectar
mmlmumcimmiffowwnwummisnm l7
sary (or rhe Conlerence lo discuss mhcropholls'
- acquisruon oi loreign-owned larmr
- acquisilion oiianns in excess oioiie, cwncd by individuals;
7 land owned in Cxccss of n mulmum aim.
, acquisilion alundcrruilllsed land: and, posnbly,
» land {armed wkh exploded labour in defiance oi lhe law or
fulure labour codes,
There are also oiher earegoriei, apari iroin individual ownership, ihar
need ro be examined wish a view ia ideniiiying lmd ior raining _or
dlsllibulinnlosmallfarmms reg. ismisnwoed by lhe sure, mumcrpalines
and ptfirurbm boards, companies and churchesl which iogesher
make up
mm: 5 pa can of the commercial area.
However, before deciding how much land ihe siaie mighr acquire for
redisri-lbulion, where and for whom, ii onld be well ro cumin:
irre ure_io
which redisoiouled commercial land mighi be par, for here lies a mayor
dilemniarorNami ia Thereaeuierneniopporoiniiicrwirhlrrlheeommereial
areas lor small rarmers iromihe crowded pans oldie nonhem Communal
Areas are limiied. lri faei lhe opponunlucs are much beuer wilhm lhe
nourilised pans orKavango and Owambo,
Only relaiively small areas of commercial tar-oi land so she souih are
suiialrle lor arable crops because rainrau is mo low and unreliable.
is,ll1¢re[ure. aclear limli io the area draieould be acquired fat rereirlemeril
oimixed crop and liverroelr (boilers {mm Lhe
We areinionned iharihereaie rewsuoeessbrlpieeedenis rororganised
paaroral seiilerneni uhcmts. simply removing lhe boundary lenses ol
purchasediai-ms on iheedge nfexisling communal laodarrd allovvriigherds
in mm over a larger area may be lhe eheapesi and moriefieelrve way of
improving me siiualion oi norliserle slack owners.
This solunonwonld
depend on rhe aoquisirion or a number of adiicenr
farms ndjmnmg lhe
Communal Neale be exrended. Ari aliemaiive approach would be xhnnr
ierrn renial orgrazingonrodividual rarmriosiocieowners irom Communal
la NAlKM consumer mwoiimwrrlruwp
Elsewhere in Airiea. ihe reiilomeni oi groups or pasimiisn 0..
purchased iarrnr has proved more problernaiie ihan ilre sclllcmgmofmixed
irrmerr. Large areas will be needed io provide grazrnp rm nerds or
rumeieni sim io susiain iheir owners ll each household is alloeaiad ii
single paddock on iron wiih us 0er wnier supply, [hecffccl or resiricied
lVflka movnmenx Li likely 10 lnfllfl seven: dlmag: on [lie vcld, There
will be high risk: olmul stock lossC .during dmnghlsv 0n lliz mlwrhand,
Ifa number of households arc allocated me farm as a Whaler ll is likely to
become a cummnnll are: in minimum.
The sirrrplesr programme would be lo alrrael individual larger sioek
owners from rhe Communal Areas lo commercial farms ilrrough ihe
provision ol special financing arrangenieirls. However. lhe irripaci al'suCh
ascheme onibe range resources oiihe Communal Areas and ml rhe income
and living slandards of ihe majorily ol sloclr holders len behind would
probably be small. is is noled rhai ihe pair larger srnelr owners have been
reluclanr ro leave rheCommurral Areas. When rbey have niovod. alley have
mmnadflunlgmzing righls". by keeping one ion in lhe Communal Areas.
The Conference needs in consider which Communal Area fan-nun
should bepmvidrdwiih access lo suchcommerei land;iherrgrograpiiical
origin; level or income; and wheler ihs raiumeos, lhe landless and ihe
uncmployvd should be givm pnoriry Purll-lec whai ierrure ariangcmcnis
should beadopied: individual ianns. cooperaiives.eie? Whal arrangemsms
should be made lor seirlers regarding purchase/lease, shon-lerm renail
coiruaors for grazing by individuals and/orgraups7 Whri level oisuppori
should be provided reg, credu, rarm iniraslrucrure. social servreesl7 The
Conference ls invired ro consider rhe adopnon of a var-rely oi approaches,
One possihiliiy would be io invire iniemaiionai cor-pornions wi|h appro.
pi-iare ieehnical and manageioenr Cxpericnm lior example "it: Commons
wealihDevelopmeniCorpnraiionlioassis nibeesiabiisrnneniolranching
oooperalrves in which employees would be shareholders.
Wimdmwsl oi remaining subsidies and can: 1mm rhe eomrnereliil
Aluiouglr somewhai penpheml lo ihe cenlml issue oi land mfbn'fls ii is
also necessary for m: Confurenc: lo consider wnar measume should be
rdopied io mare ihe commercial iairn seclor more scllrrclmm and produce
liver Ar rhe same iii-ire, ihe Conierence should recognise min the more
narrow couriiilri 04 Willow mu IHE mm GUKSWJN W
nnancially drmculi condilio'ns heeorne. ihe greaierwill oeiherendency io
exploii labour and overgiaee ihe range.
ii has been argued ihauhe cur-renrlevel crsraiesuppori lo commercial
Farming is bolh incHiciem Ind illeqllilable. II is inefficient bonus: Ill:
suhiridics and lax concessions which remain in iorce encourage usesiiye
inyesirrleni in commercial agricullure. ll rruglrlbespealmorepruduclively
elsewhere in lhe economy. ii is inequiiaole because lhe buzflclmme
namely cmnnrercial rai-rners. are hem ornhan she average
We muxr ask ourselves wheiher a phased removal oi rhe rerriain g
(arm subsldles unduxconcessians would resnli inasrrrsller, hurhealriuer,
seclor rroe oi arale supprrrii
Firm workers . V
ii is clearrhri any lend Ivform programme in Nlmlhlamusl
larrri workers onihe eoinrnercirllar-rns. heceni evidence shows
our nrany
Df ihem Ilvt arid wvtk lrr daplmablc eoiidiiiei-ia, ohen earning less shar-
leperrnonili.wirh very poorhousirig and praaiieally
scryiees. Morel/er. land owners use lower-paid casual and rernparary
workers, as well as child and prison lahour. winch lowers wages lorlann
Iahour in general,
Many people argue ihal ilgoyerrrrnenl insisrs on_irriproved condirionr
ror rarrn labour, ii would lead ro lore ofjabs.0lhc1s dlsag-meanfl insrsi llml
legislaririg ror improved oonduians will lead lo a healrhrer indusiry.
The ohjoeiiye rnusi he in esublish a liiring wage for lann labour. This
cm he achieved by legisleririg a rninirnnrn wage nrhy legisliurag lor basic
condluons oiernployrnenr (eg. haumhaljdays. housingeic.) rudenaurrng
lhe pmvislon or iooirl seryioes. This. in turn.
should enwunge workers
organisairons ro grow and nourish so rhar ihey
em deiend and build on rhe
righls lhey haw won. Experionoe in Zimbnbvwe
shows that a minimum
wage law is very hard in cnfmc: Ind
is likely io be healed by employers as
a maximum wage and he used as an excuse
ia lay on workers.
The Minislry oithmui nnd Monpowerbeyelopnienihas ihe :3an
slbilhy for erilorcirig rhe labour code once i| hoeonies law. li_rs unlikely
haveennughheldaiumo ororiiiorcondilions Forlhrs reasorn
iris imponnnl
20 NAYONs rourrrrruceon ANDREIOEMANDlHr
ihai lhe held Sm or lhe Miniiiry or Agriculiure. Wsier and Rum'
Dev:|upm=nlam enihaiaskorrnoniionngrheohseryaneeallegislaiion
and reporring any yiolaiions io ihe iahourreiaiions offices which sre io he
eslahlished al a regional level.
ll should he possible. for example. lo insisi ihal lhe provision of
suppourng services in rann owners . dioughi mlief, credil, eic. linked
ioiheohseryunceolrheprescrioedm inrunrcon riorisiorlarrnwurkers,
in some coun ,eyen sirongermeisures have been adopled in three
land owners ia improve ihe condirionsorlheirwnrlxcrs Far example, rhey
have been lhrealened wilh exprorrnalion ir lhe land is nor hillilling us
luneiinn". The lhreai oisncli measures hav: usually been siirlicierii
10 bring err-an: land owners inio line.
Many (arm workels have lowerorder lenurc righrs. for example lo
graze snimnls or our firewood. lhrough hirih or long service on lire farmsi
They nre conscious orrh se righis Ind expect a land reform programme io
proieer ihei-n. The majoriiy ol larrn workcfi ure eornpleiely landless, The
Conierenee needs io consider ways in which lhey could be grained lansl.
both wilhin the Communnl Areas and in lhe lnaalriy or lamrs and on lhe
Concluding remarks
in conclusion. ihere are several broad ohimaiicns, hased on experi-
enoe wirh land reform in oiher counirios. ihei lhe Conference should rencei
Firsi. experience shows ihai lnnd reform will be a (arlurc unless ii leads
in ihe producriye use or land. Frequenily land reform in mhorcounires has
failed in genome langdeml henerirs lorihe iargel pnpulniiun. who heeorne
unduly dependenion gnvernrrieni subsidies. oirrconeer-niurihe lesumflan
of lnnd i-iglus, jusiiee and equiry in me allocaflun nnand resources should
nol diverl us horn lhe need io ensure lhe longierrn eooriomic abilll} nrour
land relorm programme.
The second lesson rhar we can lam from land reforms elsewhere is
film, a. mo aftgl'l. they hzv: excludcd lhe ynor subsietence faunas,
especially women, hecnuse ihey are believed ro oe iriemeiem, unprodnce
willows cmrzlswmwnlrmwmmnwsw 7i
19 and nnwonhy drossisrance. Lond redisiribiilionhasmnnly benerned
Ihc bench) members or ihe commumly. On din oiher hand where
governmenis have ulren equiiy wliaust and provided the necessary
supponing services (exlension. eiedii. markcling, old), [he poor and
d advanlaged have responded lo ihe oppoml s olrered. The erneinl
ssoe is nol whai people are. blfl whlsuhcy can oeeomeiiprovided wnh ihe
Thirdly. pmgrmn'ms Involving die icloeailori oi people and lheir
rescultmcnl elsewhere have had very limilcd snoeess and hnv: pioyed
cxlmmcly cosily. ii is riol unuwal (a! cosls lo range lseiwcen R30 om lo
R50 mocriaroilyror mloealion andseulcrnem. mfmslruclflre undsuppon
duringlh: rsl year or more. The Cunfuence will do well ro bear in mind
ihal ihcre is a wnsidemblc body oi experience on resenlerneni, boih in
Namihia iisclrand in neighbouring Ahiean eonnliier. whiehcari he used lo
avoid lhc many pillalls lo which reseluemem programmes me prom:
Programmes whieh succeed in helping ihe rural poor lo lrnnmyc ihe'
priidllclion and ineome and which. al ml: same limo, are cosi :fleclive will
lmvc ihc musl impaci on nlsim; employmeni, Where land ierorni pm-
grsmmes hnveconcennaied on lhceslablishmem orrnedium-sealerhrrners.
|hcirl1pch0n cmploymcnl has been correspondingly small.
Iimlly, ii is well in remind musclves oronelmnononl principle. 'lhere
'sone recipe iorsueeessandllial isioinvoliieihe peoplcaafully nsposs' le
in ihe planning and lhe inioloirienurlon oI'lJIe acuons necessary lo so iy
lheirnoeds ii is ihe policy oioiir govemmenl lo consull you, lhe people. on
mailers orsuoh lundomenial iinponarice as land, 1his oonieienoe lsihe
culminanon a! a series ofmeuings on land reform and lhe land onesiion
which began whh minmcrial vislls ro rl-ie regions early ni rhe year. The
process oi eonsiilunon will run end wiih [ha [and conreience, hul will
eoniirnie as we srivc lo implemenl ns eorrirnendsiicms.
We have made every cirorl iu obloio rhe pamcipwon or as many
Orgilnhifllolls and inleresl groups as pnssibl: IMhe Conference. Even such
indiVidiialn irom niml areas whose voices are nor normally heard one be
seen and heard in lhe video doeumenlary lo be shown ioniorrow. The
adophon of lhis eonsnllaliye approach al lhe onlsel or Namibin's lend
relorm programme holds promise, ll musl be allowed lo cummuc. wilhom
cumuhallan we came! expecl w succecd.
77 NAWONM ewum: oN in» women: MI MN!) MSW
Consensus of ihe Conferenm
Durmg lhe course of ihe
inlnmled by pmunmnons and suhmi ns by lhe delegaier nanicipaiirig.
lhe following general consensus has emerged from me delibcmiaus:
L Injuslice:
Dunng ihe colonial period, much anzmibla's larrn ng area was
:xpmprialed by lhe Gen-nan and Somh Africnn colonial regimes
li was ollocaled excluslvcly lo while selileis while Namibian
fun-nus were mainly confined io reserves. Today. smell rriinorhy
owns nearly all llie neehuld ranns.
Conreienu coneliides «hm iheie was inyiisnce eoneernrng llie
acquisilion uf land in ihc put and um someflling piacrieahl: mnsl
he donc lo reality rhe simalmm
z. Anaeslnl rights:
Before Namibia was colonised sl lhe end onlie l9ih eenlory. ilre
Iandbeundnnesbclween Nami ancomrnuriiliesweie nol precisely
dernamlled and 5 red Iroqucmlyv The claims or diirereril came
ninnlxies will inev ably overlap, Dfllmg lhe eolonial oenod. lliere
have [men large pnpulmion moyerrlenls and a mixing orpieviously
dielincl oomrnuni es,
MWcwum cu MM: mum/Nu VHF we aorslm C]\\//
Cnnfemlce eoneludea mar giv=n llre eornoleailrea iu redreenug
ancesu-ul land el
e. mlllullon nfsuch claims in (air imud
Forelgll-owned varrnlanrl:
Themix nalionwrde land lrungerandasevere alrenageaiayailable
farmland. Duringllieeolanial pcfiDd,Namlhianswer=excllldcdill
(avom or sealers lrorn abroad, especially Souril Ainaa. 'llll:
eanalilulrenal principle or ammlmve aerian is bear served by
gluing pnmily la Nam us wllo need lo own larrnland.
Cunfcmnce rmlvn dial [omlgners should nol be Illowcd k: own
lexnd, bul should be given me right In use and duvelap it an n
lcasehnld baris in acoordullce wi|h Namibia's opcn door' policy
|awards loreigu invealrneal,
Underulilised land:
11aere is land hunger and severe pressure on farmland rn rlle
communal areas, while same land rn meeamrnercial mneremaina
abandoned or nul fully alilisall.
Confucnce mower llral abandoned and andmllrlisod cmnrner»
clnl land shnuld be realloealed and blvnghl lnlo producnv: use.
Amnlee lnndlnrds:
Many aoseulee landlaldshlveallemalivcsourw eiineome. while
mny Namibian (annals hfik sufficiem land lo make All ldmumc
livlng. Some Namibian farm enlupnaes msplilbclweendifiel-em
lucalinns and amen are palHill'w or weekend iarrnera. Abaenree
famign uwncn. on lire orller lund, mnslly live abroad.
NAM/ll Comma ou mu Wow mu we own alarm
Commence resolves lllal land owned by absenlees should be
exprbpnaled, hul lhal llrm ll-loulll be a aisllnclion. ln respecl oi
owners who do nol live on lhcir (arms, belween rerelgn and
Namlaran owners.
Farm aiu and numbers:
Some eornnrereral farmers own more llran one lan-rr or large rraels
or land while many Namibiana are shun enandr ln lire spiril or
aalional reeonerlralion, a redisn-ioalion oi saell farms would 017m
up mess re a grealer number of Nnm ian farmers,
Coolereuoe rearing lhal very large {arms and owneralrio ofscv»
eral Ian-us by one owner should no| be oerrnilred and such land
should be expmpnaled,
Land lax:
A lanrl lax an commemlnl rannland will geoerale mvenuc ror lire
5mm from |hc wealrluerseeliou arrire fanning eonununrly. A land
ran may serve lo ommme llle producllvc ure of land and penalise
llraae who leave [he land ldlc.
Conrmncc raaulvee lllal [hem should be a land lax on mmnlereial
Technical commiflu on commercial farmland:
in view of lire need lo ulabllsh aullrarilalive dala and arrive al
wund policy recommendalrons, conference recommends mar a
leennreal eemmrnec abould be cslzblished la evaluare lire fuels
regardrng underurlliaed land. abscnloc ownenhlp, viable rarnr
. mrrmwulmwarvlrarrowmm-memsme 25
sim lndilfcmll mgwils mid mulliple nwllershipoffan-m; lomakc
approprlnla recommendlliflns fanhe uquisilion and rullocarion
Msuch lnndidznnfied; mammsspoxsiblcfamu orraranorr on
cmnmercml flrmlalld and m: economic nil: In which mxalim
should applyi
Laud lulnre:
Land is a basic ualural mourn: ro Whlch all Namibillls should
have m.-
COH'HEIICG recommends mm in order k) malis: nus abjeclivc a
leclmlcal cammila: should be aslnblished Io cvaluau rhc legnl
cpnm'is canocmmg possible for-ms (II luui larnue
consisunr with
me Conslllmianv
Farrn wnrktrs:
Many «arm workers suffer degrading cundhinns or povcrry
mpmssiuni They have wmr'lhuled greuly lo lhe pmsperily
of '11::
:nmmcmal {arming mo. our have oblained hula bencfil hon.
Ihzlpmspemy. mucircumsrancesrianrnrdspecialnruuran
pmlcclion by law.
Confmncc cmldzmlls the rnjuuioar pcmeluatad on rnrn workers
by some fan-mus in bmh \\he cummmhl and
me communal mus.
Confirms: nsulves mm:
a) Farm wmknrs should be nffuidEd righls
and pmwcfion
umlu a labour cudc.
mllcw cwrmcs 0N l/wn mow mo M uNo airshow
h) The goyamnuru should mac! legirlnian providing for a
channel 01 nghls for (arm workets. The chancr should bc
rnonhored and enforctd by a governmzm agcncy.
c) Tin chaner oi ngh|s should include pmyirion fur maxlr
mum working Mun. lam. annual leave, rchooling
[or children, mrdical cm lor wal'kus 2nd Ihclr laminar.
admunluhnusing on me lann.perrslons, ma right in reside
on lhc farm aflm idim'nem, and gnzing fighu for farm
workcls' livcslock flee o! charge. The chancr or righls
rhouhi also include omision rora |
ionnuy with a labour coda.
g wage in corn
r17 The govemmenl should enafl legislmnn w prom rum
worlrars (rorn ||Ie mupuilunul haurdr of|hcir work and
91de the kamen's Compensalimi Au m include farm
innate In commercill farmers:
In due pasl, common-in] farmers enjoyad riiagroparuorraio sate
supporl. Such suppon may be but dimmed m susrain beginner
mums. All Numihiln (annals ax: vlllncnblc In advem condi-
uorrr such as low cummodlly prim and dmughlsv Tempomry
suppvfl maybeneedcdluuch limes. Suicrnpgon maybenecdcd
\\n asrin wmmucial {mas ro lmplcmcm social programmes.
Confemnce molves Hill:
a) Esiablnhed cummucilsl runners rhouiri only receive n7
nauciul asslslance rrorn lhe gavemmcm in arcapumral
circumstances, which include naiurul disaslers such as
mmucwmmoumummo MEMDmtslm 27
bl The govemmenl should cansldm pm ng Issislmee l0
cammsmnl lat-mus for pmglnmmcs or nifimmliv: ac-
llon, such an impmvmg me cnndumns o! farm workers,
The llnure role emu mmmuml arm:
The communal amas susuain Lhe glut majurily or Nnmlbluu
(Imus. especlnlly poor runners,
Conference concludu Lhal me communal anus slumld far m:
pmm be mininbd. develaped nnd unandlsd whale mmssary.
Access In communal Ian .
Farming huuwhnlds depend um um land for much oflheir subsiu
dues. Aguunnlmd lighwhcccss ismmlal mmirsurvival. Th:
[omerhomcllnd policy whlch les|ric|cdzclxss (a mmmllnal land
on nnlbsl uremmc buis .cmumy wme ndnsuludan Nun bans
have I: dglu |e live where my chm. Huwevcn ln . pmlcular
wmmuna] axea me l-ighu cl inlemling lsmms [mm omsldc LhA
uea need II.) he Muncllcd wllh Lhc nglm ofthe local cammlulily
having mess la ma: lmd.
Conference mum: that:
a) As provided by the Cuunluuuon, a. Numibiuu cllluns
hm flw lighx lo Ilve wherever may choose. wi|hln lhc
nullunul lcmlary.
Mm Coldmimr m um momma ms my mum
b) ln seeking new: to communnl (and. npplltsms should
lake :lccoum allhr. righ|s uul :usmms onhe local commu»
l" s hving mm
c) Priorily should be given m the landless and lose wllhoul
adcqurllc land for snbmslcntc
Disldvanlagld cumlmln ins:
Ever incmnslng land pmisums in me communal was past: a mmsl
lo Ihc subsislcnc: resume utespcclally disadvanlngcd commu-
miles and groups,
in parliwlar mc San dud [he disabled, should receivc spcclnl
prolccllon nllheir lnnd righls
Game conservalian uud [Irmers' rlghm
ln some mmmuml mm mm in confllcmllmcmsl between me
uecd rm wildlllc musnmlinu and [he nccd of farmers m pmltc
lhcirl muck 1mm In , , and Wu amps lmm damage
Cunfartncc "solves lhnl ramms m me communal areas shnuld be
allowed lu gwc mcircmpsmd limmck emclwc pralcclian {mm
wlld nnimnlx.
Paymenl lur luml:
In ccnain communal am." runners mun pay [0! land allmalcd lu
them Many nmxmnll subsmsme lnnncmundcaunouzsdy arlml
k) my. They also ch'Elvc no mm rm dun paymcnls.
NAHONAI mmux r hill/lull mam/v m l; Wummm 20
Conlexsncc resnlvzs lhal:
a) Communal nus hausaholds should nm be Icqnimd m pay
for olnuln g Inland undel wmmunal lemme lm Lheir
own subsimncc.
b) Those oblaining land for bnsm s purposes should be
requiled \\o puy for h,
c) All psymsnls {or lmd should be made us "I: govemmenl
nlhcr Khan (radmonal Indus
nghls ol women:
Womcnlmnmemujoduyursgiculmml ymduocrsinfilemmmnnul
ams.yclsnflerdiscriminmlun undcrbolhcuswmaryundslaluwry
law They have besn hislorlcully maugmnhssd.
Conference resolvu lhul:
8) Womcn should hhvn: Lhc nghl \\a own [he land lhcy clllir
vnl: and m inheril and bequeath land had fixed properly.
1:) A pmgmmmc ul urnmnlm union snuuld be inmuced
lo assisl Woman mmugh mining, low melts! loans und
other mullanisms St: a! \\D wmpfle on equal terms with
c) All discnlnmulnry laws, whe|hcr smulory nrcunomlry,
andull discnminmory prdphoeswhlchdisadvnnmgcwcm
shuuld be abolishm mama-Adm wim immedlale clrecl.
mm comma 0N lmD mow AND M mos/mm
d) Wumsn should hl: lalrly replcscmed on all {mule dismal
councils, lund hoards nmlhsr bedlcs wlnnh deal wnh lns
Illocalion and use ofland in lhn communal areas,
Lnnd nlluuliun and uduninislmlun:
The Canslinnian cnulsugss msl bolh me Had mm} leudcn and ms
govemmcm hnve u ml: |0 play m m: allocaliun and lhs admims
[ration of land. The precls: mum of men mpnclluc mlnx has In
be clcudy defined in hw and in lenns onlm dcmocmuc pnnciplcs
of mo Conslllullon.
Conrcmncs mulves mm:
:1 Th: ml: of lha lndnlunnl lenders m :llucalmg communul
lund shouldbe yecugmsed. bul pmpcrly definad under law
h) The esluhhslmcnlolmgmnsl and locll gaucmmcm insh-
lulians 'ls nnmdsd underlh: cunslilmlon 1hcirpowm
should nclude lsnd admxmslrzl n.
c} Land boards should be mlmduscd a| zn curly dam |u
adminislar ms ullocallun or mmmunal land The smd
bounds should be accoumablc m shc government and men
loculcommunl cs.
The stock mnlrul bun-l":
The majorily ul small farmers who live in "I: normal-n cnmlnuml
mus are prevented hum stllingtheir livuwck m In: cmnmcm |
11m: and m fumign markfls on umunl of me ve|uinnry mslnc.
lions (lhc Red Linc'). This mslricum'l excludcs lhem (mm
suhslsnlial economic henenls.
Conrmnco resolves lhai:
a) The sleek conlrol fcncc » lha uncalled Red luna' , mus1
be removed as soon as pnssihla. am has to b: lion: in place
for a puiod m orderm preserve Namibia's aooass m aanlo
cxporl maikcu.
ll) During this period. H1: govmmenl should ml up quannr
imc cnmps m allow farmers in use nonllcm wmmuml
ms in market lhclr livzsmck wulh olma icnoc
lllegnl fencing:
The uncnnlmllod ion ng aloummunnl land pnsns a scnousihmau
in ma fumm sunnsmnoo or small farmcls in ma communal amu
(onlmmu malm lhal illegal icncing or land mun he stopped
and all illegal (cums mus! he removed.
Dual grazing rigJILs:
Sumo largo ranncis imm lhc communal areas who huve bought
comm: farms macouncd rcncud communal land wulinuc lo
gmzo lhaiilivosmck on communal paalurc. This pmficc incmscs
the niossmo on she uln-auy ounsualonad grazing land in ma
mlmnunul areas ul lho expense olsmull rmmon.
Conrawncc remlvel: lluui
a) Communal funnels should nm ha alluwad ln have access
lo communal grazing land
wmu LONHREMF m lmuanom ANDTM Mommas
b) Communal rannaiswhouoquirc oommcrcial ralmashnuln
nnl b: allowed as ksep 1hclrughlsm communal glazing
22. Tnnsfer of large communal tumours in commercial Lana:
Givcnlbccxlsfillg nmssumancummuual landonmmunal fanncrs
uilh iha pnlnnnal m hconmc wmmuclnl (annals can be cncouk
aged. ilncccssaiylhsongh govcmmcnlschcmcs,lo acoune land m
we mmmcmlal sccmr. Such a xmusfer would mlieve nmssum an
land in lhc oammunal amas and would give small (annals an
unponunily lo imam: lhoir viahiluy and slandald oi livmg
Contamnca luau/Es xhsl.
a) Undcr lnu Conslllulmn, noona may h: rmood to lcavc
communal land. Bu! largo communal larmom buv'lllg a
cunmn minimum uumhcrorhuaslock should he encoun
aged m aoquim commoicml land oumdc lhu communal
a) Communal [amen aoqu gnnmmumial land should be
assislod linough schemes pmvidlng suopun, ch as» low
lnlmsl loans and lochnionl advice. Fimnclal s, «anoi-
shouldb:slncllylimilcdlmhow whocnn pmvalhcirmd
c) The crilcrla folidcnnfying Iaigc [ll-men should bu: cslubr
llshcd rm cash communal ama ay iunhcr sludy.
n) Fan-island nnw usau hy large humans in me communal
men: should am be expanded and 1 lulmo should he
mducad lo make snaco for small farmers.
NAlKlNM cwuimi 0N mun mow/N) M MND mum 3 3
23. Acts: lor uni. lmners Io mmmzrtlal land:
ln alder lo mlicvc lhc prossuru on communu lnnd, small farmers
can be mlocalwdm farmland in [he cummeminl Zone lhmugh 5m:
Vnpporlcd schemes,
Confcmncc recnmmellds mm:
a) Smrll farmers in (he communal urea: shouldbcnsslsled ro
oh|lin noses: lo land in nu» pmscm communal mu:
bl Coupcmuve uwnership and pmvisiun or sous lnnd fur
grzijrfg schemes should be considorod.
c) Small {mmersmovingxummmcrcinllnlld shouldbegivm
lmlning.lochnlczladvicculdasslslalwelnhllyuld impmve
:4 NGOs and umpemflves:
NGOs and cooperflivc: can play In lmporlam devclcpmcmnl rule
in Ill: rurnl arm.
Confemncc mornrnunds m:
n) Th: work quGOS rnd coopcrzuvas in agriculturaldcvel»
upmzm should be rocngnisod, mcnumgcd nnd prornoled;
bl Tho gnvcmmcm should ussisr all now and cooperauyos
which are auliv: in lhc field oirural doyoloprnonr
Duly ndoprdd by lh: Nuliannl Conference on Luna Refaml nud lhc Land
Qflflhfiufl al Ils final session on Munday. 1 July I990
Prime Minislers closing remarks
w: hnyo now come al (he cud or "ii: insroric confercncc A
canfemncc ui whlch Gnvcmmcnl snughl xo consuli lhc people of rhis
counlry before hbmm
3 our 2 nm'lm'lal policy on [and Miami To lhc
oxronnhar ir wnrrnlendod In be sconsnhalinnu ibis crrnimnce was indood
n mwunding success.
Almnugh n0| everybody who wnhod M) be iuvuod could gel a sea a|
lhc conkmncc pmicipmion or me conkmnc: was rruly nnrionul, All
camels oi our coumry wen rupmeniod. All lnnguag: groups in our
counny wuznpnscmed Evclybndy. ||I= landowners and lhc lnnrl hungry
Wm mpmmmcd u rhooohrorunooo 'lhi doodispos yo pmfofmefucx
lluuNami annbxian is rruly in me making. The uony,iho undorsrnndlng
nndrho discipl nedunonslmed allhccmlfenncc waslmly remarkableand
l would in fuiling in my dury ii I did nnl monk nll lhe panic sun for
obeying '11: Urdu: lhu rrorn Hm: |n iinro l bud |o lay down nnd cnlnme in
mdorlo innko me cnnlmnoc a success lwanl no say only lb' . and lhrs l
addmsslolhoseafus inCmvemmem lrlhir messufnauanalconsulu-
flan hos cobocarnod forward meaningfully ii ls oflh: unnosl impnnanc:
mu wc inlroduoe lelavision lo lh: fmrflung mus olourouunrry which up
k) now do nor mniyo lolorisrou or only racciv: slale hows slur a wank or
|wo. Telov should no longer be scan as n luxury bur nu cswnrizl idol
1" our quurr lorn bonurundorsundrog uracil olher and (m rho pooplo in
the farming areas drour oounnyro beuu nppmc' mlhecfforl being made
by Govemmenl lo uplin |hnir sisnuurds of living nnd (he lirniiuionr
imposod on Gorornrnnrn in lhnr regard.
Thar: wlll bo 50m: amongsl our number who may idol disappumled
becanu Lhcy m nm xblc in go away w I I place of Innd from us
cankmmw. Em rhu, as l was ur pains w poim our |imc and ngain, ms nol
1h: lawn [or I: conference, The Cmfexenw was callnd to hear lhe views
ofth: paple. You have spake", you hm made your views known we
know whal you wunl and u would be ioolhurdy almost: of us in posiuons
oi aurboriry lo disregard your views in [he lormlllalion bf u mliunal policy
mm cwumcsommbrsrow mo nu ma) (MIESVDN 35
on land reronn.
As ysniu be returning to your mpwlivc homes sner lhis cenrcmiee
mmzmbcr |o carry wth yuu use message nrhnpe. afmccllclliuunn audal
panncrship min ihis eenieienee,
As Lhc hinge goes suctxss hns nlnny psienls nnd mum is In owhln.
l would he railing in my duly, however, in dld 0| thank nll lhnse peisnns,
gevemmems. ergnnisnunns who in one wny m nnolher. comribumd in lhe
success of ihis hisxonc conference
lnpsmenlsr.l would mm [0 [hank Lhc govcmmcmofswcdemhmugh
le/l, lhe Goveminenl nl Brim" lhmngh om. organisafimls like 1L0.
FAQ, lhe Men Baud nnd Ssnlsin who ciLher contributed mwnms lhe
resemh mm or low'mis cunfcvzncc malarial or wwm'ds lhe wnfmncc
adm islmlion gencmlly.
i would alw lik: m think [he Gevcmmem oi Zimbabwe [or gulch
onsly ngieeing l0 lend us meir simnlumenus "Enslauon equipmenl In
enable us beucrcummllnicnlion wilh each (ML 1 would like uanimbn-
bwcan lechniclans lo |akc home our message or appmcinuon wilh lhern,
My sincere lpolngy gees le lhenelsngunge groupslerwhom sininllnnesus
lmnslallon was unavailablc mu account oi lhe l-mkdnwn ofsnme equip
IHEIIL Iwculd als/a elelhank lhe managcmcnlofSwuwck formaking
lhen conference [am nies nynilnhle Fur me ennrelenee.
LaSL hm by no menu; lhe lmi, [would like k: Lhank the sacrum
of me milkmllcc for lhe wandcrfnl support ihey have mndcmd ha [ha
Finnlly. l wan! I0 assure you Ihal lhe cansensns lhal we hive reached
al Um historic wnreieeee will be lsken serinusly by Goveminenland lhll
ll will guldc Geyeminenl in whalmnl does en lhe lninl mfarm issue. [in
il lmly mpiesenls uh: yeiee ofm: people,
30 mm< meme: 0N wDiFow/wn w WUGUKSTDN
Conference programme
Monday 24 June
0300 RGEKIYIIEBI DI plflicivflnls
17:30 Reception
Tuesday 25 June
omoo ngcuming
rennin-s openmg speech
pun» Mlmslcr's xddmis
1030 Tel bruk (10 minmex)
l l o Announcemamv
l 1:30 Simmcmx by memunnnyes
oimglnnll nrgnniuiions Ind gmuPS ( I 5! union)
l2 so Lunch bunk H hum 30 nnninesl
u 00 Slzlemcnl: by munmivex
olieglonnl eigsnissnenund gmupsflnd sessmn)
woo Tu bmlk (m mimflcs)
lb 30 Slllemmus by lepmznlalim
olpmlmannl mynl s Ind inxeiesl groups
limo Adjnummzm
Wednesday 26 June
07 [)0 Smlcmcnih by mpnwnllllva 17f pollllcul pnnies (m Mission)
Tel bleak (3D mlnuxci)
Smmenls by nmmmlvcs when Finns (2nd session}
Lumh bleak H hall! 30 mil-lines)
Vidzu documznury
Punt! discuwlm: Queslimls (including wlmen qucslmns) Ind
ecu-imam me m: not on ism-1:: nllnng mm: film and [0 the
pmnlalmnsmxdc by pelii' .1 panlax, r: vial group: in
mfessiunnl orglmuhuns
ibOU Tu hmk (30 mlnuws)
£30 Panel discusslnn commands
in. wlih . new pinel
16:30 Adjuummcnl
mom Luwarr 0N wn wuwmn ME we sum-0N 37
Thursday 27 June
09:00 Lnnn Minn for mm, id: will: purpasc .nd :1 wlm mm
Dml prescnufiml by hidcpendenlflpms dim umimls (nthnd use
.nd stulememoflh: print: wmmercill {Inns
limo Tu break (30 minul=SJ
i l :00 Final ufexpcns:
Quesliom (including wrinui qubsliulu) (mm m: floor in mm
niwd in me ml pnsulul'iun by (h: ups": Ind/or me Mulch
l2 so um (1 hour so niinnlu)
lmo Vlden docunumnry on : min-m than:
use Debate. chllmd by the rim Minincr,
an All: uphmls (or lnnd in: Ind minim in me mimic W7
cm] farms
l e100 Tu blank (30 minum)
lé-so Debut cmanuu V
limo slimmingnn by nine min: Minmcr
18:30 Mjwmmem
Friday 28 June
owe Land mined pmhlcms m Lhc Cammuml Areas. OIII pmnminn
by indupcndzm nxpcm,
lo so Tu hunk (30 mmulcs)
1 I00 Purl alcxpcru. meians (including wrillen quesflmu) rm In:
line: on
innings raised m (he on! pmswunnn by Hi: cxpens Ind/or ii»
March ppm
1230 Lunch (I Iloul so nnnnws)
moo Vidm documenwy in. n Velma! mm:
was Dehale, :huwd by DI: Prim: Mlnismr,
on l.nd remzd ymbkmsofcummuna Aim
woo m bleak (3|) mmulss)
mac chaln cnminucs
SVOO Summing up by in: Prim: Minister
limo Adjoummcm
Salinday 29 June
Morning {me
moo Video documenury an n nimni mun:
lmo mum, chaimd by in: Prim: Minnie).
on thcdevelvpmcrlx thz lngzmle Dummuninl seclm
moo Tm lncnk (2i) nnnnml
15:30 Dehatb mummies
18.00 Summing up by in: Prime Minism
[6:30 Adjonmmem
Sunday 30 June
Morning in:
Vldcn documzmxy cm . mluvnm Ilium:
Debale. mind by ms Prune minim. rm in: dcveluvmem urine
Cammlxml Mus md lhb mluliun ufploblzmi
oled mus. lnnd lllmfiml nnd lnnd adminislmiun m (M
odininnnnl Arux
Tu m an minuifi)
Dab: wulinuei
Summmg llp i.y Ihe Prim: Mlnlncr
Monday lluly
Addy-ion ofConfuence mcommndallonx
1}: m an minniul
mine Minmnr's aiming .ddm
Cnnlmm clam
mlinndd by Dimcmlflc, rmdnclmn .nd Publi
Mlnquyhrlnlmmmian nnl Bmxdcnsflng
mm Eng lam
1-21.: mm
an mm
wow cmrslsm mmwzrowwm mmsslm 39